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Published byLinda Lloyd Modified over 9 years ago
HOME-CHURCH CONNECTION Discuss ways God has called you. Were you called through other people, through parents, children, brothers, sisters, friends, colleagues? Or was it through Scripture or the sacraments or during prayer? Discuss ways God has called you. Were you called through other people, through parents, children, brothers, sisters, friends, colleagues? Or was it through Scripture or the sacraments or during prayer? Bring photos of your or your child(ren) Baptism. Bring photos of your or your child(ren) Baptism.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Our GIFT sessions are not over until the Closing Prayer is complete. Please help us make the transition between breakout groups and prayer smooth by encouraging your sons/daughters to return to your tables as soon as possible when they return. Our GIFT sessions are not over until the Closing Prayer is complete. Please help us make the transition between breakout groups and prayer smooth by encouraging your sons/daughters to return to your tables as soon as possible when they return. Collect coins for the Working Boys’ Center in Quito, Ecuador and Casa Damien in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Thank you for supporting so generously! Collect coins for the Working Boys’ Center in Quito, Ecuador and Casa Damien in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Thank you for supporting so generously!
ANNOUNCEMENTS (CON’T) HSYM – Feb 9 th from 5-7pm HSYM – Feb 9 th from 5-7pm MSYM – Feb 12 th from 6-8pm MSYM – Feb 12 th from 6-8pm Eucharist Family Retreat – Feb 9 th from 12:30 – 3:30 pm Eucharist Family Retreat – Feb 9 th from 12:30 – 3:30 pm Youth Bible Study – Remaining sessions: Feb 16, 23 from 11:30- 1:30 pm in Room 5, “Life of Jesus and the Early Church” based on the History Channel’s series, The Bible. Parents are welcome! Youth Bible Study – Remaining sessions: Feb 16, 23 from 11:30- 1:30 pm in Room 5, “Life of Jesus and the Early Church” based on the History Channel’s series, The Bible. Parents are welcome! Youth Rally – Feb 20 th from 6-8:30 pm Youth Rally – Feb 20 th from 6-8:30 pm
INTRODUCTION God Calls All of Us All of us are called by God. God has a purpose for each of us. That is why God created us. Each of us is unique; each one of us is uniquely called. Vocation means cooperating with God’s work in the world, finding a purpose for being that is related to God’s purpose. Vocation is a call to partnership with God on behalf of our neighbor. Sometimes our neighbor sleeps in the next room or even on the other side of the bed.
INTRODUCTION (CON’T) God first called you by creating you. But how does he call you today? Is it through other people, the way it was for Oscar Romero, the Archbishop of El Salvador, who heard God’s call to speak out for the poor through the voices of his fellow priests and the cries of the poor? Is it through your parents or your children, your brothers and sister, a friend, a teacher or colleague? Is it through the sacraments or through a particular sacrament? It is through God’s word in Scripture? Is it during prayer?
FORMAT FOR THIS GATHERING… Introduction Introduction Opening Prayer – Go, therefore, and make disciples… Opening Prayer – Go, therefore, and make disciples… Break Out Groups Break Out Groups PreK-4 th, 5-8 th grader with Catechists PreK-4 th, 5-8 th grader with Catechists H.S. and Adults with Fr. Craig, Deacon Rich, Deacon George & David Rolandelli H.S. and Adults with Fr. Craig, Deacon Rich, Deacon George & David Rolandelli Return for Summary Return for Summary Closing Prayer Closing Prayer Dismissal – Take Homes Dismissal – Take Homes
OPENING PRAYER Opening Song Opening Song ♫ We Are Called ♫
Come! Live in the light! Shine with the joy and love of the Lord!
We are called to be light for the kingdom,
To live in the freedom of the city of God!
We are called to act with justice,
We are called to love tenderly,
We are called, to serve one another;
To walk humbly with God.
GATHER Leader: We begin our prayer time… In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Leader: Leader: God our Creator and Shepherd, we come together in gratitude for the gifts of your Son Jesus, his Spirit, and our Church. We ask you to bless us with the courage to embrace your call to be a priestly people.
We ask you to bless our bishops, priests, and deacons—those whom you have called in a special way to be the voice and grace of your Son in our lives.
As we seek to understand better the Sacrament of Holy Orders, help us to be faithful to the vision of Jesus, the Apostles, and the Church throughout the ages as we continue their work on earth.
Bless us with the inspiration of Saint John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests, who called priesthood “the love of the Heart of Jesus.” We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus. Amen.
