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Forschungszentrum Jülich in der Helmholtz-Gesellschaft Grid Computing at NIC September 2005 Achim Streit + Team

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Presentation on theme: "Forschungszentrum Jülich in der Helmholtz-Gesellschaft Grid Computing at NIC September 2005 Achim Streit + Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forschungszentrum Jülich in der Helmholtz-Gesellschaft Grid Computing at NIC September 2005 Achim Streit + Team

2 2Forschungszentrum Jülich Grid Projects at FZJ  UNICORE08/1997-12/1999  UNICORE Plus01/2000-12/2002  EUROGRID 11/2000-01/2004  GRIP 01/2002-02/2004  OpenMolGRID09/2002-02/2005  VIOLA05/2004-04/2007  DEISA05/2004-04/2009  UniGrids07/2004-06/2006  NextGrid09/2004-08/2007  CoreGRID09/2004-08/2008  D-Grid09/2005-02/2008

3 3Forschungszentrum Jülich  a vertically integrated Grid middleware system  provides seamless, secure, and intuitive access to distributed resources and data  used in production and projects worldwide  features  intuitive GUI with single sign-on, X.509 certificates for AA and job/data signing, only one opened port in firewall required, workflow engine for complex multi-site/multi-step workflows, job monitoring extensible application support with plug-ins, production quality, matured job monitoring, interactive access with UNICORE-SSH, integrated secure data transfer, resource management, full control of resources remains, production quality,...

4 4Forschungszentrum Jülich Usite Vsite Architecture Architecture TSI NJS RMS TSI NJS Authorization Gateway Authentication opt. Firewall Gateway opt. Firewall Client Multi-Site Jobs UUDB SSL Abstract Non- Abstract DiscRMSDisc Vsite TSI NJS RMS UUDB Disc IDB Incarnation opt. Firewall Authorization  similar to Globus jobmanager  fork  LoadLeveler, (Open)PBS(Pro), CCS, LSF, NQE/NQS,...  CONDOR, GT 2.4  similar to /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile  Workflow-Engine  Resource Management  Job-Monitoring  File Transfer  User Management  Application Support

5 5Forschungszentrum Jülich UNICORE Client

6 6Forschungszentrum Jülich UNICORE-SSH  uses standard UNICORE security mechanisms to open a SSH connection through the standard SSH port UNICORE-SSH button

7 7Forschungszentrum Jülich  Automate, integrate, and speed-up drug discovery in pharmaceutical industry  University of Ulster: Data Warehouse  University of Tartu: Compute Resources  FZ Jülich: Grid Middleware  ComGenex Inc.: Data, User  Instituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche “Mario Negri”: User Descriptors QSAR 3D Output < 2 hours EPA ECOTOX Database Descriptors QSAR 3D Output > 5 days 280 2D structures downloaded Workflow Automation & Speed-up

8 8Forschungszentrum Jülich Workflow Automation & Speed-up automatic split-up of data-parallel task

9 9Forschungszentrum Jülich  Open Source under BSD license  Supported by FZJ  Integration of own results and from other projects  Release Management  Problem tracking  CVS, Mailing Lists  Documentation  Assistance  Viable basis for many projects  DEISA, VIOLA, UniGrids, D-Grid, NaReGI  @

10 10Forschungszentrum Jülich From Testbed to Production Success factor: vertical integration 2005  Different communities  Different computing resources (super computers, clusters, …)  Know-how in Grid middleware 2002

11 11Forschungszentrum Jülich  National high-performance computing centre “John von Neumann Institute for Computing”  About 650 users in 150 research projects  Access via UNICORE to  IBM p690 eSeries Cluster (1312 CPUs, 8.9 TFlops)  IBM BlueGene/L (2048 CPUs, 5.7 TFlops)  Cray XD1 (72+ CPUs)  116 active UNICORE users  72 external, 44 internal  Resource usage (CPU-hours)  Dec 18.4%, Jan 30.4%, Feb 30.5%, Mar 27.1%, Apr 29.7%, May 39.1%, Jun 22.3%, Jul 20.2%, Aug 29.0% Production

12 12Forschungszentrum Jülich Grid Interoperability Grid Interoperability UNICORE – Globus Toolkit Uniform Interface to Grid Services OGSA-based UNICORE/GS WSRF-Interoperability

