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Presentation on theme: "UNIT4 BILL OF RIGHTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 1st Amendment RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL FREEDOM – freedom of religion, press, petition, assemble and speech

3 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS – any citizen has right to own a firearm
2nd Amendment RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS – any citizen has right to own a firearm

4 3rd Amendment No soldiers can be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner

5 4th Amendment SEARCH AND SEIZURE – person’s personal belongings cannot be searched without probable cause or a warrant

6 5th Amendment Rights of the Accused- No Double jeopardy, no self incrimination, eminent domain

7 Everyone has the right to a speedy trial and can face their accuser
6th Amendment Everyone has the right to a speedy trial and can face their accuser

8 7th Amendment If accused of a breaking common law a person has the right to a jury trial

9 8th Amendment LIMITS OF FINES AND PUNISHMENTS – No excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment

10 9th Amendment RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE- No part of the Constitution can deny or take away the rights to the people in any other part of the Constitution

11 Any power not given to the National government are given to the states
10th Amendment Any power not given to the National government are given to the states


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