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Government Relations Michael J. MacKinnon, LEED AP, P.E., M.ASCE President-Elect, Illinois Section.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Relations Michael J. MacKinnon, LEED AP, P.E., M.ASCE President-Elect, Illinois Section."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Relations Michael J. MacKinnon, LEED AP, P.E., M.ASCE President-Elect, Illinois Section

2 Government Relations Regional and State Level Focus State Lobbying Effort Coordinated Lobbying Effort White Papers (Reversal of the I&M Canal) Letters to Governmental Leaders Standards Committees

3 Regional and State Level Focus Illinois Section’s focus has been on Regional and State level Government Bodies and Planning Boards Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning County DOTs and County Boards Illinois DOT and Illinois Tollway Authority State Legislature & Governor Case-by-Case for Smaller Jurisdictional Matters Issues too parochial Limited resources to address

4 State Lobbying Effort Began Legislative Road Trips in 2008 Traveled from Illinois Section to State Capitol During Spring Legislative Session Attempted Local (i.e. Chicago) Dinner During Fall Recess Cost Prohibitive ($10,000+) Limited Interaction

5 Travel to State Capital Before the Recession

6 Travel to State Capital After the Recession

7 State Lobbying Effort Event Day Coordinated by Registered Lobbyist Send Invitations to Legislators for Evening Reception Coordinates Reception Hall & Introduces Legislators (14 Attendees in Spring 2013) Provides Updates on Current State Legislative Items Affecting ASCE Interests (i.e. Transportation, Environmental, Water Resources, Soil Contamination Remediation, etc.) Scripted Message Provided to Members at Luncheon Prior to Meetings Keynote Luncheon Speaker Member of Legislator Mayor or Other State Official (IDOT, etc.) Similar to National Legislative Fly-In, Members Meet with Their Representatives and Senators

8 State Lobbying Effort (cont.) Hired Lobbyist to Represent Illinois Section in 2011-12 Section Allocated $10,000 per Year Toward Effort $2,000 / Month During Primary Legislative Session (Jan.–May) Costs Offset by SPAG and Contributions from sister sections in Illinois Lobbyist Provided Monthly Updates on Legislative Issues Affecting ASCE Interests Provided Gateway to Meet with Legislators More than One Time per Year

9 State Lobbying Effort (cont.) Reception Attendees Dan Rutherford John Bradley Mike Fortner David Harris Charlie Meier Dennis Reboletti Darlene Senger Jim Durkin Bill Brady Gary Forby Linda Holmes Dave Koehler Sam McCann Kyle McCarter

10 State Lobbying Effort …Lessons Learned Legislative Day Effective to Communicate with Elected Officials Face-to-Face Meetings Clearly Communicated Message Need to Follow up With Legislators Use Report Card Difficult to Schedule Legislators Not Always in Session One Branch in Session, Other Away Long Weekends Can Start on Thursday (No Friday Sessions) Section Needed to Plan Weeks in Advance Try to Preschedule Meetings Each Member Contact Local Representative

11 State Lobbying Effort …Lessons Learned Intensive Monthly Lobbying Effort Less Effective Received Monthly Legislative Updates ASCE Position Not Well Communicated with Legislators Limited Bang for the Buck Greater Human Capital Necessary from Section to Sustain Ongoing Legislative Effort (Versus One Day “Blitz”) Need Better Ongoing Communication

12 Coordinated Lobbying Effort While Legislative Drive Down Day Effective, Only One Day IL Section Evaluating Participation in Larger Lobbying Groups Pool Financial Resources to Become More Effective Provide the Ongoing Human Resources for Sustained Campaign Hyper-Sensitive to Legislative Session & Issues Goals Mostly Aligned, But Does Not Capture All ASCE Interests Less Section Resources Required for Effective Lobbying Do Not Control Message ASCE Representative on Committees

13 Coordinated Lobbying Effort Example Transportation for Illinois Coalition Lobbying Group Focused on Funding Capital Bills for State Infrastructure Roadways Waterways Members Include Governmental Bodies, Chambers of Commerce, Unions Public Meetings Around the State Invite Local Public Officials Snow Ball Outreach Effort Regional Transportation Summits House Legislative Champions Reception Coordinate Tours with Legislators in Their Home Districts to Educate on Shortfalls / Infrastructure Requirements Work with Other Groups with Similar Interests to Build Larger Coalition

14 Illinois Section Report Card Effective Outreach Tool Simplified Facts for Lawmakers Inundated with groups seeking funding Easy to remember: Waterways getting a D- Educate legislators Easy for legislators to convey the message Solid research to backup grades Received print and TV news coverage Need to sustain effort!

15 Illinois Section Report Card Utilized the Report Card to Educate Peers and the Public Professional Organizations (ACEC, APWA, AWWA) Chambers of Commerce Local Governments Professional Conferences

16 Illinois Section Report Card Lessons Learned Need Solutions Which one item should legislators focus on? Legislators need specific solutions to solve problem

17 Letters to Government Leaders Provide recommendation of PE appointment for a civil related post Support funding for programs aligned with ASCE’s mission Affect policy decisions New stormwater requirements Change in wetland mitigation requirements Maintain relevancy

18 Letters to Government Leaders Recommendation of PE for Secretary of Transportation Dear Governor Quinn: On behalf of the 3600 Illinois members of the American Society of Civil Engineers, we strongly encourage you to appoint a licensed professional engineer as the next Secretary of the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). In 2010 the Illinois Section of ASCE prepared an Infrastructure Report Card for the State that included grades of D for Roads, Rail, and Transit along with a grade of C for Aviation and Bridges. In order to improve these grades a professional engineer should have a leadership role with the Department of Transportation. IDOT is, above all, a design and construction agency charged with ensuring public safety. The individual who leads that agency at your direction should be educated and trained in the design and construction of roads and bridges. Historically, Illinois governors have appointed an engineer as Illinois Secretary of Transportation. This is more than a tradition; it is a wise public policy decision. As you consider candidates to appoint, I strongly urge you to require that the next Secretary be a licensed professional engineer. Sincerely, American Society of Civil Engineers – Illinois Section Darren Olson, P.E., M-ASCE President

19 Letters to Government Leaders Review of County Stormwater Ordinance

20 Standards Committees ASCE Members have sit on numerous state- and local- controlled design standards committees to ensure the best design practices Standard Specifications for Water & Sewer Construction in Illinois MWRD Stormwater Specifications County Stormwater Ordinances

21 Contact information Mike MacKinnon, LEED AP, P.E. M. ASCE President-Elect Illinois Section (312) 878-4854 Questions?

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