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Fluorescent Multi-Layer Disc

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1 Fluorescent Multi-Layer Disc
ATRIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A Presentation On Fluorescent Multi-Layer Disc Internal guide Presented by Mr. Lakshmisagar Nagadatta.P

2 WHAT IS FMD? Fluorescent Multilayer disc is a new technology developed by Constellation 3D Inc. It stores digital data in three dimensions. It is a readable and re-writable disc. It is an optical data storage disc, similar in size CD-ROMs And DVDs.

3 NEED OF FMD? Increased disc Capacity
Quick parallel access and retrieval information. Media tolerances. Usage Flexibility.

4 The FMDs works on the phenomenon of PHOTOCHROMISM.
OPERATING PRINCIPLE The FMDs works on the phenomenon of PHOTOCHROMISM. The selection of fluorescent material. Obtain fluorescent properties. Simulation and Emission. Filtration and Finish.

5 Model of FMDs

HOT STAMPING:- Pressing of sheets. Formation of layer. Filling the pits. Pressing of informational layers.

7 FMD RECORDING Technology Used:- WORM(Write Once Read Many)
Two Rules to be followed while recording. The write laser should able to turn the fluorescence on or off Threshold power of laser for recording and less power for reading

8 FMD READ DEVICE Reading process is carried out with the help of a photosensitive element. Device can read low-power fluorescence of 10 MHz. Reading speed up to 1GB/sec. Mechanical speed of the derive is 450 times lower than that of DVD.

9 DEVELOPMENTS First generation FMDs were to use 650 nm red lasers, yielding roughly 140 GB per disc. Second and third generation FMDs were to use 405 nm blue lasers, giving capacities of up to a terabyte. A newly formed company called D Data Inc. acquired the patent portfolio of Constellation 3D in 2003, and plans to reintroduce the technology under the new name of Digital Multilayer Disk (DMD).


11 CD vs DVD vs FMD PARAMETERS CD DVD FMD 1.Disc Diameter 1.2mm
2.Capacity 700MB 4.7GB Upto 1 TB 3.Wavelength 780nm 650nm nm 4. Distance b/w Tracks 1.6micron 0.85micron 0.80micron 5.No.of layers 1 2 Upto 100

12 APPLICATIONS Data warehouses. E-commerce related data mining.
Storage of very high detailed archive of maps. PVR (Priya Village Road show), HDTV. Ability to store a large amount of data in uncompressed format.

13 ADVANTAGES Prevents problem of interference since it uses an
incoherent fluorescent light. Compatible with CD and DVD formats with more storage area and faster access. Fluorescent technology do not require special manufacturing conditions. Cost of production of FMD is relatively cheap. It consists multiple data layers, Capacity of each data layer is 4.7 GB

14 CONCLUSION Man’s need for additional storage space is increasing .
The FMD Digital Cinema disc has the potential to provide a secure, removable, single disc distribution method. The FMD can provide us with a staggering 140 GB of storage space seems to be an enticing solution for the storage- hungry masses.


16 T H A N K Y O U


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