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City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Urban Strategies to reduce CO 2 Emissions by 50 % by 2030 (i.e. by 10 % every five years) Case Study.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Urban Strategies to reduce CO 2 Emissions by 50 % by 2030 (i.e. by 10 % every five years) Case Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Urban Strategies to reduce CO 2 Emissions by 50 % by 2030 (i.e. by 10 % every five years) Case Study Munich Sevilla 2007 - Taking the Commitments to the Streets A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

2 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Population: ca. 1.3 million Capital of Bavaria in Southern Germany Third largest city after Berlin and Hamburg Highly productive and still growing (controlled) GDP: 54,000 EUR/capita “English Gardens”: world-wide largest inner- city public park (373ha) München (Munich)

3 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Task and Methodology Development of an ambitious strategy for the reduction of CO 2 emissions in Munich in the fields of Energy and Transport Estimate of the effects of such a strategy on CO 2 emissions of the City of Munich Development of a „climate protection road map“ Assessment of applicability to other cities Reference scenario by 2030 Prioritisation of fields of action Suggestion of 43 municipal instruments Climate protection scenarios Climate protection Road Map Measure Scenario Target Scenario A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

4 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Energy demand in homes, industry and services Fuel exchange for heating systems Electricity generation from renewable energies (without Biomass) Energy Savings in the Industry Refurbishment of old buildings Energy saving in new buildings Energy Management and Savings Optimised object supply User habits Lighting “White goods“ Cooking Communication and Media Technology Municipal Energy Demand Industrial Energy Demand Energy Conversion Extension of CHP in local district heating Extension of Cogeneration in district heat and industry Biomass and Biogas in cogeneration plants Passenger Transport Avoidance of traffic measures Mobility guidance and Communication Instruments of public order and fiscal law Pedestrian traffic Cycle traffic Operational Mobility Management Public Transport Commercial Transport Organisation of Commercial Transport Optimisation of driving technology (e.g. biogenetic fuels) A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

5 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Municipal Instruments of Energy Optimisation – Example „Munich Refurbishment Standard“ CO 2 reduction potential: ca. 41,000 t/a Aims: –Creation of an accredited quality standard –Improved quality of refurbishment Recommended steps for implementation: –Definition of standard (according to the Energy-saving Ordinance (EnEV) –Implementation of best practice in refurbishments –Further training and accreditation procedures for craftsmen –Promotion of the standard with building owners and constructors –Higher share of energetic refurbishments in renewal of the building stock A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

6 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Municipal Instruments Energy Saving – Example „Use of Biomass and Biogas in Cogeneration Plants of the Utilities“ CO 2 reduction potential: ca. 260,000 t/a Aims: –Replacement of 10% of the fuels used in thermal power stations by biogas and forest wood, respectively, or untreated waste wood Recommended steps for implementation: –Technical-economic feasibility study –Securing of fuel procurement (Contracts with suitable suppliers, conveyance/wheeling (Supply of gas) –Technical adaption measures –Use and balance of biogenic fuels A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

7 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Municipal instruments – Example Measures of Traffic Avoidance CO 2 reduction potential: ca. 12,000 t/a Aims: –Reduction of travel distancies between living, working, supply and recreation –Reduction of motorised individual traffic in the city Recommended single instruments for implementation: –Consideration of criteria for traffic avoidance in the provision of housing –Organisational concepts for traffic avoidance (e.g. markets-centres-concept, regional supply) –Car-free/near car-free residential quarters A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

8 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Climate protection scenarios Reference Scenario between 1987 and 2000 CO 2 emissions dropped only by ca. 7% By 2030 a drop of ca. 21% is to be expected, mainly through –improved thermal insulation of residential buildings –optimisation of vehicle technologies after 2020 the proportionate power generation of nuclear plant Isar 2 has to be replaced 0 2.000 4.000 6.000 8.000 10.000 12.000 198719902000201020202030 1.000 t CO 2 /a Reference ScenarioMeasure Scenario Target Scenario A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

9 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Measure Scenario Measures which could be realized even in current frame conditions at a supra-regional level; cost-efficient measures at low additional costs Nearly 60% of emission reduction potentials are in households and homes. -Estimates, e.g. regarding electricity and district heating - Increased application of CHP –Additional combustion of 5% of biomass/biogas in ThPS –Extension of water power and photovoltaics By 2030 a drop in emissions by ca. 44% compared to 1987 is possible (-23% in comparison with the reference scenario) 0 2.000 4.000 6.000 8.000 10.000 12.000 198719902000201020202030 1.000 t CO 2 /a Referenz-SzenarioMaßnahmen-Szenario Ziel-Szenario A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

10 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Target Scenario far beyond the instruments of the reference scenario Over 50% of reduction potentials are in households and homes, ca. 10% in the field of traffic Estimates e.g. regarding electricity and district heating: –Increased application of CHP –Additional combustion of 10% biomass/biogas in ThPS –More hydro power and photovoltaics By 2030 a drop in emissions by ca. 60% (vs.1987) seems possible (-39% in comparison with the reference scenario) 0 2.000 4.000 6.000 8.000 10.000 12.000 198719902000201020202030 1.000 t CO 2 /a Referenz-SzenarioMaßnahmen-Szenario Ziel-Szenario A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

11 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Climate Protection Road Map Aims of the Climate Protection Road Map: –Identification of current local options –Determination of priorities regarding the future climate protection strategy, –Utilisation of synergies between different instruments The local coordination and support of climate protection measures are playing an important role Recommendations for focal points: –Self-binding obligation by the housing industry for the energetic refurbishment of buildings –further development of a Munich standard of refurbishment –Information campaigns on effective lighting and stand-by power in office buildings –More interaction and implementation of external contracting in municipal real estate management –A higher provision for bicycle traffic in the municipal budget A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

12 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Conclusions In Munich there are still considerable potentials for CO 2 reduction (without or with low additional cost) partly combined with high additional benefits like noise protection, employment, etc.) For further CO 2 reduction existing activities have to be stepped up and additional instruments have to be applied. Important actors are housing associations, utilities, and local firms. Munich‘s aim of cutting CO 2 emissions in half by 2010 is out of reach. However, with an intensive climate protection programme the target can be reached between 2002 and 2030. Methodology and essential results of the study are applicable to other European cities. A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

13 City of Munich Department of Health and Environment Thank you for your attention! Further information: A10 - Global responsibility: Ambitious CO 2 reduction targets

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