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Student Initiated Projects
Maddie Burke Sean Harriman Kevin Ferraro Andrew Nauss Marie Rohrbaugh Robert Hughes
Problem Statement: Successfully implement a turbocharger system on the current WR450 single cylinder engine. FSAE Turbocharger
Background Information
Turbocharger system must be light weight, reliable, serviceable, and efficient Appropriate size will be determined based on intake restrictor, spool time, and chassis space Heat management and cooling aspects are essential Turbo is favorable over supercharger due to vibration issues and torque curve Added weight must be justified through reduced lap times, power increase, and increased fuel efficiency
Stakeholders RIT FSAE Racing Lead Powertrain Engineer – Phil Vars
Project Manager – John Scanlon Potential hardware sponsor – (Honeywell, Garrett, Borg Warner, etc.) FSAE Project Mentor – Alan Nye
Affinity Diagram
Alternative Fuel Vehicle to Compete in the Green Grand Prix at Watkins Glen
Problem Statement: If the Rochester Institute of Technology is focusing on a more sustainable and green future and Watkins Glen International is only an 1.5 hours away WHY IS RIT NOT COMPETING IN THE GREEN GRAND PRIX?
Background Information
Green Grand Prix: An educational and competitive event which showcases motoring technology that aims for a cleaner environment. Only Official SCCA road rally that promotes entry of all road- legal vehicle types and fuels in North America. Time Speed Distance (TSD) Rally Fri:130 mile fuel economy event on WGI 2.45 mile track Sat:140 mile fuel economy event on public roads around Seneca Lake Current Teams Cornell 100+ mpg Car Redshift Alfred State Honda Insight Edison2 Roo Pod
Different Vehicles
Background Information Continued
Relevant RIT Courses Intro to Automotive Design and Manufacture Basic overview of vehicle design Internal Combustion Engines Learn theory and faults/inefficiencies of IC engines Vehicle Dynamics Powertrain System and Design Research Activities RIT eBike Club Center of Sustainable Mobility Human Powered Vehicle
Stakeholders Sean Harriman (me) Bob Gillespie Dr. Alan Nye
Captain of former WIHS Solar Car Team, 1st in 2005 Tour De Sol. Bob Gillespie Chairman of Green Grand Prix Dr. Alan Nye Assistant Department Head, Head of SAE Unidentified Faculty Member of Golisano Institute of Sustainability Center of Sustainable Mobility WHY: Knows electric vehicles, TSD races, car fabrication Running event past 8 years, offshoot of Tour De Sol Knows vehicle design, ME department faculty and space, former senior design projects $4 Million Dollar Grant from U.S. Department of Transportation to assess impact of different alternative fuel and propulsion technologies
Affinity Diagram (Work In Progress)
Water Tunnel at RIT Problem Statement: Build a water tunnel for use within the Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Background Information
Water tunnels used for hydrodynamic testing Water tunnel has applications in research and educational use Many past projects would have benefitted from such a testing capability
Background Information
Applicable courses- Thermofluids Lab I Fluid Mechanics Transport Phenomena Relevant topics Incompressible Inviscid flow Aero/Hydrodynamics Dimensional analysis Lift/Drag of objects Energy harvesting
Benchmarks- ELD Model 503
Benchmarks- MSE FlowLab
Benchmarks- Rolling Hills Research 0710
Stakeholders Dr. Ghosh (initial project idea/educational uses)
Mr. Ed Hanzlik (educational uses/testing) ME Students Dr. Lamkin-Kennard (education/testing) ChemE Department (lab use) Dr. Steven Day (research) Sarah Brownell (sustainable projects)
Initial Affinity Diagram
Affinity Diagram
MOOG External Leakage Test Improvement
Problem Statement: Reduce the Effect of Ambient Helium in Can During External Leakage Testing
Background Information
Restricted from outlet flow Helium in at pressure specified by customer Valve Outlet Inlet In Fixture Helium Port: Valve is fixtured here Mass Spec Port
Background Information
Moog’s Customers require the valves meet specifications Pressure into unit requirement Maximum Flow out of unit Vacuum requirement Always a constant leakage rate for each valve Air is .0005% Helium Leakage rates present at 8E-6 scc/sec Spec at 5E-5scc/sec
Assumptions Made Fixture leakage from ambient
Helium is moving around O-ring seals Sealing surfaces that release to ambient pressures
Stakeholders AGT Product Engineer- Rob Bauer (Primary)
Product Engineering Manager- Peter Kerl Contamination Control Engineer- Ray Gorecki Product Engineers Quality Engineers Clean Room Managers Operators Moog’s Customers
Affinity Diagram Safety And Comfort Fixture Leakage Software
Operator must be safe at all times Proper Training Wire and plumbing maintenance underneath can Need Space to move AGT is currently a crowded Area Safety And Comfort Analysis of all Failure Possibilities Preventative measures in place for possible failures Risk Mitigation Helium is pumped at high pressures into valves and then into vacuum environment Remove helium from fixture before it can leak into can Vacuum causes pressure through O-rings Fixture Leakage Software controls the whole system Update plumbing configuration Software Proper Instructions for changes in process Minimize delay caused by Confusion Updated Software Package Ease of Operator Use Minimize GN2 Consumption False Failures Result in extreme man hours Pneumatic equipment can be expensive Minimize any excess time per unit Waste and Efficiency Product Integrity New Feature Holds Vacuum Eliminate False Failures Minimize Helium detection in Mass Spec Lower Leakage Data All new equipment must be certified clean Material does not “Shed or “ Flake”, New equipment can not introduce contaminate to valves Contamination Control Robust System Long lasting
Nanomanipulator Phase Two
Problem Statement: Broaden participation and collaboration in nanoscale science by creating remotely accessible instrumentation. Nanomanipulator Phase Two
What Is a Nanomanipulator?
Ultra high precision position instrument Maneuver objects at micro and nano scale Many uses in research Inject into individual cells
Motivation Commercially available manipulators are ~25k
Not controllable over the internet Increase access, interest and participation in nanoscience Accessible Via Internet Affordable (Goal 1K)
Phase One
Stakeholders Prof Schrlau (RIT Mechanical Engineering)
Prof Stevens (RIT Mechanical Engineering) Nano-Bio Interface Laboratory Staff Phase 1 Senior Design Team End users of product (Students/Scientists)
Affinity Diagram
Summary/Questions? High Efficiency road registered vehicle
FSAE Turbo Successfully implement a turbo on the WR450 engine Compile a reliable, light weight, and efficient turbo system Green GP High Efficiency road registered vehicle Funding, Space and University Support Water Tunnel Useful water tunnel for education, research, and testing Control flow and visualization capability Moog External Leakage Minimize leak of test stand Well developed utilization plan of improved equipment Nanomanipulator Phase 2 Develop remote control nanomanipulator Make nanoscience more accessible
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