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Patty Broers Research Coordination Unit Chief.  “The most serious mistakes are not being made because of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is.

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Presentation on theme: "Patty Broers Research Coordination Unit Chief.  “The most serious mistakes are not being made because of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patty Broers Research Coordination Unit Chief


3  “The most serious mistakes are not being made because of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.” Peter Drucker  “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions than their results.” Milton Friedman  “True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information.” Winston Churchill

4 David Lippert Engineer of Materials and Physical Research Amy Schutzbach Engineer of Physical Research Research Coordination Unit Patty Broers - Research Coordination Manager Tom Bukowski – Graduate Public Service Intern (GPSI)

5 ICT Administrative Structure Imad Al-Qadi Director Leslie Elble Assistant to the Director Sam Carpenter Associate Director Associate Director for Outreach Associate Director for Facilities Jim Meister Research Eng. Jeff Kern Research Eng. Part Time Help Deputy Director Mary Fries Outreach Dave King Fiscal/Admin Support Leslie Myrick Technical Editor Josh Houston IT Support Lori Carpenter Communication Coordinator Outreach Coordinator

6  Quarterly reports  IDOT approval of subcontractors  IDOT approval of work plans/budgets before work can begin  Interim deliverables and final report  Semi-annual evaluations – TRP/PI

7 Semi-annual solicitation



10 Traffic/Roadside Public/Intermodal Transportation Environment TAG’s as appropriate BMPR Executive Committee Members – Directors of Offices/Divisions within IDOT, one member from FHWA, ICT Director Structures and Bridges SafetyPlanningConstruction Pavement & Materials

11 Determine research needs:  Review and/or create problem statements  Prioritize/recommend to executive committee  Appoints technical review panel to oversee funded research

12  Evaluate RFP submittals and select researcher  Provide technical expertise  Develop an implementation plan  Communication  Review quarterly progress reports  Evaluation – semi-annual and close-out  Champion implementation of research findings when possible

13  Required for each project  Plan should identify:  Needs and benefits  Primary panel members to oversee research  Ad hoc members as project progresses needed to promote implementation  Interim deliverables  Necessity for upper management close-out


15 Oversight panel evaluates :  Research team  Proposal approach  Strengths/Weaknesses  Equipment/Facilities

16 Connected to web-based quarterly reports

17  Web-based  Automatic notifications  TRP chair comments

18  Deliverables, communication, and timeliness  “Needs Improvement” justification  PIs similarly evaluate TRP

19 Panel Evaluation:  Good communication  Clear objectives  Timely report review

20  Series of questions by e-mail  Rate success of research (1–low to 5–high)  Explain results expected and deliverables received  If applicable, describe what was not accomplished  Indicate implementation actions taken  Improvements that could be made in the future regarding similar research

21 Evaluate :  Timeliness  Responsiveness  Communication  Problem resolution

22  Monthly meetings  Minutes that include action items  Key issues:  Project meeting issues  Discuss semi-annual evaluations  Budget concerns  Investigator selection

23 Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum The Lincoln Family Illinois Old Capitol Building

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