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Chapter 9 Heat.

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1 Chapter 9 Heat

2 Heat form of energy from the motion of particles
Lesson 1: What is Heat? Heat form of energy from the motion of particles Heat always flows from warmer to cooler Machines change heat energy into mechanical energy

3 The sun is earth’s most important heat source
Lesson 1 Heat Sources The sun is earth’s most important heat source Heat source place from which heat comes The other types of energy can produce heat energy

4 Examples: Rubbing your hands changes mechanical to heat
Lesson 1 cont. Examples: Rubbing your hands changes mechanical to heat Burning fuel changes chemical to heat A toaster changes electric to heat

5 Review In a solid particles are closely packed and move little In a liquid particles are slightly farther apart and move a little more In a gas particles can move anywhere in the space

6 Lesson 2: Heat Affects Matter
Adding heat: particles move faster and farther apart Liquid to gas evaporation Solid to liquid melting Solid to gas sublimation


8 Taking heat away: particles move less and closely packed
Lesson 2 cont. Taking heat away: particles move less and closely packed Gas to liquid condensation Liquid to solid freezing Gas to solid deposition

9 Lesson 2: Expansion/Contraction
Expand fill more space Gases = most Solids = less Contract fill less space Exception: Water contracts until 4° then expands until 0°

10 Temperature measure how fast particles are moving
Lesson 3: Temperature Temperature measure how fast particles are moving Faster particles = higher temp. Thermometer device used to measure temperature


12 Fahrenheit To Celsius: 5/9 * (Fahrenheit - 32)
Fahrenheit & Celsius Fahrenheit To Celsius: 5/9 * (Fahrenheit - 32) Celsius To Fahrenheit: (1.8 * Celsius) + 32

13 Celsius To Kelvin: Celsius + 273
Celsius & Kelvin Celsius To Kelvin: Celsius + 273 Kelvin To Celsius : Kelvin - 273

14 Fahrenheit To Kelvin: (5/9 * (Fahrenheit - 32) + 273 )
Fahrenheit & Kelvin Fahrenheit To Kelvin: (5/9 * (Fahrenheit - 32) ) Kelvin To Fahrenheit: ((Kelvin - 273) * 1.8 ) + 32

15 Lesson 3: Freezing Point/Melting Point
Freezing point temperature at which liquid changes to solid Melting Point temp. at which solid changes to liquid Water’s freezing/melting points 32°F or 0°C

16 Boiling point temp. at which liquid changes to gas
Lesson 3: Boiling Point Boiling point temp. at which liquid changes to gas Water’s boiling point is 212°F or 100°C

17 Lesson 3: changing freezing/boiling point
To change the freezing pt. of H2O add antifreeze (it has alcohol) Compounds of Na & Ca are used on icy roads to keep H2O from freezing

18 Lesson 4: Measuring Heat
Temperature avg. kinetic energy Heat total kinetic energy Heat depends on temp. & amount of matter (mass)

19 Lesson 4: heat vs. temp. 2 objects same temp. but different masses  the 1 w/ more mass = more heat 2 objects diff temp & diff mass  the 1 w/ more mass = more heat even if temp

20 A candle flame and a bonfire  bonfire has more heat
Lesson 4 cont. A candle flame and a bonfire  bonfire has more heat An cup of hot cocoa and a frozen pond  frozen pond has more heat because it has more mass even though it is colder

21 Lesson 4: Measuring Heat
Calorie unit of heat Calorie the amt of heat needed to raise 1 gram of water 1°C Heat = ∆ temp x mass calories = mass H2O × ΔH2O temp. × 1.0 cal /g/°C

22 Simple Calorimeters

23 Lesson 4: endothermic vs. exothermic
Endothermic absorbing heat leaving the surroundings cooler Endothermic requires kinetic energy

24 Exothermic giving off heat leaving the surroundings warmer
Exothermic kinetic energy is released

25 Lesson 5: How Does Heat Travel?
Energy always goes from warmer to cooler There are 3 ways heat can travel: Radiation Conduction Convection

26 We get sun’s heat through radiation
Radiation movement of heat through a vacuum Vacuum space with no matter


28 Conduction movement of heat from one molecule to another
Conductor heat travels through easily Insulator does not conduct heat easily


30 Convection Convection movement of heat where warm liquids or gases rise and cool liquids or gases sink


32 Dark colors absorb heat
Light colors reflect heat


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