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Monday, September 8 th, 2014 Daily Objective: By the end of today, I should be able to… Make scientific observations Create a testable question Entrance.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, September 8 th, 2014 Daily Objective: By the end of today, I should be able to… Make scientific observations Create a testable question Entrance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, September 8 th, 2014 Daily Objective: By the end of today, I should be able to… Make scientific observations Create a testable question Entrance Activity: Please answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. What is the difference between a testable question and an opinion or informational question? 2. Think of one TESTABLE QUESTION that you have investigated in your life and write it down


3 Observing and Asking Questions – Scientific investigations begin with observation, the act of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful, orderly way. –For example, researchers observed that marsh grass grows taller in some places than others. This observation led to a question: Why do marsh grasses grow to different heights in different places ?

4 Inferring and Forming a Hypothesis –After posing questions, scientists use further observations to make inferences, or logical interpretations based on what is already known. – Inference can lead to a hypothesis, or a scientific explanation for a set of observations that can be tested in ways that support or reject it. –

5 Making Observations Groups Bugs

6 Testable ????????? ‘s Only tests one particular thing… – MANIPULATED VARIABLE or INDEPENDENT VARIABLE The thing you deliberately change… Growing Grass What is their testable question? What is their manipulated variable? WS practice

7 Tuesday, September 9 th, 2014 Have your Scientific method sheets out on your desk please! Daily Objective: By the end of today, I should be able to… Write a hypothesis and procedure for a controlled experiment Entrance Task: Please read the following scenario and then answer the questions that follow: Patrick notices that his shower is covered in a strange green slime. His friend Spongebob tells him that coconut juice will get rid of the green slime. Patrick decides to check this out by spraying half of the shower with coconut juice. He sprays the other half of the shower with water. After 3 days of "treatment" there is no change in the appearance of the green slime on either side of the shower. 1. What is the Manipulated variable? 2. What is the Responding variable? 3. List 4 controlled variables.

8 Dependent/Responding variable The DV/RV is the variable that is observed or measured in response to what you changed… Back to the grass…….. What are the scientists watching for? What is the Dependent/Responding Variable in this experiment?

9 EVERYTHING ELSE MUST BE STANDARDIZED!! All other factors are controlled or standardized so that if a change is observed, it can be connected to the one variable you changed. More grassy questions: – What were some controlled variables?

10 What questions can we test with the Pillbugs? PAGES 3 and 4 in your packet and with your group.

11 TreatmentSide 1Side 2 Light vs. DarkLeave it alonePlace a piece of paper over the top, and secure with tape. Wet vs. Dry Cut a piece of paper towel the size of the bottom of the cup and place it in the cup. Cut a piece of paper towel the size of the bottom of the cup, add water and ring out until just damp, place in the bottom of the cup. Acidic vs. Neutral SoilMeasure an amount of soil, place it in the cup, and add 5- 10 drops of water. Measure the same mass of soil, place it in the cup, and add 5-10 drops of vinegar. Dirt vs. Plain CupLeave it aloneAdd dirt Food Preference (option 1: carrot vs. potato) (option 2: cooked vs. raw potato) Add a 1cm 3 piece of one kind of food Add a 1cm 3 piece of the other kind of food Carpet vs. SandpaperCut a piece of sand paper the size of the bottom of the cup and place it in the cup Cut the bottom out of your cup

12 a special kind of prediction that forecasts (predicts) how changing one part of an experiment will affect the results. It is NOT a guess. It is an informed and well-thought out prediction that requires background information “If ______________, then _____________, because__________________.” format.

13  After the “if” is the part the scientist will change on purpose. After the “then” is the predicted result of the change. After the “because” is a logical SCIENTIFIC reason for why the scientist is predicting what he or she is predicting.  IF (MV) Then (RV) Because (SCIENCE!!!!)  PAGES 4 and 5 of packet

14 Wednesday, September 10 th, 2014 Have your Scientific Method sheets out on your desk please! Daily Objective: By the end of today, I should be able to… Write a procedure and create a data table Entrance Task: In your notebook, please describe what experiment we are conducting tomorrow in 2-3 sentences.

15 In your notebook… Rolly Polly Behavior Preference Lab Testable question: Manipulated Variable: Responding Variable:

16 Writing a procedure  You should be writing a procedure that someone else could use to answer your investigative question.

17 To Start…  State your controlled, manipulated, and responding variables in a way that describes how they are set up  Controlled: at least 2  Manipulated: at least 3 conditions  Responding: ONLY 1

18  Describe what data you will be collecting, and how you will collect it.  Describe how you will RECORD data (separate idea)

19  Repeat data collection in TRIALS!! What are trials? Why do we have more trials?

20 An experimental setup with NO MANIPULATION or change so that you can compare your experiment to it.

21  Describe another way in which you can make your results more reliable or reproducible


23 Data Table  What could we add to this? Time (minutes) # of bugs in chamber one (treatment) # of bugs in chamber two (treatment) 0 1 2 3 4 5 15

24 Thursday, September 12 th, 2013 Daily Objective: By the end of today, I should be able to… Write a conclusion for a scientific investigation Complete a data table Entrance Task: 1.What did you notice from your experiment yesterday? 2.What type of graph could you use to display your data?

25 What should be in a graph? Title Labels on axis with units RV on the Y Key for the 2 groups ALWAYS USE A RULER ALWAYS GIVE YOURSELF ENOUGH SPACE

26 Let’s make graphs for our data… Title Labels on axis with units MV on the Y Key for the 2 groups

27 Monday, September 15 th, 2014 Daily Objective: By the end of today, I should be able to… Demonstrate my knowledge of the scientific method Entrance Task: YOU DO NOT NEED TO WRITE THIS TODAY!! 1. Please have out your rolypoly data and graph. Check to be sure that it has all 4 required items present please.

28 1.Conclusive Statement – correctly answers the experimental question (or correctly states whether the hypothesis/prediction was correct) 2.Supporting Data - lowest condition of the changed variable 3.Supporting Data - highest condition of the changed variable 4. Explanatory Language – used to connect or compare the supporting data to the conclusive statement 5. Scientific Explanation – provides a plausible scientific reason that explains the trend seen in the data table in terms of established scientific knowledge

29 Review procedure Review conclusion Reading assignment! Pages 10-15 in your book… ANSWER #’s 2-4 on page 15 ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER

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