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Workshop 1: Introduction to TCP/IP

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop 1: Introduction to TCP/IP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop 1: Introduction to TCP/IP

2 What Is TCP/IP? Installing and Configuring Microsoft TCP/IP Testing Microsoft TCP/IP with IPCONFIG and PING Microsoft Network Monitor

3 What Is TCP/IP? 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 APANET commissioned by DOD
1969 TCP/IP Protocol Suite 1982 FTP 1973 Telnet 1972 TCP 1974 IP 1981 DNS 1984 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985

4 Microsoft TCP/IP Industry-Standard Suite of Protocols
Routable Enterprise Networking Protocol Technology for Connecting Dissimilar Systems Robust, Scalable, Cross-Platform Client/Server Framework Method for Gaining Access to the Internet

5 Troubleshooting Microsoft TCP/IP

6 Overview Identifying the Problem Source Windows Diagnostic Tools
Troubleshooting Guidelines

7 Identifying the Problem Source
Configuration IP Addressing Subnet Addressing Address Resolution NetBIOS Name Resolution Host Name Resolution

8 The Microsoft TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Application Windows® Sockets Applications NetBIOS Applications NetBIOS NetBIOS over TCP/IP Sockets TDI TCP UDP Transport IP ICMP IGMP Internet ARP LAN Technologies: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI WAN Technologies: Serial Lines, Frame Relay, ATM Network

9 Network Interface Technologies
IP Over LAN Technologies Ethernet Token ring ARCnet FDDI IP Over WAN Technologies Serial lines Packet switched networks

10 What Is an IP Address? 86 90 94 MARIA AVE

11 Network ID and Host ID w. x. y. z. Network ID Host ID
32 Bits w. x. y. z. Example: Class B

12 Assigning Network IDs Router 1 2 3 124.x.y.z z y.z

13 Assigning Host IDs 1 2 3 Router
124.x.y.z z z 1 2 3

14 Connectivity in Heterogeneous Environments
Microsoft TCP/IP Internet Resources Windows NT (Including RAS) Windows for Workgroups TCP/IP-Based Printers Apple Macintosh Systems IBM Mainframes UNIX Host LAN Manager for UNIX Host DEC Pathworks for VMS NFS Hosts

15 Connecting to a Remote Host with Microsoft Networking
Microsoft Client “Workstation Service” Remote Host with SMB Server “Server Service” net use f: \\Server\Share Communication Requirements: Transport Connectivity (TCP/IP, NBF, IPX, etc.) SMB Connectivity RFC-Compliant NetBIOS Services

16 Microsoft TCP/IP Utilities
Utility Function Security REXEC Run commands on UNIX host Password protection RSH Run commands on UNIX host No password protection Telnet Terminal emulation User and password authentication RCP Bidirectional file transfer No user authentication FTP Bidirectional file transfer over TCP User and password authentication TFTP Bidirectional file transfer over UDP No user authentication Web Browser Accesses documents stored on a World Wide Web server. User and password authentication LPD Services LPR requests and submits print jobs to a printer device User and password authentication LPR Prints to TCP/IP-based network interface printers on UNIX hosts User and password authentication LPQ Checks print queue status User and password authentication

17 Using Telnet Telnet > Windows NT–Based Computer TCP/IP Host
User Account on Telnet Server Telnet Client Software User Accounts Telnet Server Daemon

18 Using FTP FTP: > Windows NT–Based Computer FTP Server
FTP Client Software User Account on FTP Server FTP Server Daemon User Accounts Example: c:\ftp username: user1 password: secret

19 Using a Web Broswer Application Application WWW Client WWW Server
Internet Explorer HTTP Request IIS WWW Service HTTP Response HTTP=TCP port 80 Sockets Sockets Transport Transport TCP TCP Internet Internet IP IP Network Network

20 Using the TCP/IP Print Server (LPD)
Windows NT TCP/IP Print Server (LPD Service) UNIX Host (LPR/LPQ)

21 Windows Diagnostic Tools
TCP/IP Utilities PING, ARP NETSTAT, NBTSTAT IPCONFIG TRACERT, ROUTE, NSLOOKUP Microsoft SNMP Service Windows Utilities Event Log Performance Monitor Network Monitor Registry Editor

22 Troubleshooting Guidelines
Destination Address Source Type ARP IP ICMP TCP UDP net use ftp telnet Network Interface Internet Transport Application NetBIOS Sockets

23 Verifying IP Communications
Start Go to Next Step Ping (Loopback Address) Ping IP Address of a Default Gateway 3 Ping IP Address of a Remote Host 4 Ping Your IP Address If Steps 1 – 4 Are Successful, Repeat Them Using Host Names 5 2 1

24 The Microsoft® TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Network Interface Technologies Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Internet Protocol (IP) Ports and Sockets Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

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