LISTEN … MATTHEW 28:16-20 This is a Reading from the Holy Gospel According to Mattthew. Glory to you, O Lord. The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted. Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
RESPOND By our Baptisms, all of us are called to share in the priestly mission of Jesus. But some of us are called in a special way to be Christ’s representatives in the world. They are called to serve God and his people in a special way. Let us pray for them as we offer thanks for their mission to God.
On your tables, you’ll find paper dolls of our bishops, pastor and deacons and a globe to represent all of us, the laity. Please choose one person from your table to bring the doll to the prayer table after each prayer.
We pray for our bishops, Salvatore Cordelione, William Justice and Robert McElroy, and for all bishops. We pray that they have the wisdom and courage to lead our Church in faith. The Book of the Gospels is a reminder that the bishop is called to teach the truth. Loving God, we pray for our bishops. R: Bless our bishops, O Lord. Please bring the bishops to the prayer table.
We pray for our pastor, Fr. Craig and for all priests. We pray that they have the love of the Eucharist which they are called to share with us. Our priest has a special place in our community. We remember that a priest’s hands are anointed for celebrating the Eucharist and serving the community. Loving God, we pray for our priests. R: Bless our priests, O Lord. Please bring the priest to the prayer table.
We pray for our deacons, George and Rich, and for all deacons. We pray that they embrace their call to be of service to the faith community. Loving God, we pray for our deacons. R: Bless our deacons, O Lord. Please bring the deacons to the prayer table.
We pray for all of us who are called to be part of the common priesthood of Christ. We offer these photos of our baptism as symbols of our call to be the Body of Christ in the world. We also offer these globes as symbols of the laity all over the world. Help us to be faithful to your call to share in the mission of Jesus here on earth. Loving God, we pray for each member of this faith community. R: Bless us all, O Lord. Please bring the globes and any other baptism photos to the prayer table.
And all together we pray… God of all, you have called us in Baptism to be your disciples. And you have chosen certain men from among the faithful to lead us to your Son. Help them to be true to your mission and to live out their call to be the love of the heart of Jesus. Help us to listen to them and to support them in their vocation. We ask this through your Son, Jesus, our eternal priest. Amen.
BREAK OUT GROUPS GroupSunday CatechistWednesday Catechist PreschoolersKim Hartman (Rm 1)n/a KindergartenersMs. Laura Markman (Rm 7) n/a 1 st GradersMs. Stephanie & Ms. Debbie (Rm 1) 2 nd GradersMs. Sharon (Rm 2/3) 3 rd GradersMs. Susan & Ms. Kathy (Rm 6) Ms. Jenny (Rm 6) 4 th Graders 5-8 th GradersMs. Sabrina & Ms. Sandy (Rm 5) H.S. /AdultsFr. Craig
SUMMARY What is the most important or interesting thing you learned? What is the most important or interesting thing you learned? How has what you’ve learned today changed how you understand the ordained ministries? How has what you’ve learned today changed how you understand the ordained ministries?
CLOSING PRAYER We begin our prayer time… In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
GATHER God of us all, you have called all of us to be a priestly people and you have called some of us to embrace the ministerial priesthood of your Son Jesus. Help us to live our call and support those called to Holy Orders who live in our midst. We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus, our priest and brother. Amen.
LISTEN Matthew 28:19-20 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit,20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”
GO FORTH All together we pray… God of love, you called forth special people to answer the call to serve your people as priests. We ask you to bless them always, and to give them the faith and courage they need to be at the service of communion.
Help all of us to embrace our part in the mission of Jesus. Help us to be priests, prophets and kings in the world so that your kingdom will come and all people will know your limitless love. We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus. Amen!
CLOSING SONG ♫ Come Follow Me ♫♫ Come Follow Me ♫
Jesus saw them fishing by the shores of Galilee
Casting out their nets into the sea.
Simon, Peter, Andrew and the sons of Zebedee
Waiting in their boats….so patiently. And Jesus said:
Oh, come and follow me. Oh, leave behind your nets and follow.
Oh, come and follow me and your life will never be the same again!
Oh, come and follow me. Oh, leave behind your nets and follow.
Oh, come and follow me and your life will never be the same again!
DISMISSAL Please make sure you pick up a copy of the People of Faith Generations magazine to take home and continue learning! Please make sure you pick up a copy of the People of Faith Generations magazine to take home and continue learning! Check out our parish website: Check out our parish website: Like us on Facebook! Like us on Facebook!
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