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Hydrological Survey for Development of HEPP Determination of Techno-economical Viable Hydro Project Capacity ……. P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Hydrological Survey for Development of HEPP Determination of Techno-economical Viable Hydro Project Capacity ……. P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hydrological Survey for Development of HEPP Determination of Techno-economical Viable Hydro Project Capacity ……. P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department

3 Methodology of HEPP Development Site Survey: Hydrological & geological Survey. Estimation of Potential Regulations & Environmental Concerns Feasible Supply Turbine Selection Costing and Payback.

4 Hydrological Survey: Flow Duration Curve To measure the flow-rate vs time at a given site. Direct Measurement of the flow rate. The more robust option is to find out the flow-rate by working out the volume of water that was entering the river. This uses the rainfall data from met office.

5 Hydrological Cycle

6 Catchment Area

7 The Western Ghats


9 East Flowing River : The Krishna

10 Catchment Area: 2,58,958 Sq. km Annual Yield: 57,000 M.cum

11 The West Flowing River: The Sharavathi The river Sharavathi originates at a height of 730m near Ambuthirtha, in Shimoga district. It flows in a north-west direction, in its long, 132-km journey.

12 Rain Fall Data : Hydrograph

13 Flow Duration Curve

14 Average Flow duration Curve Mean of 10 – 30 years % of time Discharge, Cumecs QmQm Q 100% Q 95% Q 50%

15 Estimation of Hydro Power Potential Mean potential power The annual mean discharge is the value that equalizes the area of the annual flow duration curve. The average of mean flow is understood as the arithmetic mean of annual mean discharges for a period of 10 to 30 years. Minimum potential power, or theoretical capacity of 100%, is the term for the potential computed from the minimum flow observed. Np100 Small potential power. The theoretical capacity of 95% can be derived from the discharge of 95% duration as indicated by the average flow duration curve. Np95. Median or average potential power. The theoretical capacity of 50% can be computed from the discharge of 50% duration as represented by the average flow duration curve. Np50.

16 Determination of storage capacity & Submergence of Catchment Area

17 Creation of Reservoir

18 Reservoirs A reservoir is a manmade lake or structure used to store water. A reservoir with dam has an uncontrolled inflow but a largely controlled outflow. The water available for storage is totally a function of the natural stream flow. Reservoir capacity is the max. volume of water that can be stored in the particular reservoir. It is the normal maximum pool level behind a dam. This can be calculated by using a topographic map of the region.

19 Mass Flow Analysis monthDischarge Cum. Discharge Reservoir Draftmonth Cum. Reservoir Draft 1296 -259.9171-259.92 2386682-169.9172-429.83 35041186-51.91673-481.75 47141900158.0834-323.67 58102710254.0835-69.58 611543864598.0836528.50 77464610190.0837718.58 811585768602.08381320.67 93486116-207.91791112.75 101506266-405.91710706.83 112236489-332.91711373.92 121826671-373.917120.00 555.9167

20 Cumulative Discharge curve : Reservoir capacity Feeding Flow Annual Mean Discharge Storage Capacity

21 Mass Flow Analysis monthDischarge Cum. Discharge Reservoir Draftmonth Cum. Reservoir Draft 1296 -259.9171-259.92 2386682-169.9172-429.83 35041186-51.91673-481.75 47141900158.0834-323.67 58102710254.0835-69.58 611543864598.0836528.50 77464610190.0837718.58 811585768602.08381320.67 93486116-207.91791112.75 101506266-405.91710706.83 112236489-332.91711373.92 121826671-373.917120.00 555.9167

22 Reservoir Draft for Power Generation Reservoir Volume = 1800X10 6 m 3 Cumulative Draft

23 Creation of Reservoir : Srisailam Height of Dam: 143.90m Maximum Depth of Reservoir : 214.76 m Capacity of the Reservoir: 8,700 M cum




27 Case Studies Kalinadi Hydro Electric Project


29 The Kali River or Kalinadi is a river flowing through Karwar, Uttara Kannada district Karnataka state in India. The river takes its birth at diggi in Western Ghats, a small village in Uttar Kannada district. The river is the lifeline to some 4 lakh people in the Uttara Kannada district. Supports livelihoods of tens of thousands of people including fishermen on the coast of Karwar. There are many dams built across this river for the generation of electricity. One of the important Dams build across Kali river is the Supa Dam in Ganeshgudi. The river extends to 184 kilometers before joining Arabian Sea.

