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Radiology Judy Iskandar, RTR.

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Presentation on theme: "Radiology Judy Iskandar, RTR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiology Judy Iskandar, RTR

2 Objectives for this Session
Finishing the Radiology order in RPMS Process Changes Pros and Cons

3 Registering the Patient in the Radiology Package
Radiology orders are printed to the printer when the physician places the order All pts are registered for an exam. This assigns a case number, allows technician to review the order and complete any missing information, and prints the flash cards and exam labels

4 Registering the Patient in the Radiology Package
This gives the technician an opportunity to add the procedure modifier which may have been omitted from the order

5 Entering the Exam Entering the exam information:
LMP (frequently omitted) Technologist name Film Size ETC

6 Radiology Reports in EHR
If a facility is uploading the results, they will display in EHR When vista imaging is deployed, the image will display in EHR

7 Process Changes Using RPMS Radiology Package
Providers order the exam electronically Radiology orders print out automatically

8 Pros and Cons LMP? Modifiers?
EHR prompts for PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT. It prompts for LMP on the wellness tab and this doesn’t cross over to RADIOLOGY ORDER. We ask our providers to put the LMP into the History and Reason for Exam LMP and Modifiers may be omitted from the order. This is a training issue

9 Questions?

10 Practical Transition and Practice: The Pharmacy and EHR
CAPT Steven C. Doane Chief Pharmacy Services

11 Elements of Transition
Clinical Transformation The redesign of clinical process involving the adoption of information technology Fundamental Changes New business model for health care Pharmacy/clinic workflow Mental process changes – paper to electronic Planning/Preparation Standardization Staff Preparation Planning/Preparation– do not underestimate the time and effort to prepare for the Electronic Health Record or for adapting to transformed ways of conducting business.

12 EHR/Pharmacy Goals To make patient data available across the spectrum of care Improve the care provided Improve the efficiency of care Improve patient safety Maintain and/or expand pharmaceutical care practice

13 Preparing the Pharmacy

14 Personnel Assess ability to accept and handle change Problem solve
Address concerns and issues Adapting as the process evolves Creation of new procedures – some transitional Involve staff Make assignments to accomplish tasks Training and communication Staffing levels and placement

15 Equipment - 1 Review current department status
Availability of computers/workstations Staffing ratio and availability to equipment Type of terminals Number of workstations Placement of workstations Age of equipment and terminals Availability and placement of printers and automated counting equipment

16 Equipment - 2 Needs Assessment for EHR/Ver. 5/7
Computers/workstations and work areas Placement of equipment for effective operation Need for multiple points of entry? Expense to upgrade systems Ability to maintain systems Placement of personnel Electronic signature capability?

17 Workflow - 1 Transition phase Future processes
Maintaining continuity and safe practice Managing two systems simultaneously Map workflow: present and anticipated Future processes Managing patients and prescriptions without a physical chart Processing prescriptions: Assurance of accuracy, safety, verification, etc Process for documenting interventions and notes Pharmacists finish – Technicians fill? Patient signature capture – changes?

18 Workflow - 2 Policies and Procedure Review Patience Standardization
Uniformity – electronic systems highlight weaknesses in operation Managing CII prescriptions Managing “outside” prescriptions Providing the insurance audit trail Patience Allow time to adjust, adapt, and evolve to new practice and business model Allow time for pharmacy preparation prior to EHR – Familiarity with Pharmacy RPMS Version 5/7

19 Practice Considerations and Best Practices

20 Finishing the Prescription
Prescription order transfers from EHR to pending file on pharmacy prescription screen Pharmacist involvement and intervention Opportunity for pharmaceutical care Review process Cover sheet for ADR and other key data Provider notes Review prescription and make changes Send for filling

21 EHR Prescription Orders -1
New orders Use of quick order lists Individualize for facility Make quick orders for key drugs and dosages Consider multiple refills Renewal Pros quick No changes in previously written prescription Cons Inability to modify Rx Previous errors will remain Do not used until on 5/7 for period of time

22 EHR Prescription Orders -2
Refill requests Benefits Can be prompted to pharmacy from EHR Shows up as “refill request” in pending file Processes similar to other refills Problems What if refill is too early? Process, hold, pending file, or discontinue? Cannot undo request

