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Workshop 3 – Sustainable development North Sea STAR Lynne McGowan, University of Liverpool ESPON Open Seminar 2014 “Opportunities and threats for territorial.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop 3 – Sustainable development North Sea STAR Lynne McGowan, University of Liverpool ESPON Open Seminar 2014 “Opportunities and threats for territorial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop 3 – Sustainable development North Sea STAR Lynne McGowan, University of Liverpool ESPON Open Seminar 2014 “Opportunities and threats for territorial cohesion: Blue Growth and Urban Poverty”

2 Project Aim To assess North Sea Region INTERREG IVb project results (in the context of the Europe 20:20:20 energy goals) with a view to developing the most effective regional energy responses possible in future Operational Programmes. Method -Mapping of available energy data and key trends at European, national and regional level for North Sea countries -Analysis of energy policies (European, national and regional) -Exploring energy scenarios up to 2050 -Case studies: NSR funded energy projects and project “clusters” Context

3 Territorial Trends in Energy Import Dependency by Fossil Fuels (%), 2011

4 Territorial Trends in Energy 200020062007200820092010 EU2746.753.75354.653.752.7 Belgium78.179.777.179.974.376.8 Denmark-35.3-35.9-24.7-22.9-20.6-18.2 Germany59.560.758.160.561.559.8 Netherlands38.737.438.934.436.530.7 Sweden39.237.836.337.937.136.5 UK-1721.220.426.2 28.3 Norway-731-664.8-654.4-612.3-639.1-517.4 Energy dependency ratios, countries adjacent to the North Sea (DG Energy, 2012

5 Territorial Trends in Energy Primary Production of Energy from Renewable Sources in North Sea Countries, 2001-2011 (TOE)

6 Replacing aging energy infrastructure (e.g. oil and gas pipelines) Integration with land-based energy systems Securing investment in large scale deployment of blue energy technologies, e.g. wave and tidal power Developing synergies with other maritime sectors such as shipping For small scale projects: -Challenges in creating long-term change -Opportunities for innovation and developing indigenous (energy) potential Challenges and Opportunities

7 Evidence Needs Better reporting: Progress against National Renewable Energy Action Plans only measured at NUTS0 level. Eurostat – provides information on ocean energy (wave, tidal etc.) but does not differentiate between on and offshore wind Policy contexts and coastal/marine planning differ from country to country. Reporting requirements under the new MSP Directive should go some way to address knowledge gaps and facilitate collaboration.

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