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Landscape Institute Seminar Green Infrastructure – connected and multifunctional landscapes 16 th July 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Landscape Institute Seminar Green Infrastructure – connected and multifunctional landscapes 16 th July 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landscape Institute Seminar Green Infrastructure – connected and multifunctional landscapes 16 th July 2009

2 Green Infrastructure from a planning perspective Colin White Planning Officer Chilterns Conservation Board

3 Introduction  Background  Context  AONB Management Plan  GI Plans  How can we cope?  Conclusions

4 Background - AONBs  National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949  CRoW Act 2000:  Re-enforced purposes of the AONB designation  Placed a duty on local authorities and Conservation Boards to prepare Management Plan  Placed a duty on public bodies (et al) to have regard to the purposes of the AONB (s. 85)  Conservation Boards  Recent Planning Acts and Planning Policy Statements (SPD vital)

5 Chilterns Conservation Board  Legally independent body set up on the instructions of parliament (CRoW)  Three purposes:  Conserve and enhance natural beauty  Increase understanding and enjoyment  Seek to foster economic and social well- being (in partnership with local authorities)

6 Local Planning Authorities Section 85 duty (CRoW)  Have a duty to have regard to the following purpose:  Conservation and enhancement of the natural beauty of the AONB In exercising or performing any functions in relation to, or so as to affect, land in the AONB

7 Context

8 Context - pressures  Existing population  Growth  Housing  Infrastructure  Visitors  Loss of tranquillity


10 Management Plan Specific AONB Management Plan policies  L8 - Manage landscapes close to existing and new areas of development so as to be capable of absorbing higher levels of recreation whilst maintaining local character and biodiversity interest.  D7 - Pursue opportunities for landscape improvement and creation of green space (green infrastructure) when development is proposed in, or adjacent to, the boundaries of the AONB.

11 GI Plans  Hit and miss  Bucks and Beds  Herts  Oxon  Chalk Arc  Green Arcs (London)  Use in planning  CCB involvement

12 How can we cope?  In from the start  Can’t sit back  Be proactive  Be reactive  Cajole and berate  Ensure adoption and use (GI plans)  Multifunctional

13 Do nothing

14 Careful management

15 Involve all players …

16 … there are a few

17 Context is vital …

18 … really vital

19 Think outside the box

20 Conclusions  Essential to pre-plan GI where needed  Consistent approach – GI plans  Negotiation and involvement are vital  Use other strategies and data (CQC)  Development should be placed in GI  Existing links should be used and enhanced  More links should be created if needed, do nothing if this works  Landscape planning done at all scales

21 Thank you – questions? Contact: Colin White 01844 355507 Visit -

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