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PROJECT OVERVIEW: The most important concept in Technological Design is the Design Process. For this project, you will be using the thought processes you.

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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT OVERVIEW: The most important concept in Technological Design is the Design Process. For this project, you will be using the thought processes you."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROJECT OVERVIEW: The most important concept in Technological Design is the Design Process. For this project, you will be using the thought processes you developed with your photoshop dream room project to create a space in 3D – just like the pros. Creativity is key! Try to come up with some really breath taking ideas. How would your bedroom look if you had full design control? Be bold and remember that the design process is in place to keep you on track… and on budget! DESIGN TASK: Redesign any room in your house!  You will complete this project individually, but you will have peer review groups.  You will be measuring a room, replicating it and decorating it using 3D Warehouse  Use your creativity to redesign your room so it has that WOW Factor.  You have a budget of $5000. What kind of rooms can be redesigned on that budget? Sketchup - CAD Technological Design | Exploring Technology CULMINATING PROJECT …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… FOR THIS PROJECT YOU WILL:  Design your bedroom in Google Sketch-Up.  Use the 3D Warehouse to decorate and style it.  Present to the class why your room is the best.  Complete a write-up with a budget analysis.

2 STEP 1: UNDERSTANDING THE PROJECT A.What is the overall design task, (put it in your words in one sentence)? B.What are the major deliverables for this project (pieces of work that you will need to submit)? C.When are the deliverables due? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… STEP 2: RESEARCH A.Measure a room in your house in Feet and Inches. Include any doors, windows and closets. B.Create a full page sketch of your bare bedroom with dimensions. C.List all of the major components that your room will need. D.Look up interesting layouts and save at least THREE to a PPT file. E.Look up interesting styles and save at least THREE to a PPT file (colours/themes). …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… STEP 3: BRAINSTORMING A.Sketch at least 3 creative room layouts using your bare room as a template. B.Sketch at least 3 creative room styles noting specific areas where the style will be noticeable. C.Brainstorm what components you would want to add to decorate your room/make it livable. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… STEP 4: SOLUTION SELECTION A.Narrow your layouts as well as your styles to the top 2 and match the styles with the layouts. B.Calculate the budget quickly using assumptions from online for all components. C.Conduct 2 peer reviews. Log the information they provide you. D.Come up with FIVE criteria to evaluate solutions. E.Using your criteria, score each of your solutions on a scale of 1-3, tally the totals and justify why the selected solutions are the most suitable for this project (ensure the layout works with the style). …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… STEP 5: MODEL BUILDING A.Design your bare room in Google Sketch-Up (including doors, closets and windows but no ceiling). B.Decorate your room per the style and layout of the solution selected. C.Build a simple prototype to represent your design. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… STEP 6: MODEL EVALUATION A.Review your completed model and re-evaluate it based on your criteria. B.List any last second changes that you can make as well as any larger ideas that you can’t change. C.Complete a second peer review with and log their recommendations (did you make the changes?) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… STEP 7: REFLECTION A.Complete a presentation that will show the audience all of the important details of your project as well as the main selling points. B.Complete a write-up that guides one thru each step of the design process (use this rubric as a guide). C.Write up format: cover page / single spaced/ common font/ font size 12/ separated by step. D.Include a budget analysis with links to support costs and justifications for being under/over budget. BEDROOM REDESIGN M| Technological Design | TDJ CULMINATING PROJECT ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3 PROJECT DUE DATE: _________________________________________ (A deduction of 5% will be made per class after the due date for the project being submitted) MONTUEWEDTHUFRI BEDROOM REDESIGN M| Technological Design | TDJ CULMINATING PROJECT …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Fill in the completed tasks from the Step Analysis as you complete them.

4 EVALUATION CATEGORY EXPLANATION: K - UNDERSTANDING:  How realistic does the project look?  How well is the budget used in decorating the room?  How much assistance was needed during the project? K - LINKS:  How well is the Sketch-Up model used in the Presentation?  How much of the project can be linked back to the research or brainstorming?  How useful was the planning and was it followed/used consistently? K - EXAMINATION:  Does the design have all of the required components for the project completion?  How thorough was the application of every step of the design process?  Does the project give the impression that it was carefully thought out and researched? T - INTERPOLATION:  Is the project overly simple or too ambitious in it’s design?  How polished does the overall project look?  Are all of the expected components present in the design in a meaningful way? T - CREATIVITY:  How unique looking is the style of the room?  Are the components laid out in an intuitive way?  How eye capturing is the overall room appeal? C - EMPATHY:  How well are they able to sell their product?  How useful was the peer reviewing?  Is the feedback from the peer reviewing visible in the final product? C - PRESENTATION:  How smooth is the presentation/how well is the presentation received?  Does the presentation cover the important information and provide focus?  Is the presentation aid creative, informative and formatted? A - TACTILE:  How well does the floorplan flow with the use and style of the room?  Is the write-up structured properly?  How much time, effort and accuracy look like they went into building the prototype. A - PROCEDURAL:  What level of skill was demonstrated with Google Sketch-Up?  How well did the measurement and research early lead to the success of the project?  Is there an observed improvement of skills with design programs during the project? A - QUALITY:  How professional does the project seem?  How much thought was put into the style and layout ideas?  What is the quality of the built prototype. BEDROOM REDESIGN M| Technological Design | TDJ CULMINATING PROJECT ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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