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Empirical Treasure, Lost and Found Linda S. Gottfredson University of Delaware, USA International Society for Intelligence Research Melbourne, Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "Empirical Treasure, Lost and Found Linda S. Gottfredson University of Delaware, USA International Society for Intelligence Research Melbourne, Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Empirical Treasure, Lost and Found Linda S. Gottfredson University of Delaware, USA International Society for Intelligence Research Melbourne, Australia December 12, 2013 12/12/20131

2 Imagine 12/12/20132

3 Miraculous? 12/12/20133 “If all 13-year-olds took the same 15-minute test (WASI), I could give you each child’s odds for all these adult outcomes without knowing anything else about them.” – Drops out of high school, – Holds mostly unskilled jobs, skilled jobs vs. professional jobs – Performs those jobs well – Lives in poverty AND – Can find a particular intersection on a map, or grams of carbohydrate per serving on a food label – Adheres to a medical treatment regimen for diabetes or other chronic illness – Dies prematurely …that someone told you this. Would you bet against this odds-maker? Don’t!

4 Actual landscape of odds, by outcome and IQ* 12/12/20134 Ability level Outcomes Odds (yes/no) * Source of data: Gottfredson, 1997, p.118 (young adults) and p.116 (all adults) 50:50 Sample

5 Now imagine 12/12/20135

6 …that this person also claims that: 12/12/20136 “With just one more piece of information, I can tell you how to improve the worst odds—without changing IQ and without leveling social resources. AND It would save thousands if not millions of lives, and millions if not billions of health care dollars.” Miraculous? Credible?? Yes, and g is the key!

7 Lost treasure of g—a personal account Chronology  Today—g 30 years after rediscovery  Yesterday—Dark Ages before rediscovery  Tomorrow—Vast opportunities ahead Unexpected lessons  Complexity of everyday life  Power of “inconsequential” effects A story to remember 12/12/20137

8 g: 30 Years of Discovery 12/12/20138

9 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 9 Traits g g rediscovered (See notes for slide)

10 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 10 Traits g g rediscovered (See notes for slide)

11 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 11 Traits g g rediscovered (See notes for slide)

12 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 12 Traits g g rediscovered (See notes for slide)

13 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 13 Traits g g rediscovered (See notes for slide)

14 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 14 Traits g g rediscovered (See notes for slide)

15 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 15 Traits g g rediscovered (See notes for slide)

16 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 16 Traits g g rediscovered (See notes for slide)

17 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 17 Traits g g rediscovered

18 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 18 Traits g g rediscovered

19 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 19 Traits g g rediscovered

20 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 20 Traits g g rediscovered

21 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 21 Traits g g rediscovered

22 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 22 Traits g g rediscovered Nomological network

23 Human variation in g: Extraordinary phenomenon Recurring Species-wide General-use capacity Shapes human institutions Drives its own evolution 12/12/201323 g

24 Dark Ages Before Rediscovery 12/12/201324

25 Life outcomes Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 25 g lost by 1970s Performance Social structure Traits IQ X X X when I entered grad school

26 My 30 years, pre-PhD 12/12/201326 Themes Explore, collect & classify Chase puzzles Feet on the ground Man from Mars Penang Malaysia 19471977

27 Life outcomes 12/12/2013 27 Social structure Social inequality 1970s Sociology Difference= inequality Inequality is neither natural nor moral Social class hierarchy

28 12/12/2013 28 Social inequality 1970s Social privilege is… …socially reproduced Social class hierarchy

29 12/12/2013 29 Social inequality Performance 1970s Social privilege is… …socially reproduced …socially inherited Social class hierarchy

30 12/12/2013 30 1970s Social privilege is… Performance …socially reproduced …socially inherited Manufactured differences IQ aspirations …disguised as “merit” Social class hierarchy Social inequality “everyone can do any job” “doctors should work up from orderly”

31 Sound eerily familiar? In USA: Law—“No Child Left Behind” Too-good-to-be-true science—“several weeks of N- back training raised intelligence” 12/12/201331

32 Needed: Shift in Focus 12/12/201332 Knowing g by what brings it forth— task complexity

33 My alternative explanation:* Higher intelligence has functional value Required me to study attributes of jobs and tasks, not just people. Specifically-- What in a job requires the exercise of g? What makes some more “g loaded” than others? 12/12/201333 *Alternative to social privilege theory

