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Michigan Department of Transportation Local Safety Initiatives Dale Reed Lighthizer, P.E. - MDOT Tracie Kalliainen, E.I.T. - MDOT Wayne Schoonover, P.E.

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Presentation on theme: "Michigan Department of Transportation Local Safety Initiatives Dale Reed Lighthizer, P.E. - MDOT Tracie Kalliainen, E.I.T. - MDOT Wayne Schoonover, P.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michigan Department of Transportation Local Safety Initiatives Dale Reed Lighthizer, P.E. - MDOT Tracie Kalliainen, E.I.T. - MDOT Wayne Schoonover, P.E. - Ionia County Road Commission

2 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 2 This Session MDOT Local Safety Initiatives Example – series of countermeasures A local perspective

3 Michigan Department of Transportation Local Safety Initiative Getting the Ball Rolling

4 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 4 For Local Agencies On- going safety Efforts Why local safety? Process Tools Countermeasures

5 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 5 Safety Initiatives … AASHTO Strategic Safety Plan Michigan Strategic Safety Plan Michigan Intersection Action Plan Crash Data Improvement Michigan legislative initiatives Local Safety Initiative

6 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 6 22 Safety Emphasis Areas The 4 E’s of Highway Safety Emergency Response (EMS) Education Enforcement Engineering AASHTO Strategic Safety Plan

7 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 7 Michigan Strategic Safety Plan Developed by Governors Traffic Safety Advisory Commission (GTSAC) Identifies focus areas Local emphasis

8 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 8 Michigan Intersection Safety Action Plan Developed by GTSAC sub committee MDOT set aside additional $1M in 2004 to fund local agency intersection safety projects.

9 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 9 Crash Data Improvement Crash Data Redesign Project Goal to give easy access to “High Crash” locations

10 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 10 Michigan Legislative Highway Safety Initiatives 0.08 BAC Law (July 2003) 500 lives saved yearly – nationwide ($3.22 Million incentive to Michigan in Sept. 2003) Work Zone Laws Speed Limits ~ Double Fines (1997) Andy’s Law (2001) ~ Increase Points (2002) Work Zone Defined (2003) Graduated Drivers Licensing (In effect April, 1997. Crashes involving 16 year old drivers dropped 25% in 1999). Primary Seat Belt Law (March 2000)

11 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 11 The Case for Traffic Safety... Michigan has... 122,000 miles of highway 101.8 Billion vehicle miles traveled in 2004 370,000+ crashes yearly 100,000+ crash injuries yearly 1,000 – 1,200 fatalities yearly

12 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 12 Unacceptable Cost in terms of... Loss of Life – 1,159 Michigan, 2004 (42,000 Nationwide) Economic Impact - $9.8 Billion loss to Michigan ($230 Billion Nationwide) Every tragic event involves someone’s family member!

13 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 13 AASHTO Safety Goal 1.5 Fatalities per 100 Million VMT, 2004 (Michigan Fatalities – 1.1 per Million VMT) The Goal? Reduce to 1.0 Fatalities per 100 Million VMT by 2008 (Save 350 lives per year in Michigan)

14 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 14 City & County 122,000 miles MDOT Freeway MDOT Non-freeway Michigan Road Mileage: 92% 6.4% 1.6%

15 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 15 City & County 101.8 Billion vehicle miles 2004 Michigan data MDOT Freeway MDOT Non-freeway Michigan Traffic Volume: 31% 46% 23%

16 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 16 373,363 crashes / year 2004 Michigan data MDOT Freeway MDOT Non-freeway City & County Michigan Traffic Crashes: 68% 21% 11%

17 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 17 MDOT Freeway 1. 58 crashes / mvm MDOT Non-freeway 4. 09 crashes / mvm City & County 6. 61 crashes / mvm MI Crash Rate - per Million miles driven: 68% 21% 11%

18 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 18 1,159 deaths 2004 Michigan data MDOT City & County Michigan Traffic Deaths: 61% 39%

19 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 19 Integrated Approach to Highway Safety GTSAC established May 2002 State & Local Governmental Agencies Safety and Insurance Industry Safety Advocacy Groups Team Approach to Saving Lives

20 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 20 GTSAC Brings Together The 4 E’s of Highway Safety Engineering Enforcement Emergency Medical Services Education

21 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 21 Transportation Focus Areas Highways Truck Transit Mass Transit Railways Aeronautics Pedestrians/Non-Motorized Travel

22 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 22 Highway Focus Areas Intersection Safety (29.5% fatal crashes) Roadway Departure (48.3% fatal crashes) Traffic Signal Timing and Modernization (15 year cycle) Geometrics/Hazard Elimination Young/Elder Driver Groups Highway Work Zones Car – Deer/Animal Crashes Seatbelt Use Crash Data Improvement

23 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 23

24 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 24 In Addition... The Fifth E – Effective, Enthusiastic Partnerships Share knowledge base Share solutions Share ideas

25 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 25 Local Safety Initiative Local roadway network Voluntary Analyze crash data “Topics” “Yellow Book” Suggest fixes Education Improve ROADSOFT tools for local use