23 Partial Fill Function Advantages Disadvantage
Can fill limited amount based on previous prescription order Does not affect order with refills currently in system Disadvantage Does not show on patient profile Consideration of policy change Provide for multiple refills (up to 1 year) Decreases workload for pharmacy Decreases partial fills Decreases changes to current prescriptions which affect provider’s efficiency with EHR

24 Hold – Unhold Function Used to place a prescription in a hold category for further/future follow-up Common use – placement of an order on the system until next or additional refills needed by patient Can edit prescription when released from hold Problematic Individual sites need to set standards for use Overwrites current prescription items Providers cannot affect held prescriptions Can write comments, but only visible through EHR

25 Return to Stock and Reissue
Previous Prescription(s) Adds additional refill to the prescription Process reissues by refilling Original Prescription(s) “R” Designation given To Reissue RP – Reprint prescription(s) Edit Fill Date (optional) RL – Release prescription(s) Problem Retains original fill date on the reissued prescription and profile unless changed

26 Paperless Refill Simple process to turn on and use
Consider workflow changes No progress notes, PCC(s), etc. Direct patient interaction Procedure Select drug(s) to be refilled System asks for POV on each drug POV chosen from sequence of 3 lists – Problem list, POV list, then free text narrative entry Prescriptions print as previously Refill line prescriptions are handled similarly

27 Documentation Pharmacy Note Education Coding
When? Each refill, significant interventions, other? How? Free text, template, other? Education Coding Where? Wellness Tab When? Complete patient education prior to a note How? Select education topic, level, plan, time Create visit if different day than original provider visit Add name as a provider No POV usually needed except for counseling V68.1 Can create POV pick list to aid in process

28 Christopher Lamer Grant Rogers
Implementation Christopher Lamer Grant Rogers

29 New Terminology POE – Provider Order Entry CAC – Clinical Application
Coordinator GUI – Graphical User Interface OE/RR – Order Entry/Results Reporting PIMS – Patient Information Management System TIU – Text Integration Utilities Server side applications – roll and scroll; back end applications CPRS – Computerized Patient Record System VueCentric Framework Vista – Veterans Health Information System & Technology Architecture


31 Leadership, Commitment, Buy-in
Confirmed Leadership support Tribal Endorsement Area Office Support Patient Awareness Clinician driven

32 Force Analysis What factors will encourage EHR implementation?
What EHR implementation barriers exist?

33 Hire a CAC The incumbent is responsible for the implementation and support of multi-service software packages that automate the capture of clinical encounter information and its subsequent retrieval. The application coordinator manages the customization of the site parameters and addresses integration issues with other software packages. The incumbent assists in the implementation of new software products obtained by the facility that cover these functions. Analyzes and evaluates processes related to information flow and serves as liaison between service lines concerning these processes…Assists staff in the efficient use of the current software. Provides training to clinical staff … emphasizes timeliness, accuracy, security and the importance of these functions on every other clinical application. Coordinates classes with IRM training section and serves as backup for basic training classes. Incumbent promotes an awareness of the importance of data validity and data security and coordinates efforts to correct deficiencies and errors that occur in the electronic record..,provide secondary support on related software modules…

34 Develop training plan for CAC
Training for CAC & Implementation Team, Basic Site Manager, Fileman, PCC Outputs, Lab Package, Radiology Package, Preparing Pharmacy for EHR Advanced EHR trainings, Site Visit to EHR site Training Site Webpage

35 Implementation Team Clinical Champions from each discipline (Lab,RN, RPh,MD,etc) Administration/Executive Leadership Information Technology Include Area IRM representation Clinical Application Coordinator Have well rounded teams. Clinical Super Users (rn, rph, lab,dm,md) Training Peer Support Templates optional CAC : Portland and Indianapolis VA 1 CAC for each 250 users The CAC is a new, specialized position separate from Network Specialist, CIO, User Support Sample Positions descriptions on EHR Website Works cooperatively with Site Manager Coordinates Implementation EHR User Support Customize Software Workflow Clinical Background RPMS experience Project Management /Leadership Skills Facility Working Process Knowledge Computer Skills

36 Implementation Team Roles
Identify and define Policies and Procedures Address staffing and scheduling during transition Peer Training & Marketing Monitor and Execute Implementation Plan Design and Approve templates, menus, and ordering lists for E.H.R. Here are some of the roles the team should play.

