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Data Sources: Alcohol Related Consequences Department of Transportation ◦ Alcohol Involved Motor Vehicle Accident Rate (DOT) ◦ Fatal Accident Reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Sources: Alcohol Related Consequences Department of Transportation ◦ Alcohol Involved Motor Vehicle Accident Rate (DOT) ◦ Fatal Accident Reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Sources: Alcohol Related Consequences Department of Transportation ◦ Alcohol Involved Motor Vehicle Accident Rate (DOT) ◦ Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS) Department of Public Health (DPH) ◦ Cause of Death/Mortality Rates DMHAS ◦ Substance Abuse Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) Department of Public Safety (DPS) ◦ Underage Liquor Law Violations ◦ DUI Arrest Rate ◦ Homicide and Suicide Rates State Department of Education (SDE) ◦ AOD-Related School Suspensions & Expulsions Rate ◦ Drop-out Rate Office of Health Care Access (OHCA) ◦ AOD-Related Hospital Discharges 1

2 IndicatorYear Consequences: TOWN LEVEL Fatal Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Crashes: FARS1994-2008 Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Accidents: DOT2000-2008 (preliminary) Juvenile Liquor Law Violations: DPS 2002-2006 Driving Under the Influence Arrest Rate: DPS2002-2006 Consequences: STATE LEVEL Alcohol-Related Suicide Death: DPH1999-2007 Chronic Liver Disease Death Rate: DPH1999-2007 Alcohol Related Liver Cirrhosis Death Rate: DPH1999-2007 Alcohol Related Treatment Admissions: DMHAS2000-2007 Alcohol-Related Homicide and Suicide Deaths: DPH1999-2006 School Suspensions/ Expulsions (AOD-related): SDE2005-2008 School Drop-Out Rates: SDE2000-2007

3 Data Sources: Alcohol Related Consumption Dept of Public Health (DPH) ◦ CT School Health Survey/Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance Survey (YRBSS), Grades 9-12 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) ◦ National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Dept of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS) ◦ CORE Survey of CT College Students ◦ Governor’s Prevention Initiative for Youth Student Survey (GPIY) Other: ◦ Community level school surveys 3

4 IndicatorYear Consumption: STATE LEVEL CT School Health Survey/Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance Survey (YRBSS) Past month alcohol use, Past month binge alcohol use, Age of first drink DPH 1997, 2005, 2007 National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Past month alcohol use 12 to 20, Past month binge alcohol use 12 to 20, Perceived Risk SAMHSA 2002-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07 CORE Survey of CT College Students Past month alcohol use, Past month binge alcohol use, Age of first drink, Perceived risk DMHAS 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008 Governor's Prevention Initiative for Youth (GPIY) Student Survey Past month alcohol use, Past month binge alcohol use, Age of first drink, Perceived risk Age of Initial Use DMHAS 2000

5 Trends in Rate per 10,000 Population of Alcohol-Involved Motor Vehicle Accidents: Connecticut, 2002-2008 NOTE: 2008 findings are preliminary Source: Connecticut Department of Transportation Accident Data *“Property Damage Only” accidents which occurred on locally maintained roadways from January 1, 2007 to the present were included in the DOT accident file. “Property Damage Only” accidents which occurred on locally maintained roadways through December 31, 2006 were not coded for inclusion in the accident file.

6 Abbreviation List: AEDS Alcohol Epidemiologic Data System BOEBoard of Education BRFSSBehavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CERCConnecticut Economic Resource Center, Inc. CORECORE Institute Survey CT AHSConnecticut Adult Household Survey CT PNAConnecticut Prevention Needs Assessment CT SDE Connecticut State Department of Education CT SHSConnecticut School Health Survey DCFDepartment of Children and Families DMHASDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services DOTDepartment of Transportation DPHDepartment of Public Health DPSDepartment of Public Safety EDDIEconomic Development Data & Information ERGEducation Reference Group FIPSFederal Information Processing Standards FARSFatality Analysis Reporting System GPIYGovernor’s Prevention Initiative for Youth NIBRSNational Incident-Based Reporting System NSDUHNational Survey on Drug Use and Health OHCAOffice of Health Care Access RAC Regional Action Council SATISSubstance Abuse Treatment Information System SEDSState Epidemiological Data System SDESate Department of Education TEDSTreatment Episode Data Set UCRUniform Crime Reports USRUniform Service Region YRBSSYouth Risk Behavior Surveillance System

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