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O PERATION G REEN 2010 Seaquam Secondary. E NERGY A UDITS  Researched energy consumption at Seaquam during after-school hours (frequent surveys, smart.

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Presentation on theme: "O PERATION G REEN 2010 Seaquam Secondary. E NERGY A UDITS  Researched energy consumption at Seaquam during after-school hours (frequent surveys, smart."— Presentation transcript:

1 O PERATION G REEN 2010 Seaquam Secondary

2 E NERGY A UDITS  Researched energy consumption at Seaquam during after-school hours (frequent surveys, smart plugs)  Recorded energy usage i.e. whether lights and other electronic equipment were turned off  Educated Staff at meetings and PLC sessions  Convinced teachers to reduce energy usage in classrooms by signing pledge forms

3 E LEMENTARY S CHOOL V ISITS  Educated kids on the causes and effects of climate change through hands on activities  Outlined steps that can be taken to lead sustainable lifestyles e.g turning off lights, packing litter less lunches

4 G REEN W EEK  Hosted an environmental trivia game  Environmental facts were posted around the school and a question would be posed each day  Students were encouraged to find the answer through winning prizes such as reusable water bottles and recycled pencils  Students were also encouraged to wear green and teachers participated by turning off classroom lights

5 F OOD I NC. M OVIE N IGHT  One of our initiatives was to reduce meat consumption in Seaquam Secondary  Through the documentary we were able to educate the Seaquam community on the effects of meat production and consumption on the environment  During the event, we offered an array of delicious vegetarian snacks to highlight how simple finding alternatives to meat can be  This was a successful event as it was greatly praised by both teachers and students!

6 C OMMUNITY I NITIATIVES  Ivy Pull- during several occasions we removed the invasive species, ivy from our community  Adopt-A-Street Program- assigned to maintain the cleanliness of Lyon Road, thus encouraging environmental stewardship and civic pride

7 C OMMUNITY I NITIATIVES TD Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up- cleaned nearby Cougar Creek and removed large amounts of litter from the area - Storm drain painting

8 C OMMUNITY I NITIATIVES Tree Planting- Coordinated with Cougar Streamkeepers to plant 5 new trees on our school grounds (Sadly…4 have been STOLEN!!!)

9 O THER A CCOMPLISHMENTS  Twice awarded the BC Hydro $1,000 Sustainability Grant to further our environmental aims  Won a $22,000 Solar Hot Water System for our school, which will reduce school heating costs by 80%  Chosen as a pilot school for BC Hydro’s Workplace Conservation Energy Awareness Program

10 CURRENT INITIATIVES  Fundraising money to protect 100 acres of the Amazon rainforest  Placing no idle-signs in the vicinity of the school  Implementing a rain garden on the school grounds

11 Proposed Rain Garden


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