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SCSC 555 Frank Li.  Port scanning  Port-scanning tools  Ping sweeps 2.

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Presentation on theme: "SCSC 555 Frank Li.  Port scanning  Port-scanning tools  Ping sweeps 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCSC 555 Frank Li

2  Port scanning  Port-scanning tools  Ping sweeps 2

3  Port Scanning ◦ Finds out which services a host computer offers ◦ Identifies vulnerabilities ◦ Scan all ports when testing, not just well-known ports  Open services can be used on attacks ◦ Identify a vulnerable port via scanning ◦ Then launch an exploit ◦ E.g. ? 3

4  Port scanning programs report: ◦ Open ports ◦ Closed ports ◦ Filtered ports ◦ Best-guess assessment of which OS is running Discussion: closed port vs. filtered port 4

5  SYN scan ◦ Aka. Stealthy scan  Connect scan ◦ Completes the three-way handshake  NULL scan ◦ Packet flags are turned off  XMAS scan ◦ FIN, PSH and URG flags are set 5

6  ACK scan ◦ Used to past a firewall  FIN scan ◦ Closed port responds with an RST packet  UDP scan ◦ Closed port responds with ICMP “Port Unreachable” message 6

7  Port scanning  Port-scanning tools  Ping sweeps 7

8  Nmap  Genlist  Zenmap  Unicornscan  Nessus 8

9  Nmap ("Network Mapper") ◦ An open source tool for network exploration and security auditing. ◦ commonly used for security audits many systems and network administrators find it useful for routine tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime 9

10  Nmap can rapidly scan large networks, to determine: ◦ what hosts are available on the network, ◦ what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, ◦ what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, ◦ what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, ◦ And dozens of other characteristics … 10

11 nmap -sS -P0 -O -T Sneaky -p 445 -D  Stealth scan (-sS) which does not complete the TCP connection. This is fairly fast and unobtrusive.  The -P0 flag tells nmap NOT to ping the IP which adds to stealth.  The -T is a timing flag that can be set from Sneaky to Insane and determines the speed of packet generation.  The -p flag specifies the port or a port range.  The -D flag allows you to specify a number of decoys. ◦ googlebot’s IP address is used as decopy to make nmap generate packets from your IP address and googlebots IP address. This has an effect of confusing the target. 11

12  Genlist is a program that returns a list of hosts that responding to ping probes. ◦ This list can be used to perform an scan of these machines using Nmap.  Example: 1.Generate list of live hosts and save it to a file called “list”: genlist -s 216.109.112.\* > list 2.Use Nmap to scan that list: nmap -v -iL list 12

13  Zenmap is the official Nmap Security Scanner GUI. ◦ a multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, BSD, etc.) free and open source application ◦ Make Nmap easy for beginners to use ◦ Also providing advanced features for experienced Nmap users. 13

14  Frequently used scans can be saved as profiles to make them easy to run repeatedly.  A command creator allows interactive creation of Nmap command lines.  Scan results can be saved in a searchable database and viewed later. 14

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17  Results viewing ◦ arrange its display to show all ports on a host or all hosts running a particular service. ◦ The results of several scans may be combined together and viewed at once.  Comparison ◦ graphically show the differences between two scans. ◦ scans run on different days, scans of two different hosts, scans of the same hosts with different options, or any other combination.  Convenience ◦ keeps track of scan results until you choose to throw them away.  Repeatability ◦ command profiles make it easy to run the exact same scan more than once. 17

18  Unicornscan is a scalable port scanner ◦ developed in 2004 ◦ uses CPU specific instructions to track the packets per second (PPS) you specify as closely as possible.  E.g., From a single Pentium system, it is typical to be able to generate up to 25,000 PPS or more ◦ Ideal for conducting tests on large networks 18

19  UDP scan is optimized for fast scan ◦ UDP scanning is an unreliable method of discovering live system on a system. ◦ Scans 65,535 ports in three to seven seconds  Unicornscan can also handles port scanning using TCP, ICMP, and IP 19

20  Common Flag schemes: ◦ a SYN scan -mT ◦ an ACK scan -mTsA ◦ an Fin scan-mTsF ◦ a Null scan -mTs ◦ a nmap style Xmas scan -mTsFPU ◦ a scan with all options on -mTFSRPAUEC 20

21 # unicornscan -r200 -mU -I  Option Description: -r200 200 Packets Per Second -mU Scan Mode UDP -I Immediately display results to the screen as received :53 Port 53 21

22 # unicornscan -r500 -mT,443,443  Option Description: -r500 500 Packets Per Second -mT Scan Mode TCP (TCP is default mode if not otherwise specified) 29:80,443 Ports 29 - 80 and 443 22

23  Nessus is capable of: ◦ high speed discovery, ◦ configuration auditing, ◦ asset profiling, ◦ sensitive data discovery and vulnerability analysis  Nessus uses a client/server technology ◦ Server is on a ny *NIX platform ◦ Client c an be UNIX or Windows ◦ Conducts testing from different locations 23

24  Nessus security plug-in is a security test program (script) that can be selected from the client interface. ◦ Nessus can update security checks plug-ins ◦ plug-ins can find vulnerabilities associated with identified services 24

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26  Port scanning  Port-scanning tools  Ping sweeps 26