30 KHEP Project Flow Chart

31 KHEP Project Flow Chart – Part 1

32 Supa Dam Power House Concrete Dam Dimensions: 101 Mtrs high and 332 Mtrs long concrete gravity dam is built across the Kalinadi river in Joida Taluk of Uttara Kannada District. Catchment area of 1057 Sq.Kms Gross Storage Capacity : 4178 M cum. Live Storage Capacity: 4115.2 M cum. Design Head: 72 m Design Discharge: 154 cumecs. Type turbine : Vertical Francis : 2 ×50MW Rated Speed : 200 rpm

33 KHEP Project Flow Chart – Part 2

34 Nagjhari Power House Takes water from Bommanahalli Pick up Dam :Concrete/masonry/earthen. Gross Storage Capacity : 97.25M cum. Live Storage Capacity: 83.9 M cum. Design Head: 347 m Design Discharge: 275.5 cumecs. Type turbine : Vertical Francis : 3 ×135 + 3 ×150 MW Rated Speed : 375 rpm

35 KHEP Project Flow Chart – Part 3

36 Kodasalli & Kadra Electric Projects Kodasalli Dam :Concrete/earthen. –Gross Storage Capacity : 286.49 cum. –Live Storage Capacity: 198.82 cum. –Design Head: 37 m –Design Discharge: 369 cumecs. –Type turbine : Vertical Kaplan : 3 ×40 MW –Rated Speed : 166.67 rpm Kadra Dam :Concrete/earthen. –Gross Storage Capacity : 388.92 cum. –Live Storage Capacity: 209.06 cum. –Design Head: 32 m –Design Discharge: 526.5 cumecs. –Type turbine : Vertical Kaplan: 3×50 MW –Rated Speed : 142.86 rpm

37 Case Studies Sharavathi Hydro Electric Project

38 Sharavathi Catchment Area

39 Sharavati Project The river Sharavathi originates at a height of 730m near Ambuthirtha, in Shimoga district. It flows in a north-west direction, in its long, 132-km journey. The Sharavathi is joined by several tributaries. It traverses through hilly terrain and dense forests. After a stretch of 80 km along its course, the river drops down a steep mountain face of 293m – a visually delightful spectacle known as the Jog Falls... From this breathtaking leap, the river continues its journey till it flows into the Arabian Sea near Honnavar. The total catchment area of the river up to its confluence with the Arabian Sea is 2,774 sqkm. The basin receives a rainfall ranging between 5000-7500 mm. About 95% of the rainfall is received during the month of June to September

40 Jog Falls

41 Sharavathi Hydro Electric Project – Flow Chart


43 Sharavati Project : Reservoir & Wheel The name of the reservoir and dam is Linganamakki. This is located 9.63 km upstream of Jog Falls. The catchment area for the dam is 1991.71km 2 Maximum (Average) discharge possible for Power Generation : 315 – 473 Cumecs. Techno-economically feasible discharge : 285 cumecs. The top of the dam is 1819 feet (554m) above sea level. The area of the dam is 300km 2 The storage capacity of the Reservoir is : 4,419.26 million cubic meters. Submerging 50.62 km² of wetland and 7 km² of dry land, the remaining being forest land and wasteland. [ [

44 Sharavati Generating Station Capacity:1035 MW. Head avaialabe: 443 m Specific Speed: 0.1231N MORE ADAPTED TYPE OF TURBINE AS FUNCTION OF THE SPECIFIC SPEED. Specific Speed in r.p.m. Turbine typeJump height in m Until 18Pelton of an injector800 From 18 to 25Pelton of an injector800 to 400 From 26 to 35Pelton of an injector400 to 100 From 26 to 35Pelton of two injectors800 to 400 From 36 to 50Pelton of two injectors400 to 100 From 51 to 72Pelton of four injectors400 to 100

45 Final Acceptable design of Sharavati Project Total Available Capacity:1035 MW. Head availabe: 443 m Techno-economically viable capacity per unit: 103.5 MW Specific Speed: 0.01231N No. of Units : 10 Final Selection: Vertical Pelton

46 Sharavathi Power Unit Selection of Wheel: Four Jet Vertical Pelton : rpm 300

47 The Hindu News Dated February 7, 1958: Sharavathi project Mr. S.K. Patil, Union Minister for Power and Irrigation, inaugurated on February 5 the Rs. 40-crore Sharavathi Hydro- Electric Project at Linganmakki, five miles from Gerosappa Falls. Mysore has been the pioneer in generating electricity, her first attempt at power generating dating to 1902. The Sharavathi project is the biggest step taken in the development of power in the State. The Union Minister paid a tribute to the skill and efficiency of Mysore engineers. The Chief Minister of Mysore Mr. S. Nijalingappa, who presided, said, “The hydro-electric potential of the river systems in the State is vast and it is estimated that it would be possible to generate as much as three million kW by harnessing the several rivers and streams."

48 Performance during the year 2009-2010 Generation during the year was 26020 MU as against 25080 MU during the previous year. Turnover during the year was Rs.4397 crores as against Rs.4148 crores during the previous year, increase in energy sales in thermal and DG Plant. Profit before tax during the year was at Rs.711 crores as against Rs.392 crores during the previous year.

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