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 List challenges of parenting a child with special needs. (AS MANY AS YOU CAN THINK OF!)

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Presentation on theme: " List challenges of parenting a child with special needs. (AS MANY AS YOU CAN THINK OF!)"— Presentation transcript:

1  List challenges of parenting a child with special needs. (AS MANY AS YOU CAN THINK OF!)

2 Unit 5 Parenting

3  While every child is unique, some might be called EXCEPTIONAL.  One child may have an unusually HIGH intelligence, or he/she may have an unusually LOW intelligence.  Both children are exceptional.

4  Unable to perform certain physical, mental, and/or emotional tasks ◦ intellectual function below average ◦ unable to care for self or live independently ◦ can care for self with assistance Physically Disabled ◦ limited mobility, vision, hearing, speech ◦ immobile, blind, deaf, mute

5 Learning Disability ◦ Dyslexia… children have a difficult time with spelling and decoding letters Emotional & Behavioral Disorders ◦ ADD… a learning disability in which a person is not able to control his or her activity or concentrate for a normal length of time ◦ ADHD…A hyperactive (being overly and uncontrollably active) child may struggle in school ◦ Depression and/or anxiety

6 Pervasive Developmental Disabilities ◦ Autism (disorder characterized by lack of communication, extreme concern with oneself, and detachment from reality) ◦ Gifted Children  Children with unusual intelligence, special artistic talents, and/or the ability to understand relationships and abstract ideas) ◦ above average intellectual abilities ◦ extraordinary talent ◦ often referred to as a prodigy (a gifted child)

7  They want to be treated like everyone else, especially their sibling (a brother or sister)  Specific equipment if need is physical ◦ Crutches, braces, wheel chair ◦ Hearing aids, sign language ◦ Braille  Specific education requirements for learning disabilities ◦ IEP, designated classroom ◦ Inclusion (a term for enrolling special needs children into all areas of the curriculum)  Challenges and outlets for gifted children ◦ Advanced course ◦ Musical and Artistic experiences

8 1. ACT on diagnosed condition Don’t deny the condition! Inform school system and start treatment that is necessary. 2. EDUCATE family The more they know, the better they can help! 3. Find SUPPORT Others who are going through a similar situation will understand and be able to offer hope!

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