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Unit 8: Sacramental Life in Christ

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1 Unit 8: Sacramental Life in Christ

2 Section 3: The Easter Vigil

3 The Easter Vigil For Christians, the Paschal Mystery (the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ) mirrors the Exodus Story (the Israelites’ journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land) for the Jewish people The Paschal Mystery is the central event for Christians The Paschal Mystery is the lens through which the entire New Testament must be viewed

4 The Easter Vigil For Christians, the Paschal Mystery (the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ) mirrors the Exodus Story (the Israelites’ journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land) for the Jewish people It is something that people can continue to experience and “re-member” in the modern world Despite the low points of slavery and death, this is not the end of the story Rather, the story ends with the freedom of the Hebrew people and the Resurrection of Jesus, events that provide the people with Hope (just like the Prophets)

5 The Easter Vigil What is it that Christians “Re-member” about the Paschal Mystery? The Cycle of Meaning The Raw Experience The Person of Jesus, especially the Paschal Mystery of his Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension The Reflected Experience Who was this person called Jesus? How is Jesus different from the other people of his time? The early disciples, Apostles, and Gospel writers recognize Jesus as Lord (God, fully divine) and Messiah (“the anointed one”, fully human)

6 The Easter Vigil

7 The Easter Vigil How do Christians “Re-member” the Paschal Mystery?
The Cycle of Meaning 3. Storytelling (verbal communication) Tell stories about the life of Jesus that reflect their understanding of his identity as both human and divine The Oral Tradition evolves into a Written Tradition The Gospel accounts of Jesus’ last days and hours 4. Symbol and Ritual (non-verbal communication) Re-enact the major events in the life of Jesus that reflect their understanding of his identity as both human and divine The Last Supper and his death and resurrection The weekly celebration of the Eucharist at Mass The liturgies of Holy Week, especially the Easter Vigil

8 The Easter Vigil Holy Week The Easter Season
Palm Sunday  celebrates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as the next Messiah Holy Thursday  celebrates the Last Supper with his friends and disciples The washing of the feet and the institution of the Eucharistic Meal Good Friday  celebrates the Passion and Death of Jesus The Easter Season So important that we celebrate this feast for 50 days Easter Sunday  celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Ascension Thursday  celebrates Jesus re-joining God in Heaven Pentecost Sunday  celebrates the Holy Spirit descending upon the disciples to empower them to preach the Good News and start the Church

9 The Easter Vigil What is the Easter Vigil? Darkness
Blessing of the Easter Fire The Light of Christ The Paschal Candle The Easter Proclamation (Exultet) The Word of Our Salvation History Nine readings (seven from the Old Testament, one epistle from the New Testament, and one Gospel) The Liturgy of Baptism The Litany of the Saints The Blessing of the Water The Profession of Faith and Renunciation of Evil Baptism and the Rites Explaining Baptism The Celebration of Confirmation The Eucharist Alleluia, Alleluia!

10 The Easter Vigil Darkness The Light of Christ
Blessing of the Easter Fire and the lighting of the Paschal Candle St. Mary’s Catholic Church, College Station, Texas St. Anthony's Catholic Church, Forest Grove, Oregon - bilingual The Light of Christ The Easter Proclamation (Exultet) The Exultet, sung by a Dominican at the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DC

11 The Easter Vigil The Word of Our Salvation History
The Story of Creation (Genesis 1:1 – 2: 2) Abraham and the Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22: 1-18) Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14: 15 – 15: 1) The Song of Assurance to Israel (Isaiah 54: 5-14) The Song of Joy and Triumph (Isaiah 55: 1-11)  Wisdom Comes from God (Baruch 3: 9-15, 32 – 4: 4) The Restoration of Israel (Ezekiel 36: 16-28) Freedom from Sin and Life in God (New Testament Epistle from Romans 6: 3-11) Jesus Is Alive (Gospel reading from Matthew 28: 1-10; Mark 16: 1-8; Luke 24: 1-12)

12 The Easter Vigil How and when are Christians initiated into the Paschal Mystery? Through the Sacrament of Baptism This is the first time Christians learn about and experience they Paschal Mystery – How? The Ritual of Baptism includes “dunking” the person into a body of water and “rising” out of it The “dunking” into water is a form of death to an old self and way of life; the waters cleanse the person of their sinfulness The “rising” out of the water is a way of resurrecting into a new self and life in Christ

13 The Easter Vigil How do Christians continue to be united with Christ and the Paschal Mystery today? Through the Sacrament of the Eucharist This is how Christians are nourished on their faith journey which will inevitably force them to have a personal experience of the Paschal Mystery The Ritual of the Eucharist includes the invocation of “chosen, blessed, broken, and given” – What does this refer to? It refers to the divine person of Jesus, the Eucharist, and the person receiving the Eucharist

14 The Easter Vigil Alleluia, Alleluia!
The command at the end of Mass “Go forth to love and serve the Lord.” Words of praise, joy, and thanksgiving

15 The Easter Vigil Christians are called to “re-member” and live out the Paschal Mystery in everyday life and share the Paschal Mystery with everyone they meet Through their initiation into the Christian faith through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist, each Christian is called to be a “little Christ” to the people of the world; now, they become the Sacrament of Jesus to the people of the world

16 The Easter Vigil

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