37 Hardware Evaluate current hardware needs Evaluate network needs
Begin procurement process for hardware Hire additional IT staff if necessary Install new equipment and test it before using

38 Upgrade Hardware/Infrastructure
RPMS server Training server Network Lab Interface Upgrade Workstation Access - Everywhere Backup Power

39 Assess utilization of RPMS "Point-of-Service" packages
Assure packages are being used correctly before going to EHR Immunization 8.0, Women's Health, Diabetes Management, Behavioral Health System v3.0, Behavioral Health GUI, Dental, and Case Management Implement or assure correct usage to appropriately capture required data.

40 Identify go-live clinic or location Address staff concerns
Identify all affected staff: lab, pharmacy, nursing, radiology, medical records… Schedule an overview of EHR training Publicly promote the EHR implementation Discuss with all parties: hospital, tribal, labor union, etc.

41 Setup Implementation Plan/Timeline
Example of a project plan Very helpful to keep everything on track.

42 Another example from the EHR site

43 Implementation Strategy
Implementation-Who and When Everyone at once - one at a time? Lab ordering , then radiology ordering, then pharmacy ordering, then notes Bring up one team/dept at a time There are different strategies – some are more painful than others. Sacaton-everyone at once Whiteriver-lab ordering, then radiology WSP-staggered –one dept at a time. Each system has merits and drawbacks. It was difficult to have a paper system and an electronic system because there are different processes for each type of system It can be overwhelming to have everyone at once

44 Implementation Sample Schedule
This was our schedule. Teams consisted of provider, nurse and nurses aid. Daily debriefings? (talked about some were less I think)


46 Document Plans Assess risk and effects of initial changes in productivity Develop contingency plan Provide area office with a copy of implementation plan

47 Prepare for Installs Review CAC and User Guides
Coordinate with consultants Prepare a plan for providing staff with training on new RPMS packages

48 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Electronic Health Record
Update Your Software Site RPMS System Baseline applications: Cache (FM22, F200 conversion, K8), Laboratory v5.2 p17, Radiology v4.0/4.5 p10, Outpatient Pharmacy v6 p5, Pharmacy Inpatient Suite v4.5, Immunization v8.0 p1, Women’s Health v2 p9, Patient Chart v1.4 p1, Patient Registration v7.0 p4, MAS v5, p8 Current patches of the following: AUT, AUPN, ACPT, AVA, XB; (ER package) PIMS 5.3 patched to support CPRS v20 Radiology v5.0 (requires PIMS 5.3) Lab v5.2 p18 TIU v1.0 Ancillary Packages Pharmacy Data Management- PSS v1 p1 Part of EHR suite: Dietetics 5.0 Nursing 4.0 Surgery 3.0 Medicine 2.3 Problem List 2.0 I/O Package 4.0 Vitals 5.0 Scheduling GUI (9/30/04) Vista Imaging v3.0 (Optional) (Requires Radiology 5.0) IHS-EHR Graphical User Interface (GUI) Electronic Health Record Pharmacy Package (OE/RR 3.0 Inpatient Pharmacy 5.0, Outpatient Pharmacy 7.0, Consults 3.0) with PSG mods Controlled Substances 3.0, Drug Accountability 3.0, Auto Replenishment 2.3, Pharmacy Benefit Management 3.0, BCMA 2.0 Electronic Health Record Functionality Clinical Queue, Services tab, Provider POV, Health Maintenance (Wellness), Nursing triage, CPT codes, Problem List, Immun. - VA Lexicon v2.0 - VA Health Summary v2.7 - Visit Tracking/PCE/ Clinical Reminders (requires PIMS 5.3) PCC Data Entry v2.0 P7 Fileman 22 (1002), HL7 v1.6 p1005, Kernel Toolkit v7.3 p1002, Kernel v8 p1009 - Integrated Billing 2.0 - Auto Info Collection Systems 3.0 - Generic Text Generator 3.0 Kernel 8 (1010), Mailman 7.1 p1004 patched to support CPRS v20

49 PIMS Patient Information and Management System Scheduling ADT security

50 Begin Work flow Analysis and Business Processes
Follow the paper chart from patient registration to the billing office What processes will change with EHR? What processes will not work with EHR? Make sure everyone is on the same page!