27  Ping sweeps identify which IP addresses belong to active hosts  Problems of Ping Sweep: ◦ Computers that are shut down cannot respond ◦ Networks may be configured to block ICMP Echo Requests ◦ Firewalls may filter out ICMP traffic 27

28  Ping uses the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ◦ send out ICMP requests (the ICMP ECHO_REQUEST) and then waits for a valid reply (an ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE) ◦ Tells you that the destination is reachable, and the route between your computer and another one (by using the -R option). 28

29  FPing (Fast Ping) ◦ similar to ping program, sends out ICMP Echo Request packets and reports on host reachability, packet loss, and round trip delay. ◦ Unlike ping program  fping has the ability to send out ICMP packets to multiple IP addresses simultaneously  fping is meant to be used in scripts and its output is easy to parse. 29

30  manually enter multiple IP addresses at a shell # fping -g # fping -g  Input file with addresses # fping -f AddressFile 30

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32  Interval between sending ping packet -i 30  The count of pings to send to each target -c 2  Number of retries -r 3  Amount of ping data to send -b 100  Etc. 32

33  Hping is command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer ◦ Allows users to fragment and manipulate IP packets ◦ is used to bypass filtering devices ◦ supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols 33

34  Crafting packets helps you obtain more information about a service ◦ Source IP address ◦ Destination IP address ◦ Flags: SYN, ACK, FIN … 34

35  Crafting TCP packets is the default behavior of HPING. ◦ By specifying the TCP flags, a destination port and a target IP address, one can easily construct TCP packets.  SYN scan or Stealth scan ◦ An open port is indicated by a SA return packet, closed ports by a RA ◦ E.g. 1 # hping -I eth0 -S -p 80 35

36  A nice feature is the ++, which will increase the destination port in the packets by one. e.g. 2 # hping -I eth0 -S -p ++79 | grep SA  All known NMAP scanning techniques can be easily reproduced 36

37  Idle scanning is a technique to port scan a remote system fully anonymous.  Three hosts in idle scanning: ◦ The Attacker runs two sessions of hping ◦ The Server is the machine to be scanned ◦ The Silent host is a machine that is not busy generating packets  has a predictable increase in the IP header IDENTIFICATION field. 37

38  A suitable silent host can be found by running the following hping probe. # hping -I eth0 -SA HPING (eth0 SA set, 40 headers + 0 data bytes len=46 ip= flags=R seq=0 ttl=255 id=18106 win=0 rtt=0.4 ms len=46 ip= flags=R seq=1 ttl=255 id=18107 win=0 rtt=0.4 ms len=46 ip= flags=R seq=2 ttl=255 id=18108 win=0 rtt=0.4 ms... 38

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40  The attacker runs a continuous probe against the silent host, and the attacker scans the server, spoofed with the IP address of the silent host. Step 2, a spoofed scan of the server by the attacker # hping -I eth0 -a -S - p ++20 HPING (eth0 S set, 40 headers + 0 data bytes 40

41 Step 1, 4: a continuous probe from the attacker to the Silent host to monitor the IP IDENTIFICATION field: # hping -I eth0 -r -S -p 2000 HPING (eth0 S set, 40 headers + 0 data bytes.. len=46 ip= flags=RA seq=86 ttl=255 id=+1 win=0 rtt=1.6 ms len=46 ip= flags=RA seq=87 ttl=255 id=+2 win=0 rtt=1.6 ms (port 21) len=46 ip= flags=RA seq=88 ttl=255 id=+1 win=0 rtt=1.8 ms len=46 ip= flags=RA seq=89 ttl=255 id=+1 win=0 rtt=1.7 ms len=46 ip= flags=RA seq=90 ttl=255 id=+1 win=0 rtt=1.8 ms len=46 ip= flags=RA seq=91 ttl=255 id=+2 win=0 rtt=1.4 ms (port 25) 41

42  Scenario 1: ◦ If the attacker scans an open port at the server with a SYN packet, the server will respond with a SYN/ACK packet to the silent host. ◦ The Silent host will react by sending a RESET packet to the server, and will increase the IP_ID by one ◦ The next probe the attacker sends will have the next IP_ID in return  2 units higher then the previous probe. 42

43  Scenario 2: ◦ If the attacker sends a SYN packet to a closed port of the server ◦ The server sends a RST to the silent host, which does not imply sending any packet from the silent host.  IP_ID is not increased, since this RST will be discarded by the silent host. 43

44  Example: against an IIS 5.0 W2Ksp4 Professional machine. ◦ To avoid sending a TCP reset packet from the attacking machine, use a spoofed IP address with the -a switch. ◦ To increase the pps rate, use the -u switch to indicate the interval  E.g., -i u1000, means every 1000 microseconds. # hping -I eth0 -a -S -p 80 -i u1000 44

45 -i --interval Wait the specified number of seconds or micro seconds between sending each packet. --interval X set wait to X seconds, --interval uX set wait to X micro seconds. The default is to wait one second between each packet. Using hping2 to transfer files tune this option is really important in order to increase transfer rate. --fast Alias for -i u10000. Hping will send 10 packets for second. --faster Alias for -i u1. Faster then --fast ;) (but not as fast as your computer can send packets due to the signal-driven design). --flood Sent packets as fast as possible, without taking care to show incoming replies. This is ways faster than to specify the -i u0 option. 45

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