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TEACHİNG TECHNIQUES. Teaching technique is the application made in the course of teaching activities.

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Presentation on theme: "TEACHİNG TECHNIQUES. Teaching technique is the application made in the course of teaching activities."— Presentation transcript:


2 Teaching technique is the application made in the course of teaching activities.

3 UNKNOWN WORDS: Issue: result Participation: involvement, partaking, taking part, joining in Administrator: manager, director Comprehension: understanding

4 Experimental: empirical, speculative, exploratory Participate: part take, join in, take part Intuitive: sensitive, instinctive Innovator: one who innovates,one who makes changes

5 Measure: weigh, gauge, assess Optimist: one who views life optimistically and maintains positive expectation in life. Exposed: bare, naked Whole: totality Efficient: effective Determine: decide

6 CLASSİFİCATİON OF TEACHİNG METHODS A-) GROUP TEACHİNG TECHNİQUES Brainstorming Question and answers Drama technique Analogy technique Six thinking hats Micro technique

7 B-) İNDİVİDUAL TEACHİNG TECHNİQUES İndividualized education Programed instruction Computer assisted instruction

8 BRAİNSTORMİNG Find a solution to an issue the decision is a technique used to produce production – imagined by thinking and ideas.

9 THE PORPUSES OF BRAİNSTORMİNG Produce a solve for problem Decide Produce idea with dreams

10 FUNCTİONİNG OF THE BRAİNSTORMİNG TECHNİQUE Have to determine aim and problem Have to comes limit of times Have to done criticism Last but not least, have to done analysis and estimation

11 QUESTİON AND ANSWER All level - All topic - All group In short, this technique is useful and common.

12 THE PURPOSES OF QUESTİON AND ANSWERS Student are active Courses are efficient Measure the level of class Student provide couse and effect Classroom improve communicate

13 HOW SHOULD BE QUESTİON AND ANSWER? Question should be asked to the whole class Question are understandable Answers are clear


15 DRAMA Dram is help learn with students’ active participation. This technique is direct both player and audience. The role of the teachers are administrator. This increase the self-confidence of the students. Don’t limit or coercion to students.

16 Improves comprehension skills and creativity Games playable anywhere, anytime Simple and short games should be selected for children.

17 ROLE PLAY (SOCİADRAMA) Role play is an experimental educational techniques. Should be choose the volunteers Students should use their sentence Give information to student for theirs’ make role.

18 DR BONOS SİX THİNKİNG HATS Six thinking hats are that, ideas and suggestion are submitted and to systematize regulary

19 WHİTE  CLEAR(OBJECTİVE HAT ) Topic describes the precise information Symbol: Think a white paper, the paper is objective and gives information.

20 RED  EMOTİONAL AND PERSONAL HAT (İNTUİTİVE HAT) Red hat gives a luck to person to say their feelings freely about topic, which it is discussed Feeling important for people Symbol: think red is fire and heat in your heard

21 BLACK  DANGER AND MEASURE(NEGATİVE HAT) It finds out subject’s risk and problems that it can be formed in feature. The issue is considered risks. Symbol: think the judge’s black robes.

22 YELLOW  HİGH GROUND (OPTİMİST AND USEFUL HAT) The work’s advantages are exposed. Their benefits are regarded The issue is considered advantage Symbol: Think sunshine

23 GREEN  İNNAVATOR (CREATİVE HAT) The person is encouraged to be creative conference More importantly whether the opinion is absurd. The opinion original, new and active more importantly Creative is very important. People are asked to be creative. Symbol: think the nature, plants and energy

24 BLUE  DESİTİONS (CALM AND CONTROL HAT) The think is regulated. The conference’s desitions are find out and summarized. symbol: think you look thought sky and earth.


26 ANALOGY TECHNİQUE Analogy technique is a problem solving method. Analogy technique is showing a event like real at class and then working with this situation. In this technique, student will participate in an event and give it shape.

27 Event is artificial but students’ make are real. Students develop communication skills. The roles of students are functions, duties and responsibilities. Students should solution problem and should decide.

28 ANALOGY TECHNİQUE USED AREAS Medicine First aid Lesson Plane, ship, car, motorcycle etc.


30 MİCRO TEACHİNG İt is aim is that teacher gain experience before service. İt is performed to face to face education in classroom.

31 The subject is teached not important but, be exercise is important at this method. The behavior must be choosed. Aims are determined. Timetable is prepared. Resources are prepared.

32 As a result, there are many teaching techniques. Teaching technique is generally teacher centered. Teaching technique, facilitates learning and problem solving. Teaching technique both thinking and educational purposes. We think, if every teacher use this technique, will be more helpful for student.

33 What is the purpose of brainstorming ? Analogy technique which used in area ? What is the micro-technique ?



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