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Kansas Department of Transportation Becky Pepper Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Kansas Department of Transportation Contact: 785-296-8593.

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas Department of Transportation Becky Pepper Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Kansas Department of Transportation Contact: 785-296-8593."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas Department of Transportation Becky Pepper Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Kansas Department of Transportation Contact: 785-296-8593

2 Surface Transportation Program What: Provides flexible funding that may be used for projects to preserve and improve the conditions and performance on any Federal-aid highway, bridge and tunnel projects on any public road, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and transit capital projects, including intercity bus terminals. Who: Cities with population greater than 5,000 and less than 200,000 not in a Transportation Management Area (TMA) Likelihood: Allocation: Cities — distributed based on population Counties — distributed by special city county highway fund (set by statute) Match: 80/20 Eligible Costs: Construction and construction engineering Projects: Transportation Alternative eligible projects, recreational trails projects Contact: Sondra Clark Bureau of Local Projects 785-296-3861

3 Highway Safety Improvement Program What: High Risk Rural Roads Program: Funding for safety improvements on rural major or minor collectors, and local roads Who: All counties Main Points: - Intended for rural roads with history of crashes -Crash rate need to be higher than state average OR -Potential to increase above state average -Could either be spot improvements or low-cost corridor upgrade Match: 90/10 or 100% for signage/striping/rumble strips Eligible Costs: Construction and construction engineering Project: Signage, straightening curves, shoulder improvements Opportunity: Competitive Contact: Ed Thornton Bureau of Local Projects 785-296-0415

4 Highway Safety Improvement Program What: Roadway Lighting Pavement Marking Sign Replacement Who: State highway system only Main Points: Program managers select projects based on need Match: No match required Eligible Costs: Preliminary engineering, construction and construction engineering Contact: Brian Gower Bureau of Transportation Safety 785-296-1181

5 Highway Safety Improvement Program What: Intersection Safety Who: Cities and counties Main Points: - Funding for all roads — state or off system -Project selection based on crash history Match: 90/10 Eligible Costs: Construction and construction engineering Projects:Roundabouts, left turn lanes, signal upgrades Opportunity:High Contact: Brian Gower Bureau of Transportation Safety and Technology 785-296-1181

6 402 Safety Program What: Provides funds for education, enforcement and research programs designed to reduce traffic crashes, fatalities, injuries and property damage. Who: Cities, counties, non-profits Main Points: -Safety related activities such as traffic studies and safety training -Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) –Identifies transportation improvement need--has helped in SRTS projects in the past Match: Encouraged but not required Projects: Education, enforcement and research — not construction Opportunity: Ongoing—first come first serve Contact: Chris BortzEd Thornton Bureau of Transportation Bureau of Local Projects Safety and Technology785-296-0415

7 Transportation Alternatives Program Combines these programs: ▫National Recreational Trails ▫Transportation Enhancement (TE) ▫Safe Routes to School (SRTS) KDOT will continue to administer projects separately Contact: TA and SRTS Becky Pepper 785-296-8593 NRTP Kathy Pritchett 620-672-5911

8 Recreational Trails Program Administered by Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Funding: ▫1.3million for FFY 2014 program Three categories for recreational trail or trail-related projects ▫Motorized ▫Non-motorized ▫Diversified Eligibility ▫Projects with the primary objective to provide an alternative transportation corridor will NOT be accepted. ▫Must be able to provide local match, administer the project through completion, and operate/maintain the site after completion Federal reimbursement program, with at least 20% local match required More Information: ▫ ▫Kathy or 620-672-5911

9 Transportation Alternatives Federal funding for non-traditional transportation projects Relates to surface transportation Associated with 3 general categories ▫Historic ▫Scenic and environmental ▫Bicycle and pedestrian

10 Reimbursement program ▫Not a grant program Minimum 20% local match required ▫In-kind or donated labor and materials are not counted as part of the match Submitted by local governing entity ▫City or county  Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) support for projects within those regions Transportation Alternatives

11 Eligible costs ▫Construction ▫Construction engineering (inspection) Non-eligible costs ▫Right-of-way acquition ▫Utility relocation ▫Design Next funding opportunity ▫Fall 2015 ▫Total approximate funding — 11 million Transportation Alternatives

12 New Changes to the program ▫Activities no longer eligible:  Safety and educational activities  Visitor and welcome centers  Operation of historic transportation facilities  Transportation museums ▫Letting  Most projects will now be KDOT let and administered by Local Projects ▫Suballocation  WAMPO and MARC will receive funds to administer regional programs  Cities and counties within these boundaries will submit project applications to MPO not KDOT Transportation Alternatives

13 Application Tips ▫Planning  How did the project come about?  Is the project well thought-out?  Was community input gathered?  Does the project connect to other bicycle and pedestrian facilities (planned or existing)?  Is it a transportation project that connects to destinations?  Is the project accessible? Transportation Alternatives

