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E XECUTION P HASE. W HERE ARE WE ? InitiationPlanningExecutionClosing.

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2 W HERE ARE WE ? InitiationPlanningExecutionClosing

3 O BJECTIVES Distinguish between the one core process and six facilitating processes of the executing process group

4 Q UESTIONS TO A SK How will the project team know to start? How will the team work together? How will everyone know what is expected?

5 E XECUTING P ROCESSES Direct & Manage Project Execution Perform Quality Assurance Acquire TeamDevelop TeamDistribute InformationManage Project Team Manage Stakeholders Expectations Conduct Procurements Integration Quality HR Procurements Communications

6 D EFINITION Project plan execution is the primary process for carrying out the project plan—the vast majority of the project’s budget will be expended in performing this process PMBOK ® Guide, 4 th Edition

7 T EAMS WILL BE WORKING ACTIVELY Defining Planning Estimating Scheduling Documenting Working under pressure Problem identification Problem Solving

8 O PERATING P ROCEDURES SHOULD BE CLARIFIED Meeting types, frequency, format, etiquette Delegation Brainstorming Decision-making process Using consensus Problem-solving process Resolving conflict

9 E XECUTION P HASE  Work results  Change requests Outputs Inputs  Project plan  Supporting detail  Organizational policies  Preventive action  Corrective action  Use general management skills  Product skills and knowledge  Work authorization system  Status review meetings  Project MIS  Organizational procedures Tools and Techniques

10 O RGANIZATIONAL S TRUCTURES S UMMARY Organizational structures can help or Hinder project management in an organization Three types exist. Functional (traditional), Projectized, and Matrix. 10

11 11 Organizational Structures Head Accounting Marketing Operations Advantage: Stable, specialization,.. Challenges : Project Failure, communication across functions is poor.

12 12 Projectized Structure Project Manager HDTV Project LCD Project Project 3 R&D Staff Engg. Staff Advantage: Highly receptive to new projects, greater control of resources. Easier planning. Enhances project success! Disadvantage: No career path, poor stability, redundancy

13 13 Matrix Head R & DProductionIT R&D Staff. Ad: Better use of resources, dual flow or information, project objectives are clear & visible, high morale, development of project managers, Non-traumatic project shut-down. Challenges: Two bosses, complexity, slower reaction time than projectized, conflict over priorities. PM Eng Staff

14 C OMPARISON 14 FunctionalMatrixProjectized PM AuthorityLittleLittle-HighHigh Full Time Dedicated Staff 0-25%0 – 95%90-100% PM RolePart-TimePart to Full- Time Full-Time TitleCoordinator/Lead er Coordinator to Project/Progra m Manager Project/Program Manager Administrative Staff Part-TimePart to Full- Time Full-Time Weak Matrix Balanced Matrix Strong Matrix Matrix Note: Matrix is a continuum

15 E XECUTION P HASE D ISCUSSIONS Status Reviews—how are we doing it? What is working? What is not?

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