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1. (U) Location / disposition of all friendly reaction forces (QRF/RRF/ First Responders /Law Enforcement Agencies) to include response times via ground.

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Presentation on theme: "1. (U) Location / disposition of all friendly reaction forces (QRF/RRF/ First Responders /Law Enforcement Agencies) to include response times via ground."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. (U) Location / disposition of all friendly reaction forces (QRF/RRF/ First Responders /Law Enforcement Agencies) to include response times via ground or air? 2. (U) Location, travel plans, and schedules of key Military personnel (CG, DBC, TF Cdrs) and Civilians (State Gov, Fed Gov) and their HQ as applicable to mission. 3. (U) Deployment of DoD assets (type/number) in the disaster area. 4. (U) Civil actions taken to mitigate any EIR. 1. (U) What are the known or suspected threats, criminal activity, subversive/ terrorist activity, and espionage from within the Department of Defense? 2. (U) Where has surveillance of DOD facilities / activities; attempts to unlawfully enter a DOD facility / activity; the unauthorized wearing of military uniforms or impersonations of military personnel; possession, manufacturing; distribution or use of fraudulent military identification with the intent to defraud; the use of counterfeit-brand markings on vehicles with the intent of entering DOD facilities/activities been reported? 3. (U) What are the known or suspected threats from domestic or transnational terrorist groups, organized criminal enterprises, drug trafficking organizations, gangs, foreign intelligence services, sympathizers or individuals (“Lone Wolf”) against Department of Defense / U.S. Army personnel, families, garrisons, facilities, operations and critical infrastructure? 4. (U) What are the known or suspected actions from foreign intelligence services, transnational terrorist groups, sympathizers or individuals that disrupt / target Department of Defense / U.S. Army installation operations to include physical and cyber threats? 5. (U) What are the known criminal threats in the JOA which exceed the capabilities of LLE to include intelligence regarding known criminal gangs, DTOs, or organized crime elements? 1. (FOUO) How, when, and where will known or suspected transnational terrorist groups or individuals, associates, or sympathizers target US critical infrastructure, military installations, facilities, equipment, personnel, families, or DoD assets within the TF OPS AOR? 2. (FOUO) How, when, and where will transnational terrorists try to conduct direct action operations against TF OPS assets? 3. (FOUO) Is there any indication of an additional CBRN attack in the JOA? 4. (FOUO) Where within the JOA are hazards to personnel and/or obstacles to mobility that can affect TF OPS operations? Priority Information Requirement (PIR) 31 CBRN Brigade Information Requirements for TF-OPS 1. (U) Suicide gestures, actions, ideations, and/or attempts by any TF OPS personnel. 2. (U) Any negligent or purposeful firearms discharge directed towards any taskforce personnel. 3. (U) Death, illness, or serious injury (limb, eyesight, life- threatening) of a military or civilian member of TF OPS. 4. (U) Any Class-C or above accident involving TF OPS military vehicles /equipment or an incident that would cause negative media attention towards the DoD. 5. (U) Negative personal administrative action involving a senior (E-7 and above) TF OPS leader. 6. (U) Any congressional inquires/visits or public affairs issues. 7. (U) Escalation of Force (EoF) with in the AOR. 8. (U) Any TF OPS subordinate units unable to support an assigned mission. *** WAKE-UP CRITERIA*** (Bold) Serious Incident Report (SIR) Force Protection Information Requirements Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI) 1. (U) What environmental incident (earthquake, tsunami, tidal wave, wild-fire, chemical spill, etc.) will affect the TF-OPS AOR? To what extent and timing? 2. (U) What local, state, federal infrastructure damage exists that degrades the capabilities of first responders and TF-OPS civil support missions? 3. (U) What are the conditions of major lines of communications, airports, coastal navigation, interstate hwy’s, energy/power networks, and railroads? 4. (U) What is the environmental damage assessment (EDA) of local, state, federal infrastructure within the affected areas (All ESFs)? 5. (U) Are there any indications of actual or impending man-made events, natural disasters, or other events causing loss of life and large scale evacuations, potentially requiring significant federal involvement? Environmental Information Requirement DRAFT As of: 14 Mar 15 DRAFT Commander’s Critical Information Requirement (CCIR) 1. (U) Any deployment of a Federal Asset (FCO, DCO, ERT-A, ERT-N, STRIKE TM, Regional Administrator, etc) to an incident area following a man-made or natural disaster? 2. (U) Any change in FPCON at an Army facility above the baseline set by ARNORTH? 3. (U) TF-OPS receipt of a Warning Order, Alert Order, Tasking Order, MA requesting DoD support, or Execute Order from JFLCC for an impending mission? 4. (U) Any significant change in the ability of TF-OPS assigned or supportive alert forces (Standing EXORD package) to execute and sustain Civil Support operations? 5. (U) Any change in readiness that would affect TF-OPS ability to meet contingency timelines? 6. (U) Any confrontation, attack, or criminal activity on DoD Forces in the JOA? 7. (U) Any status change in weather that may negatively affect TF OPS operations? Friendly Forces Information Requirement (FFIR) Face to Face Phone/Email PIR, FPIR, EIR: Current Ops G3, CoS FFIR, EEFIR: S3, Current Ops CoS SIR: CoS, S3, Current Ops * The CoS, S3, or Current Ops Officer will provide additional information for notification of the Command Group and Staff. Notification Criteria

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