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National Planning Policy Framework. 2 Planning reform: main aims Put power in the hands of communities - with policy that is radically streamlined and.

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Presentation on theme: "National Planning Policy Framework. 2 Planning reform: main aims Put power in the hands of communities - with policy that is radically streamlined and."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Planning Policy Framework

2 2 Planning reform: main aims Put power in the hands of communities - with policy that is radically streamlined and more accessible Promote sustainable development - to provide the jobs and homes we need Conserve and enhance the environment

3 3 National Planning Policy Framework: Overview Achieving sustainable development the presumption in favour of sustainable development core planning principles delivering sustainable development in practice, including policies to build a strong economy, deliver housing, and conserve the environment Plan-making Decision-taking Annexes 1. Implementation 2. Glossary 3. Documents replaced by Framework

4 4 Achieving sustainable development Purpose of planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development Policies in the Framework taken as a whole constitute the Government’s view of what sustainable development in England means in practice for the planning system Framework references broad principles of sustainable development set out by the UN and the UK Sustainable Development Strategy Sustainable development has 3 dimensions - social, environmental and economic: gains across all 3 should be sought jointly

5 5 The presumption in favour of sustainable development Works within statutory framework Sets out clear expectation for plan-making with the aim that objectively assessed needs should be met For decision-taking, proposals in line with the plan to be approved without delay; where the plan is absent, silent or relevant policies out-of-date, permission to be granted unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits … unless specific policies eg on Green Belt, National Parks indicate development should be restricted

6 6 Core planning principles Core principles to underpin plan-making and decision-taking include that planning should: Be genuinely plan-led, empowering local people to shape their surroundings Proactively drive and support sustainable economic development Always seek to secure high quality design Take account of the different roles and character of different areas Contribute to conserving and enhancing the natural environment Encourage the effective use of brownfield land Conserve heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance

7 7 Building a strong, competitive economy, and ensuring the vitality of town centres Significant weight on need to support economic growth Councils to plan proactively to meet development needs of business, assessing the impact of policies on viability of development Importance of town centres to thriving communities stressed, with clear sequential and impact test for out of town development – applications should be refused if they fail the test Offices, culture and tourism in definition of main town centre use, and specific policy supporting existing and new markets

8 8 Requiring good design Expectation that developments will function well, add to the overall quality of the area, and establish a strong sense of place Significant weight for truly outstanding or innovative designs Refuse permission for development of poor design Local design review arrangements to provide assessment and support to ensure high standards of design Refer major projects for a National Design Review and have regard to the recommendations from the design review panel

9 9 Conserving and enhancing the environment Framework supports implementation of the Natural Environment White Paper Councils to plan positively for networks of biodiversity and green infrastructure Encourage brownfield land back into use, provided it is not of high environmental value Support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions Avoid inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding Conserve and enhance the historic environment

10 10 Implementation Policies in Framework applied from day of publication Plans not considered out-of-date just because they were prepared prior to the Framework Due weight for plan policies according to degree of conformity with the Framework 12 month period of full weight for policies in post 2004 plans even if limited conflict with the Framework Weight for emerging plans

11 National Planning Policy Framework

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