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INTELLIGENT CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IST-2001-32429 ICONS dr Bartosz Nowicki dr Witold Staniszkis Rodan Systems S.A. The ICONS consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "INTELLIGENT CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IST-2001-32429 ICONS dr Bartosz Nowicki dr Witold Staniszkis Rodan Systems S.A. The ICONS consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTELLIGENT CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IST-2001-32429 ICONS dr Bartosz Nowicki dr Witold Staniszkis Rodan Systems S.A. The ICONS consortium

2 2 Presentation Outline What is knowledge management? Where are we now? ICONS - a possibility to get even further! What do we want to achieve? Presentation of Rodan Systems S.A.

3 3 Knowledge Management a set of compound activities aiming at increasing an organisation’s effectiveness and efficiency on the way of better exploitation of information resources Remedy for: bad decisions caused by lack of pertinent information insufficient reuse information chaos overwhelming communication

4 4 Knowledge Production Knowledge Claims Organisational Knowledge Interaction Data/Info acquisition New knowledge claims Initial codification Knowledge claim peer review Application of validation criteria Weighting of value in practice Formal knowledge codification Sharing and transfer Teaching and training Implementing new knowledge Production of knowledge artifacts Experiential feedback loop Knowledge Management Consortium International 2001 Knowledge Management Life Cycle Knowledge Validation Knowledge Integration

5 5 KM is currently being implemented 29% KM is currently considered 17% KM is not currently planned 19% KM has been abolished 1% KM is currently in operation 34% KPMG 2000 (Survey of 423 companies) Knowledge Management in Leading Enterprises

6 Where are we now?

7 Authors'Association

8 8 Polish Press Agency

9 9 Ministry of Economy

10 10 Road Inspection

11 11 Exchange Commission

12 12 SANPLAST Portal

13 ICONS - a possibility to get even further!

14 14 ICONS formal information Rodan Systems - co-ordinator, initiator, project management, architecture, prototype development, procedural knowledge University of Dauphine - distributed content repository University of Ulster - knowledge management paradigms Centro Informazioni Economiche a Sociali – Datalog inference engine SchmumbergerSema Belgium - the NAS Best Practices Portal IPI PAN - tools, standards, methods, user interface InfoVide - ICONS deployment methodology Budget: > 3 million EURO; founded 1,9 Duration: 24 months; effort 350 man-months

15 15 Current project status Started 1st January 2002 No slippage now! First consortium meeting First project review - positive 7 complete and 4 draft reports Publications –2 book chapters –11 papers –13 presentations A number of working prototypes of specific functionality Sound integration platform of OfficeObjects® Portal

16 What do we want to achieve?

17 ‘Simple ideas are hard to implement, complex ideas are impossible to implement’ Prof. Witold Litwin, ACM fellow on the first ICONS project meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2002

18 18 Project goals Developing a stable prototype Supporting uniform, knowledge-based access to –distributed information resources available in the form of web pages, –pre-existing heterogeneous databases, as well as –legacy information processing systems. Managing knowledge base comprising –meta-information representing the domain ontology of various nature (structural, procedural, declarative, knowledge maps) –multimedia content

19 19 Project plans Development of knowledge representation techniques and methodologies for a multimedia content repository Development of user interface design and management tools Design and implementation of efficient algorithms for management of large distributed multimedia content repositories Development of an analysis and design methodology for large, knowledge-based content repository systems Integration of relevant research result and standards in a coherent ICONS architecture and development of stable prototype Demonstration of the viability of the ICONS prototype in a real application environment of “NAS Best Practices Portal” Starting point for development - OfficeObjects® Portal platform

20 20 Knowledge Management System Repository Search Collaboration Security Information Integration Knowledge Representation Business Intelligence Systems Data Bases Web Pages Files Document Management Legacy Information Systems Encription Access Control Autenthication Electronic signature Workflow Management Internet Intranet Message Exchange Discussion Forums XMLRDF Files HSMDBMS Version control Hyper-tekst Process graphs Conceptual trees Knowledge maps Text Properties Knowledge Engineering Semantic nets Knowledge maps Semantic Data Models Semantic nets SDM nets Inference Time representation A formal knowledge represenation language An Inference Engine A time modelling Navigation in semantic nets Scalable distributed ICONS architecture Load balancing algorithms Intelligent information integrator Knowledge engineeering aids Business process metrics Intelligent workload assignment algorithms An advanced graphic interface for knowledge represenation Intelligent personalisation facitlties Integration of heterogeneous resources Intelligent agents ICONS: areas of interest, existing solutions, points of attack