34 Key finding #1: Occupational hierarchy is cognitive Same worldwide Mean worker IQs track jobs’ cognitive complexity Job complexity hierarchy evolved as work tasks clustered (into occupations) by g loading to fit human variation in g 12/12/201334

35 Correlation with factor  Learn and recall relevant information  Reason and make judgments  Deal with unexpected situations  Identify problem situations quickly  React swiftly when unexpected problems occur  Apply common sense to solve problems  Learn new procedures quickly  Be alert & quick to understand things *Job analysis by Arvey (1986). Key finding #2: “Judgment & Reasoning Factor” among jobs* Complexity factor among jobs is mirror image of g factor among people Workers must: 12/12/201335

36 12/12/2013 36 Life outcomes Social structure Traits Performance Tasks g + So, g loading is the flip side of g g loadings

37 Key finding #3: The Complexity Dynamic Tasks that are more complex – put a bigger premium on learning-reasoning ability – lead to bigger differences in task performance 12/12/201337 Gaps Gains A AB B AB More complex task Performance level

38 But how could a general intelligence ever evolve? What adaptive challenges could possibly have been so general, so non-specific, to evolve such a content-free, domain-general ability?? 12/12/201338

39 Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 39 Performance Traits g Tasks i nnovation New hazards Key finding #4: Power of cumulating “inconsequential” effects

40 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 40 Traits g Task complexity Key finding #5: Life’s complexity turns the wheel of g

41 12/12/201341 Complexity of everyday life, today

42 Typical life outcomes along IQ continuum 12/12/201342

43 12/12/201343 Ability level Outcomes Odds (yes/no) * Source of data: Gottfredson, 1997, p.118 (young adults) and p.116 (all adults) 50:50 Sample Landscape of cognitive error on everyday tasks* Recall this

44 12/12/201344 Examples of everyday tasks* *Items on 1993 National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Your child is 11 years old and weighs 85 pounds. How many 80 mg tablets can you give in 24-hr period?

45 Error rate (%) 2 3 4 5 Landscape of cognitive error on everyday tasks* *Source of data: National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS), ages 16-65., Kirsch et al. (1993) 12/12/201345 Difficulty level (sample literacy tasks) Interpret brief phrase in long article Calculate discount on bill paid early Write letter explaining error in bill Total the costs on order form Find meeting time on form

46 Error rate (%) 2 3 4 5 Cognitive risk Cognitive burden Cognitive resources 23%28% 31% 15% 3% % of adults: *Source of data: National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS), ages 16-65., Kirsch et al. (1993) 12/12/201346 47%33% 16% 4% ~0% % of adults ages 60+ : Landscape of cognitive error on everyday tasks*

47 Opportunities—An Example 12/12/201347

48 Current (g-blind) “solutions” to challenges in health care Political: race-class disparities in health – Equalize access to care [it actually increases disparities] – Teach health providers to be more culturally sensitive – Redistribute wealth to keep social disadvantage from “getting under the skin” Practical: patient non-adherence to treatment – Give patients more information “Déjà vu all over again” 12/12/201348

49 Current project Increase cognitive accessibility of DSM* Analyze the “job” of diabetes Focus on most critical tasks Target instruction to ability level Feedback & follow-up 12/12/201349 *DSM = diabetes self-management

50 Human face of diabetes self-management 12/12/201350

51 Job analyst’s view: The patient’s job description Learn about diabetes in general (At “entry’) – Physiological process – Interdependence of diet, exercise, meds – Symptoms & corrective action – Consequences of poor control Apply knowledge to own case (Daily, Hourly) – Implement appropriate regimen – Continuously monitor physical signs – Diagnose problems in timely manner – Adjust food, exercise, meds in timely and appropriate manner Coordinate with relevant parties (Frequently) – Negotiate changes in activities with family, friends, job – Enlist/capitalize on social support – Communicate status and needs to practitioners Update knowledge & adjust regimen (Occasionally) – When other chronic conditions or disabilities develop – When new treatments are ordered – When life circumstances change Conditions of work—24/7, no days off, no retirement Learn about diabetes in general (At “entry’) – Physiological process – Interdependence of diet, exercise, meds – Symptoms & corrective action – Consequences of poor control Apply knowledge to own case (Daily, Hourly) – Implement appropriate regimen – Continuously monitor physical signs – Diagnose problems in timely manner – Adjust food, exercise, meds in timely and appropriate manner Coordinate with relevant parties (Frequently) – Negotiate changes in activities with family, friends, job – Enlist/capitalize on social support – Communicate status and needs to practitioners Update knowledge & adjust regimen (Occasionally) – When other chronic conditions or disabilities develop – When new treatments are ordered – When life circumstances change Conditions of work—24/7, no days off, no retirement Self- management Training 12/12/201351