14 Application Tips ▫Safety  Does the project meet engineering guidelines (AASTHO, MUTCD)  Will the project interact safely with the existing transportation network (motorized or nonmotorized) ▫Community Support  Has the community been informed of the project?  Does the community show support for the project? Transportation Alternatives

15 Federal program authorized through Federal Transportation Bill MAP-21 Provides funding for infrastructure and noninfrastructure activities Benefits children in grades K-8 More Information: Safe Routes to School

16 Encourage more children to walk and bike to school Make walking and bicycling safe ways to get to school Safe Routes to School

17 Elements of SRTS Programs Education Encouragement Enforcement Engineering Evaluation

18 PHASE 1 Creation of a SRTS Master Plan Looks at obstacles and solutions for all “5Es” Funding is used to hire a consultant, administer public participation, and develop the Plan This is not to develop engineering design plans SRTS-Funding Categories

19 PHASE 2 Construction of infrastructure, such as: Sidewalk Improvements Traffic Calming and speed reduction Improved crossings Signage Bicycle parking Traffic diversion improvements around the school SRTS-Funding Categories

20 Noninfrastructure-Related Projects Activities that promote walking and bicycling to school, such as: Public awareness campaigns Traffic education and enforcement Student education related to bicycle and pedestrian safety, health, and/or the environment Funding for training, volunteers, and managers of Safe Routes to School programs SRTS-Funding Categories

21 SRTS-Project Locations Infrastructure projects ▫public funds must be spent on projects within the public right-of-way ▫Project must be located within two miles of school Noninfrastructure projects ▫Activities related to traffic education or enforcement must occur within two miles of the eligible school ▫Other eligible noninfrastructure activities do not have a location restriction

22 SRTS-Sponsoring Agent Governmental Agency School Districts Civic Organizations Governmental Agency Phase 1Phase 2 Each application must include a letter from the School District stating their support and co-sponsorship. Governmental Agency School Districts Civic Organizations Noninfrastructure

23 SRTS-MPO Support Projects within MPO areas must have a letter of support from MPO MPOs include :  Flint Hills Metropolitan Planning Organization  Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization  Metropolitan Topeka Planning Organization  St. Joseph Area Transportation Study Organization

24 SRTS-Suballocation WAMPO and MARC will receive funds to administer regional programs ▫Distribution of TAP reserved for FFY 2014:  MARC — $1,197,492  WAMPO — $853,431 Cities and counties within these boundaries will submit project applications to MPO not KDOT

25 SRTS-Funding Reimbursement Program ▫locals will be reimbursed by the state for all eligible costs incurred Required Match ▫20% local match is now required Funding Maximums ▫Phase 1: $12,000 Maximum ▫Phase 2: $200,000 Maximum ▫Noninfrastructure projects: Case-by-case

26 SRTS- Eligible Costs Eligible Costs ▫Determined on case-by- case basis ▫Application should show clear connection between request and planning process Eligible Costs ▫Construction ▫Construction Engineering Ineligible costs ▫Design ▫Right-of-way acquition ▫Movement of Utilities Phase 1Phase 2

27 SRTS-Eligible Costs Eligible Costs ▫Determined on case-by- case basis ▫Funds cannot be used for reoccurring costs Noninfrastructure

28 SRTS-Program History Total Applications ReceivedFunded % Funded Phase 11636037% Phase 21044240%

29 ▫Next SRTS application—SPRING 2014 ▫Available funding  Approximately $850,000 SRTS-Application

30 ▫Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects:  Who was, or will be, involved in the planning process?  Is the project need illustrated through the current issues?  Is community support for the project illustrated? ▫Phase 2 projects:  Are all 5Es addressed  Were barriers identified?  Were solutions identified to address the barriers?  How were the solutions things identified and prioritized? SRTS-Application Tips

31 BCBSKS Foundation: Healthy Habits for Life Objective: help schools address childhood obesity Kansas Dept. Of Health and Environment: Chronic Disease Risk Reduction Program Objective: Physical activity and nutrition grants uction.html Other Funding Opportunities

32 Kansas Dept. of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism: o Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant o Recreational Trails Grant National Park Service: Active Trails Objective: Promote healthy living by getting people out and active on the trails Other Funding Opportunities

33 Sunflower Foundation: Sunflower Trails Grant Objective: Funding for walking and multiuse trails healthy_behaviors_prev-sunflower_trails.php United Health Ministry Objective: Advance health, healing, and wholeness throughout Kansas Other Funding Opportunities

34 Westar Energy Green Team Objective: Enhance and foster an understanding of the Kanas Environment. Http:// Built Environment and the Outdoors Summit Wichita, September 17-18 Funding Roundtable Other Funding Opportunities

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