51 PCC Patient Database Patient Registration Data Entry Coding Patient Visit Pharmacy Lab Billing Radiology Case Mgt Key Paper Flow EHR Flow Common Flow

52 Ballpark Timeline PIMS install Radiology 5.0 install – after PIMS
EHR-Pharmacy 5/7 Needs to be scheduled Requires several months of preparation Pharmacy needs to be used 3-6 months before implementing medication order entry. Installation of GUI client - After Pharmacy EHR Set-up Go-live – 3-6 months after Pharmacy

53 Lab Preparations All Labs need to be entered in RPMS
On-site Labs Reference Labs State Labs Computer Access Points Changing from Esig to EHR All labs so that they can be ordered in EHR Replaced Wyse monitors with thin clients Quit using the lab esig and signed abnormal and critical labs in EHR notifications

54 Pharmacy Preparation Pharmacy preparation can take up to 2 months!
Adverse drug reactions month Provide GMRA key to data entry to document allergies and adverse reactions RPMS/Scriptpro Format days Dosages in Pharmacy week Quick orders week

55 EHR Configuration Quick Orders Design templates
Design Menus and Quick Orders Meds, Labs, Radiology, Nursing Define consults Pick lists for ICD9CM & CPT Codes Note Titles User Setup (keys) Parameters Printing Chart Copy and Orders Print Formats This is what you need that 3-6 months for!!! The VHA came and helped us with templates, orders, consults Orders need to be created locally by pharmacy and cac ICD and CPT pick lists (superbills) can be imported from other sites Templates can be imported from other sites Template training: Manning,Rudd, Koepping, CST makes templates Like pcc+ this can be a rate limiting step

56 EHR Before Configuration
Before order menus

57 EHR After Configuration
After order menus These can’t be copied from other facilities. (bummer) It is very important to have as much setup as possible – this will decrease you providers time ordering and stress level. This was large part of our Success!!!

58 Medication Quick Orders

59 Lab Quick Orders

60 Templates

61 Go Live Week 4-6 hours training outside of clinic
Departmental Trainings Use Knowledgeable Trainers (IHS/VA) One-On-One Training Also Competency Checklists

62 There is no-where safe to hide!
Going Live Week There is no-where safe to hide!

63 How the Week First Goes Growling at CAC’s Cat in the microwave TGIF
Crying, gnashing of teeth Monday – have a ½ day of training, then out to the clinic to see 2 patients Tuesday – they expect us to what??? See a patient every 30 minutes, impossible Wednesday and Thursday – Wondering why Friday – TGIF – things are looking better Excited

64 Going Live Intense CAC and IT Support
Make Appropriate Scheduling Adjustments Daily Debriefings…. Procedural Questions Technical Issues How did it work before EHR? More Training We had 2 outside CAC’s come and help with all the questions in the clinic. It was a big help Changed from 15 min appts to 30 min appts for 2 weeks Then to 20 min appts – we still have 20 min appts.

65 Miscellaneous Policies/Procedures
Use of personal templates Template approval process Use of chat and broadcast

66 Things to Think About Referral / Consults
Patient Registration: Centralized / Decentralized People who aren’t using E.H.R. yet- how are they handled? Handle the missing PCC elements? SHX, colonscopy, refusal,mammogram (offsite)

67 Medical Records Process
When to stop pulling the chart Filing notes in chart? Print And File Chart Copies? Batch Print? Release Of Information? Outside Consults? Scanning? Incorrect Entries? How will they handle the change?

68 Impact on Staffing Provider support during implementation
Future plans to shift staff from Medical Records to other locations (clinic) Relax provider schedules during implementation Staff shifts: - 9 months after implementation 2 staff from medical records are cleaning up pcc errors 1 medical records technician is a nursing aid 1 medical records technician is a benefits coordintor 4 nurses aids before EHR implementation and now we have 7

69 What does EHR cost? Or… How much do you have?
Really What doe EHR Cost???? Or… How much do you have?

70 What goes into costs? Hardware Network Additional staff
Servers, computers, peripherals Network Wireless, LAN, Servers Vista Imaging, Meuse Additional staff Additional time Emotional distress Loss of friends


72 Questions?

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