52 Good performance requires good judgment  IT IS NOT mechanically following a recipe  IT IS keeping a complex system under control in often unpredictable circumstances (like accident prevention process)  Coordinate a regimen having multiple interacting elements  Adjust parts as needed to maintain good control of system buffeted by many other factors  Anticipate lag time between (in)action and system response  Monitor advance “hidden” indicators (blood glucose) to prevent system veering badly out of control  Decide appropriate type and timing of corrective action if system veering off-track  Monitor/control other shocks to system (infection, emotional stress)  Coordinate regimen with other daily activities  Plan ahead (meals, meds, etc.)  For the expected  For the unexpected and unpredictable  Prioritize conflicting demands on time and behavior  IT IS NOT mechanically following a recipe  IT IS keeping a complex system under control in often unpredictable circumstances (like accident prevention process)  Coordinate a regimen having multiple interacting elements  Adjust parts as needed to maintain good control of system buffeted by many other factors  Anticipate lag time between (in)action and system response  Monitor advance “hidden” indicators (blood glucose) to prevent system veering badly out of control  Decide appropriate type and timing of corrective action if system veering off-track  Monitor/control other shocks to system (infection, emotional stress)  Coordinate regimen with other daily activities  Plan ahead (meals, meds, etc.)  For the expected  For the unexpected and unpredictable  Prioritize conflicting demands on time and behavior 12/12/201352

53 Occupational hierarchy Cognitive complexity 12/12/201353 Diabetes?

54 Sample guidance today “Adjust insulin dose for number of carbohydrates in meal” 12/12/201354 Knowledge & mental calculations required??

55 One piece of info Simple match But lots of irrelevant info Caution! Can train people to do this task, but not all possible tasks like it 12/12/201355 Task #1—Underline sentence saying how often to give medicine Sample health literacy item—how simple?

56 Task #1—Underline sentence saying how often to give medicine NALS levels 1 2 3 4 5 LITERACY SCORES: 100 200 250 300 350 400 500 Mean = 272 One piece of info Simple match But lots of irrelevant info #1 239 56 Not so simple for many people… 12/12/2013

57 Error rate (%) 2 3 4 5 Cognitive risk Cognitive burden Cognitive resources 23%28% 31% 15% 3% % of adults: *Source of data: National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS), ages 16-65., Kirsch et al. (1993) 12/12/201357 47%33% 16% 4% ~0% % of adults ages 60+ : Need an epidemiology of patient error

58 Error rate (%) 2 3 4 5 Cognitive risk Cognitive burden Cognitive resources *Source of data: National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS), ages 16-65., Kirsch et al. (1993) 12/12/201358 Change the job (not person) strategies Reduce/limit Supplement when critical tasks complex

59 Stories of Synergy in Research on g 12/12/201359 Synergy – Interaction of parts has bigger effect than the sum of parts

60 Example: 1986 12/12/201360 Created synergy Panel of illustrious authors Peer-reviewed journal Mailed 6000 copies to top researchers Instant impact

61 12/12/201361 “It is the position of AAIDD that intellectual functioning (as defined [by Mainstream Science on Intelligence, 1997]) is best conceptualized and captured by a general factor of intelligence, g” (p. 34). AAIDD* Manual, 11 th ed., 2010 Example: 1997 *AAIDD = Amer. Assoc. of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

62 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 62 Traits g Nomological network grows

63 Performance Life outcomes Social structure Evolution Genes Brain 12/12/2013 63 Traits g Many others ISIR Shoulders I’ve stood on Robert Plomin Thomas Bouchard, Jr. Douglas Detterman Arthur Jensen Richard Haier David Lubinski Julian Stanley Rosalind Arden Lloyd Humphreys Robert Gordon John Carroll Frank Schmidt

64 To our young members 12/12/201364 Go find some good shoulders to stand on!

65 Thank you. 12/12/201365

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