21 21 Knowledge access Content Repository Full text searchAttribute based search Navigational search Categoristaion based (knowledge maps) Link based I I I I I I I I I I

22 22 Structural knowledge navigation

23 23 WfMC compliant advanced time modelling intelligent workflow participant assignment intelligent flow control personalised „to do” list knowledge creation processes process monitoring workflow distribution process definition an important part of domain ontology process instances important for optimisation Procedural knowledge and intelligent workflow management

24 24 positions Selection of the best performer final decision  roles time constraints availability load balancing authorisation Workflow engine assigns a task taking into account positions competencies and the task specifics, current load, availability

25 25 “To do” list - a single access point to delegated tasks

26 26 Load balancing employee 1 employee 2 employee 3 employee 4 task under execution waiting tasks rescheduled task

27 27 col(X,red) or col(X,green) or col(X,blue) :-state(X) :- border(X,Y), col(X,C), col(Y,C) Declarative knowledge Support in solving difficult tasks Disjunctive Datalog rules Easy validation Efficiency issues (application of main memory databases)

28 28 Scalability Data Access Performance Scalability to Pbytes High-Availability 7/24 Load Balancing Efficiency must be preserved regardless of increasing: number of users volume of data amount of processes variety of services provided

29 29 Typical Network Multicomputer / Grid computer Client Server Network segments Scalable distributed data structures (SDDS) - an approach to efficient data access

30 30 Integration Intelligent, web services based agents a software entity that carries out some set of operations on behalf of a user or another program with some degree of independence or autonomy, and in so doing, employing some knowledge or representation of the user’s goals or desires

31 31 - exists, to be selected- exists, to be expanded- to be developed Development Technologies Content Management Technologies Knowledge Management Technologies Human/Computer Interaction (HCI) Technologies Main Memory DBMS Web Application Server J2EE Development Environment Security Environment Object Relational DBMS Operating System Full Text Search Engine Content Schema Definition Environment Workflow Manager Content Semantic Model Manager Content Repository Manager External Content Integrator Hierarchical Storage Manager Role Manager Semi-structured Content Integrator Ontology Model Manager Intelligent Workflow Manager Datalog Inference Engine Content Categorisation Engine Structural Knowledge Navigator Intelligent Agent Development Environment Knowledge MapGraph Manager Electronic Form Manager HCI Personalisation Engine Content Presentation Manager Structural Knowledge Graph Manager Process Graph Manager Load Balancing Algorithms Distributed Architecture Technologies Distribution Optimisation Algorithms Scalable Distributed Data Structure ICONS project focus boarders Distributed Workflow Communication Electronic Form Manager Structural Knowledge Graph Manager

32 32 Presentation Mapper Knowledge Presentation Level Knowledge Manipulation Level Integration Level ICONSARCHITECTURE Pre-existing, heterogeneous databasesLegacy Information Processing SystemsWeb Information sources Multi-source Information Mapper Hierarchical Storage Manager Information Object Mapper (XSL, SVG)Content Structure MapperInference Rule Mapper XML/ DHTML Page Process Map (WfMC) Knowledge Map Inference Rule Definition Content Model Definition (DTD, RDF) Content Base (XML) Ontology Base (RDM) Knowledge Extractor/ Associator Content Management Framework Disjunctive Datalog Inference Engine HTTP/ WebDav Server

33 33 ICONS - a platform for knowledge intensive applications Heterogeneous databases Legacy SystemsWeb sources ICONS INTELLIGENT CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Standard functional area 1 Standard functional area 2 Specific functional area 1 Specific functional area 2

34 34 ICONS Methodology Overall lifecycle Modelling guidelines Parametrisation guidelines Guidelines for technical development of specific functional areas Standard solutions Strategy alignment Best practice focus Hardware / software infrastructure preparation Social issues Project management Necessary for smooth implementation, deployment and maintenance of a concrete ICONS based application

35 35 The NAS Best Practices Portal To validate and give proof of concept for ICONS To address social and economic objectives of EU To gather basic information on ISP, SAPARD and PHARE projects To allow more effective founding thanks to identified good practices

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