26 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 26 What We Offer Crash review Review of safety performance Safety assessment Engineering countermeasures Other countermeasures Follow up evaluations

27 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 27 Finding the Problem Areas Data Collection Network Screening Site Selection

28 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 28 Finding the Problem Areas High level analysis of county wide data Examine safety performance Target locations Target other safety concerns Detailed analysis of crash data

29 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 29 LTAP Local Technical Assistance Program

30 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 30 Why ROADSOFT? Already in place – used by counties/ cities All roads in state Common referencing GIS Easy to use – simple access to data Basic reporting

31 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 31

32 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 32

33 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 33

34 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 34

35 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 35

36 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 36 Site Study Phase Detailed Crash Analysis Site Visit Safety Assessment Geometric Analysis Operational Analysis

37 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 37 Engineering Studies Number of vehicles entering the intersection Traffic movement volumes Pedestrian volume counts Facilities for young, elderly, or disabled Speeds (posted and 85%) Condition diagram

38 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 38 Feedback Phase REQUIREMENTS Identification of deficiencies Selection of countermeasures

39 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 39 Countermeasures Situational – NCHRP 500 reports Low cost Signing Pavement markings Signal modifications Improve sight distance/ visibility Moderate costs Signal improvements Barrier Major cost Construction

40 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 40 Uncomplicated Traffic Control

41 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 41 AAA Michigan Case Study AAA Michigan, Local governments, Office of Highway Safety Planning, Regional Planning, Michigan DOT Provides funding for safety improvements

42 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 42 Roadway Departure Initiatives Forgiving Roadside Hardware Crash-Safe Guard Rail Endings

43 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 43 What’s Next? Local agency implements various countermeasures Performs/ contracts design services Apply for funding Apply treatment

44 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 44 Post Report Phase Evaluation Before/ after analysis

45 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 45 Conclusions Clear some action is necessary LSI is just the beginning Team effort

46 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 46 Safety is... Everybody’s business A coordinated effort Organization-wide A strategic focus

47 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 47 To Achieve 1.0 by 2008 Continue: Engineering, Education & Enforcement Road, Driver & Vehicle Partnering Take advantage of the MDOT LSI!!

48 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 48 Partnering Citizen Groups Traffic Engineers Health Care Professionals Insurance Companies Local and State Government Federal Government Law Enforcement

49 Local Safety Initiative A Year in Review

50 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 50 Program Successes To date the Local Safety Initiative has worked with 5 counties 4 additional Counties going through initial analysis Including crash analysis within 11 cities/villages Begin with County Engineer/Rep. Countermeasure suggestions provided

51 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 51 Commonalities… Larger/brighter signing Additional signing on curves Upgraded pavement markings Wider lines Wet/night markings Cut back tree line/Improve clear zone Remove sight distance obstructions at intersections

52 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 52 Curves Improve signing Improve delineation Check superelevation

53 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 53

54 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 54

55 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 55

56 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 56 Upcoming Typicals Ultra Low Volumes Defined by MMUTCD Outside built up areas 400 ADT or less Paved or unpaved Less extensive

57 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 57 Intersections Unsignalized Improve sight distances Control access points Improve visibility of intersection Verify choice of traffic control

58 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 58 Sufficient Sight Distance

59 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 59 Intersections Signalized 12” signal lens and improved placement Appropriate Clearance Intervals Re-timing Add turn lane Add turn phase

60 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 60 Before a Signal Consider… Improving visibility: Advance warning signs (with or without beacons) Relocating stop bars Flashing red beacon Roadway lighting

61 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 61 Before a Signal Consider… Improving traffic operation: Additional lanes Revised geometrics Restricted turning movement

62 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 62

63 Now for Something Completely Different… Welcome to Ionia County

64 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 64 Ionia County

65 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 65 Ionia County Rural, and growing…

66 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 66 Ionia Safety Efforts Developed a “road safety audit” Team review of locations Low cost fixes Funding issues Working to define county warrants for various treatments Need rational basis treatments Local Agency Programs (LAP) applications Crash review Input: engineering, maintenance, management

67 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 67 Federal Local Safety Program (MDOT - LAP) Upgrading guardrail at structures Intersection upgrade project township jog Y to T reconstruction Drain relocation Guardrail upgrade

68 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 68 LSI - A Local Perspective Early involvement can be a benefit Complacency is a killer …. Another pair of eyes Saves time – I would not be able to do this level of analysis Might be an opportunity Provides some additional data in support of safety project applications

69 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 69 In Depth look Patterns Fatals Intersections Segments

70 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 70 Site Visits Some locations were a surprise Provide an in depth look at systems Another set of experts Supporting data for garnering resources Uniformity

71 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 71 “Cautious Enthusiasm” Maintenance issues Warranted treatments Level of long term commitments

72 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 72 Benefits Additional expertise Identification of atypical problem locations High risk

73 MDOT Local Safety Initiative 73 This is a Journey … This program could change how we do business Not an end in itself Could be a way to fund some projects Low cost solutions Another way to identify problems

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