13 13Forschungszentrum Jülich Globus 2 UNICORE TSI GridFTP Client Architecture: UNICORE jobs on GLOBUS resources Client NJS UUDB Uspace IDB GRAM Client GRAM Job-Manager GridFTP Server RMS GRAM Gatekeeper Gateway MDS

14 Consortium Research Center Jülich (project manager) Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Calcolo Automatico dell’Italia Nord Orientale Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe Intel GmbH University of Warsaw University of Manchester T-Systems SfR Funded by EU grant: IST-2002-004279

15 Web Services Unicore/GS Architecture Unicore Component New Component Web Services Interface Access Unicore Components as Web Services Integrate Web Services into the Unicore workflow Network Job Supervisor Unicore Client TSI OGSA Server A OGSA Server B Resource Database Resource Broker User Database OGSA Client UniGrids Portal Unicore Gateway

16 UNICORE basic functions Site Management (TSF/TSS) ♦Compute Resource Factory ♦Submit, Resource Information Job Management (JMS) ♦Start, Hold, Abort, Resume Storage Management (SMS) ♦List directory, Copy, Make directory, Rename, Remove File Transfer (FTS) ♦File import, file export Standardization JSDL WG Revitalized by UniGrids and NAREGI Atomic Services are input to the OGSA-BES WG Atomic Services TSF WSRF TSS WSRF JMS WSRF SMS WSRF FTS

17 Three levels of interoperability Level 1: Interoperability between WSRF services UNICORE/GS passed the official WSRF interop test GPE and JOGSA hosting environments succesfully tested against UNICORE/GS and other endpoints WSRF specification will be finalized soon! ♦Currently: UNICORE/GS: WSRF 1.3, GTK: WSRF 1.2 draft 1 WSRF Hosting Environment JOGSA-HE GPE-HE GTK4-HE UNICORE/GS- HE WSRF Service API JOGSAGTK4UNICORE/GS GPE Atomic Services CGSP Advanced services GPE-Workflow UoM-Broker GPE-Registry GTK4 UNICORE/GS

18 Three levels of interoperability Level 2: Interoperability between atomic service implementations Client API hides details about WSRF hosting environment Client code will work with different WSRF implementations and WSRF versions if different stubs are being used at the moment! Atomic Services CGSP WSRF Hosting Environment JOGSA-HE GPE-HE WSRF Service API Advanced services GTK4-HE GPE-Workflow UoM-Broker GPE-Registry UNICORE/GS- HE GTK4 JOGSAGTK4UNICORE/GS Atomic Service Client API GPE UNICORE/GS ClientsHigher- level services Portal Visit Apps Expert

19 Atomic Services CGSP WSRF Hosting Environment JOGSA-HE GPE-HE Three levels of interoperability Level 3: GridBeans working on top of different Client implementations Independent of atomic service implementations Independent of specification versions being used GridBean run on GTK or UNICORE/GS without modifications GridBeans survive version changes in the underlying layers and are easy to maintain Atomic Service Client API ClientsHigher- level services WSRF Service API Advanced services GTK4-HE Portal GPE-Workflow UoM-Broker GPE-Registry GridBeans POVRay PDBSearch Compiler Gaussian CPMD UNICORE/GS- HE GTK4 JOGSAGTK4UNICORE/GS GPE GridBean API GPE Visit UNICORE/GS Apps Expert

20 Forschungszentrum Jülich20 Consortium DEISA is a consortium of leading national supercomputer centers in Europe IDRIS – CNRS, France FZJ, Jülich, Germany RZG, Garching, Germany CINECA, Bologna, Italy EPCC, Edinburgh, UK CSC, Helsinki, Finland SARA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany BSC, Barcelona, Spain LRZ, Munich, Germany ECMWF (European Organization), Reading, UK Granted by: European Union FP6 Grant period: May, 1st 2004 – April, 30th 2008

21 Forschungszentrum Jülich21 DEISA objectives To enable Europe’s terascale science by the integration of Europe’s most powerful supercomputing systems. Enabling scientific discovery across a broad spectrum of science and technology is the only criterion for success DEISA is an European Supercomputing Service built on top of existing national services. DEISA deploys and operates a persistent, production quality, distributed, heterogeneous supercomputing environment with continental scope.

22 Forschungszentrum Jülich22 Basic requirements and strategies for the DEISA research Infrastructure Fast deployment of a persistent, production quality, grid empowered supercomputing infrastructure with continental scope. European supercomputing service built on top of existing national services requires reliability and non disruptive behavior. User and application transparency Top-down approach: technology choices result from the business and operational models of our virtual organization. DEISA technology choices are fully open.

