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Chapter 3: Matter and Energy

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1 Chapter 3: Matter and Energy
Classification of Matter Properties of Matter Temperature Energy

2 Matter Matter Is the material that makes up all things.
Has mass and occupies space. Image in text rev_pps is also blurry.

3 Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter
Pure Substance Mixture

4 Classification of Matter
Pure Substances: A form of matter that always has a definite and constant composition. Properties always the same under a given set of conditions (temperature & pressure)

5 Pure Substances A pure substance is classified as
An element when composed of one type of atom. A compound when composed of two or more different elements combined in a definite ratio.

6 Pure Substances: Elements
Pure substance that can not be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb) Aluminum (Al) The most basic form of matter. Each element can be found on the periodic table.

7 Pure Substances: Compounds
A chemical combination of 2 or more different elements. A pure substance that can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Salt (NaCl) Table sugar (C12H22O11) Water (H2O) Carbon monoxide (CO) NOTE: CO is different from the element Co

8 Elements in a Compound “Table salt” is a compound that contains the elements sodium and chlorine.

9 Pure Substances Elements and Compounds
Elements and compounds have definite compositions, and each has a set of properties that are unique. Which pairs of symbols / formulas represent elements and compounds respectively? Elements ? Compounds ?

10 Mixtures A mixture is a type of matter that consists of
Two or more substances that are physically mixed, not chemically combined. A physical combination of two or more pure substances in which each substance retains its own chemical identity. Two or more substances in different (variable) proportions. Substances that can be separated by physical methods.

11 Mixtures Example of a mixture:
Pasta and water can be separated by using a strainer. Uses a physical method to separate the components.

12 Homogeneous Mixtures In a homogeneous mixture,
The composition is uniform throughout. The different components of the mixture are not visible or discernable, one from the other.

13 Heterogeneous Mixtures
In a heterogeneous mixture, The composition of substances is not uniform. The composition varies from one part of the mixture to another. The different parts of the mixture are visible.

14 Classification of Matter

15 Elements v. Compounds v. Mixtures
Identify the following as an

16 Matter Matter Has characteristics called physical and chemical properties.

17 Physical Properties Physical properties are:
Characteristics observed or measured without changing the identity of a substance. Shape, physical state, odor, boiling and freezing points (Changes of state), density, and color of that substance.

18 Physical Properties of Copper
Copper has the following physical properties: Reddish-orange Very shiny Excellent conductor of heat and electricity Solid at 25C Melting point 1083C Boiling point 2567 C

19 Physical Change A physical change occurs in a substance if there is
A change in the state. A change in the physical shape. No change in the identity and composition of the substance.

20 States of Matter The states of matter are Solid
Definite volume and shape Liquid Definite volume, but take the shape of its container Gas No definite volume or shape

21 Examples of States of Matter
Solids Rocks, shells, baseballs, tennis racquets, books Liquids Lakes, rain, melted gold, mercury in a thermometer Gases Air, helium in a balloon, neon in a neon tube

22 Examples of Changes of State
Some changes of state for water: Solid water (ice) melts and forms liquid water. Liquid water boils and forms gaseous water (steam).

23 Examples of Physical Changes
Paper torn into little pieces (change of size) Copper hammered into thin sheets (change of shape) Water poured into a glass (change of shape)

24 Chemical Properties Chemical properties describe the ability of a substance To interact with other substances To change into a new substance Example: Iron has the ability to form rust when exposed to oxygen. Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Benjamin Cummings

25 Chemical Change In a chemical change, a new substance forms that has
A new composition New chemical properties New physical properties Indicated by a Change in color Release of a gas, formation of a solid Release of heat, or turning cold

26 Some Chemical Changes Silver tarnishes Shiny metal reacts to form black, grainy coating. Wood burns A piece of wood burns with a bright flame to form ash, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat. Iron rusts A shiny nail combines with oxygen to form orange-red rust.

27 Learning Check Classify each of the following changes as physical or chemical Burning a candle. B Ice melting on the street. C. Toasting a marshmallow. D. Cutting a pizza. E. Iron rusting in an old car.

28 Temperature Temperature
Is a measure of how hot or cold an object is compared to another object. Indicates that heat flows from the object with a higher temperature to the object with a lower temperature. Is measured using a thermometer.

29 Temperature Scales Temperature scales
Are Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. Have reference points for the boiling and freezing points of water.

30 Learning Check

31 Fahrenheit Formula On the Fahrenheit scale, there are 180°F between the freezing and boiling points and on the Celsius scale, there are 100°C. 180°F = 9°F = 1.8°F 100°C 5°C °C In the formula for calculating the Fahrenheit temperature, adding 32 adjusts the zero point of water from 0°C to 32°F. TF = 9/5 TC  or TF = 1.8 TC 

32 Solving for °F Temperature
A person with hypothermia has a body temperature of 34.8°C. What is that temperature in °F? TF = 1.8 TC  TF = 1.8 (34.8°C) ° exact tenth's exact = ° = 94.6°F tenth’s Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Benjamin Cummings

33 Celsius Formula TC is obtained by rearranging the equation for TF.
TF = TC Subtract 32 from both sides. TF = 1.8TC ( ) TF = 1.8TC Divide by 1.8 = (°TF - 32) = TC (TF - 32) = TC 1.8

34 Kelvin Temperature Scale
The kelvin temperature Has 100 units between freezing and boiling points. 100 K = °C or 1 K = 1 °C Adds 273 to the Celsius temperature. TK = TC 0 K (absolute zero) is the lowest possible temperature . 0 K = –273 °C

35 Temperatures Table 3.6 Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Benjamin Cummings

36 Energy Energy Makes objects move. Makes things stop.
Is needed to “do work”.

37 Work Work is done when You climb. You lift a bag of groceries.
You ride a bicycle. You breathe. Your heart pumps blood. Water goes over a dam.

38 Potential Energy Potential energy is energy stored for use at
a later time. Examples are Water behind a dam. A compressed spring. Chemical bonds in gasoline, coal, or food.

39 Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy is the energy of matter in motion.
Examples are Swimming. Water flowing over a dam. Working out. Burning gasoline.

40 Learning Check Identify the energy as potential or kinetic.
1. Roller blading. 2. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 3. Mowing the lawn. 4. Gasoline in the gas tank.

41 Forms of Energy Energy can take many forms. Heat (thermal)
Mechanical (movement) Light Electrical Chemical Nuclear

42 Changes in Forms of Energy
Energy can change from one form to another.

43 Units for Measuring Energy or Heat
Heat is measured in joules or calories. 4.184 Joules (J) = 1 calorie (cal) Exact by definition 1 kJ = 1000 J 1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1000 calories (cal)

44 Examples of Energy In Joules

45 Self-Learning Check What is normal body temperature of 37°C in kelvins? A) 236 K B) K C) K

46 Self-Learning Check The normal temperature of a chickadee is 105.8°F.
What is that temperature on the Celsius scale? 1) °C 2) °C 3) °C

47 Self-Learning Check A pepperoni pizza is baked at 455°F. What
temperature is needed on the Celsius scale? 1) 423°C 2) 235°C 3) 221°C

48 Self-Learning Check On a cold winter day, the temperature is –15°C.
What is that temperature in °F? 1) 19 °F 2) 59°F 3) 5°F

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