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Coach Clarence Edward “BIG HOUSE” Gaines, Sr. Type:JPG.

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2 Coach Clarence Edward “BIG HOUSE” Gaines, Sr. Type:JPG

3 100 200 400 1 Point2 Point3 Point 300 200 400 200 500 100 Free Throw 100 200 300 400 500

4 Row 1, Col 1 What was the Nick Name for Coach Clarence Gaines? “Big House”

5 1,2 What Academic honor did Gaines receive as a High School Graduate? Salutatorian

6 1,3 Gaines received many honors During his life. What Group gave him the Silver Buffalo Award? The Boy Scouts of America

7 1,4 5 players How many players are on Basketball Team?

8 2,1 What Laws Prevented Gaines from attending most Colleges? Jim Crow Laws

9 1,2 Morgan State University is located in What US City? Baltimore, Maryland

10 2,3 In 1946 Gaines became Winston-Salem Teachers College Head Basketball and Football coach, Trainer, Athletic Director and _____ Manager. Ticket

11 2,4 Basketball goals are Located at each end of The court at how many Feet above the ground? 10 feet

12 3,1 What two sports did Gaines Play in High School? Basketball and Football

13 3,2 Clarence’s Height and Weight When he first Attended Morgan State? 6’3” 265 lbs

14 3,3 What was the Name of Gaines’ Wife? Clara Berry

15 3,4 The area below the goal is Known as the key, lane or _________. Paint

16 4,1 What Musical instrument Did Gaines play in High School?. Trumpet

17 4,2 Gaines’ son is a scout For what NBA team? Chicago Bulls

18 4,3 Winning 828 games in his 47 years as a coach ranked Gaines the ____ Most winning Coach in the NCAA?. 5th

19 4,4 How many points are scored If a shot is made from Outside the arc Painted on the court? 3 points

20 5,1 Gaines planned to attend ________ When he graduated with a Degree in Chemistry. Dental School

21 5,2 Gaines was born in What Southern City? Paducha, Kentucky

22 5,3 What was the nick-name of NBA Hall of Famer (Monroe) Gaines coached? Earl “The Pearl”

23 5,4 A shot made by a player Who jumps in the air And powers the ball in the Goal is called A _______ _______. Slam dunk

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