23 Forschungszentrum Jülich23 The DEISA supercomputing Grid: A layered infrastructure Inner layer: a distributed super-cluster resulting from the deep integration of similar IBM AIX platforms at IDRIS, FZ-Jülich, RZG- Garching and CINECA (phase 1) then CSC (phase 2). It looks to external users as a single supercomputing platform. Outer layer: a heterogeneous supercomputing Grid: IBM AIX super-cluster (IDRIS, FZJ, RZG, CINECA, CSC) close to 24 Tf BSC, IBM PowerPC Linux system, 40 Tf LRZ, Linux cluster (2.7 Tf) moving to SGI ALTIX system (33 Tf in 2006, 70 Tf in 2007) SARA, SGI ALTIX Linux cluster, 2.2 Tf ECMWF, IBM AIX system, 32 Tf HLRS, NEC SX8 vector system, close to 10 Tf

24 Forschungszentrum Jülich24 Logical view of the phase 2 DEISA network DFN RENATER GARR GÈANT SURFnet UKERNA RedIRIS FUnet

25 Forschungszentrum Jülich25 AIX Super-Cluster May 2005 CSC ECMWF Services Services: High performance datagrid via GPFS Access to remote files use the full available network bandwidth Job migration across sites Used to load balance the global workflow when a huge partition is allocated to a DEISA project in one site Common Production Environment

26 Forschungszentrum Jülich26 Service Activities SA1 – Network Operation and Support (FZJ) Deployment and operation of a gigabit per second network infrastructure for an European distributed supercomputing platform. Network operation and optimization during project activity. SA2 – Data Management with Global File Systems (RZG) Deployment and operation of global distributed file systems, as basic building blocks of the “inner” super-cluster, and as a way of implementing global data management in a heterogeneous Grid. SA3 – Resource Management (CINECA) Deployment and operation of global scheduling services for the European super-cluster, as well as for its heterogeneous Grid extension. SA4 – Applications and User Support (IDRIS) Enabling the adoption by the scientific community of the distributed supercomputing infrastructure, as an efficient instrument for the production of leading computational science. SA5 – Security (SARA) Providing administration, authorization and authentication for a heterogeneous cluster of HPC systems, with special emphasis on single sign-on.

27 Forschungszentrum Jülich27 DEISA Supercomputing Grid services Workflow management: based on UNICORE plus further extensions and services coming from DEISA’s JRA7 and other projects (UniGrids, …) Global data management: a well defined architecture implementing extended global file systems on heterogeneous systems, fast data transfers across sites, and hierarchical data management at a continental scale. Co-scheduling: needed to support Grid applications running on the heterogeneous environment. Science Gateways and portals: specific Internet interfaces to hide complex supercomputing environments from end users, and facilitate the access of new, non traditional, scientific communities.

28 Forschungszentrum Jülich28 CPU GPFS CPU GPFS CPU GPFS CPU GPFS CPU GPFS + NRENs Client Job Data Job-workflow: 1)FZJ 2)CINECA 3)RZG 4)IDRIS 5)SARA Workflow Application with UNICORE Global Data Management with GPFS

29 Forschungszentrum Jülich29 Workflow Application with UNICORE Global Data Management with GPFS

30 30Forschungszentrum Jülich Usage in other Projects  UNICORE as basic middleware for research and development  Development of UNICONDORE interoperability layer (UNICORE CONDOR)  Access to about 3000 CPUs with approx. 17 TFlops peak in the NaReGI testbed  UNICORE is used in the Core-D-Grid Infrastructure  Development of tools for (even) easier installation and configuration of client and server components Integration Project

31 31Forschungszentrum Jülich Summary  establishes a seamless access to Grid resources and data  designed as a vertically integrated Grid Middleware  provides matured workflow capabilities  used in production at NIC and in the DEISA infrastructure  available as Open Source from  used in research projects worldwide  continuously enhanced by an international expert team of Grid developers  currently transformed in the Web Services world towards OGSA and WSRF compliance

32 32Forschungszentrum Jülich October 11–12, 2005 ETSI Headquarters, Sophia Antipolis, France In conjunction with Grids@work: Middleware, Components, Users, Contest and Plugtests Supported by

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