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Jeopardy The EggBuyingCookingStoring Everything Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy The EggBuyingCookingStoring Everything Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy The EggBuyingCookingStoring Everything Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from The Egg What covers and protects the white and yolk?

4 $100 Answer from The Egg Shell

5 $200 Question from The Egg What is another name for an egg white?

6 $200 Answer from The Egg Albumen

7 $300 Question from The Egg What are the thick strands that anchor the yolk to the eggs?

8 $300 Answer from The Egg Chalazae

9 $400 Question from The Egg What will determine the color of the egg shell?

10 $400 Answer from The Egg The breed of chicken

11 $500 Question from The Egg How many calories does an egg have?

12 $500 Answer from The Egg 70-80

13 $100 Question from Buying What are the 3 grades of eggs?

14 $100 Answer from Buying A, AA, & B

15 $200 Question from Buying What does “grading” determine?

16 $200 Answer from Buying The egg’s quality

17 $300 Question from Buying Why should a carton of eggs be inspected before purchasing?

18 $300 Answer from Buying To check for clean, uncracked eggs & to verify carton contains the correct number of eggs

19 $400 Question from Buying Grade B eggs are best if prepared how?

20 $400 Answer from Buying Baking

21 $500 Question from Buying Which size of eggs do most recipes use?

22 $500 Answer from Buying Large

23 $100 Question from Cooking What is it called when a liquid changes into a solid? Makes foods stick together.

24 $100 Answer from Cooking Coagulation

25 $200 Question from Cooking When are egg whites easiest to separate?

26 $200 Answer from Cooking When they are cold

27 $300 Question from Cooking What temperature should egg whites be at to effectively beat?

28 $300 Answer from Cooking Room Temperature

29 $400 Question from Cooking What does an emulsifier do?

30 $400 Answer from Cooking Holds liquids together that wouldn’t normally stick together

31 $500 Question from Cooking What should be added to egg whites to aid in the foam stability?

32 $500 Answer from Cooking Acidic ingredient, Cream of Tarter

33 $100 Question from Storing What is the red spot that occurs in some eggs?

34 $100 Answer from Storing A blood vessel in the yolk has ruptured

35 $200 Question from Storing Where should eggs be stored?

36 $200 Answer from Storing In the original carton

37 $300 Question from Storing Why should eggs not be put in a refrigerator door?

38 $300 Answer from Storing The temperature of the door is lowered every time the door is opened.

39 $400 Question from Storing Where should egg whites be frozen?

40 $400 Answer from Storing In an ice cube tray

41 $500 Question from Storing Why should eggs not be washed before storage?

42 $500 Answer from Storing It will remove the protective coating that prevents bacteria from entering the egg through the pores.

43 $100 Question from Everything What does a cloudy albumen indicate?

44 $100 Answer from Everything It is a fresh egg

45 $200 Question from Everything An egg yolk is one of the few natural sources of which vitamin?

46 $200 Answer from Everything Vitamin D

47 $300 Question from Everything Egg substitutions are healthy for people because they do not contain what?

48 $300 Answer from Everything Cholesterol and fat

49 $400 Question from Everything What 2 things does air add to beaten egg whites?

50 $400 Answer from Everything Volume and Lightness

51 $500 Question from Everything What does the yolk’s color depend on?

52 $500 Answer from Everything Hen’s diet

53 Final Jeopardy A person should never eat raw eggs some eggs contain what harmful bacteria?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Salmonella

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