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0 Workshop From Forms to Phones: Making Health Content for CHWs Mobile.

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Presentation on theme: "0 Workshop From Forms to Phones: Making Health Content for CHWs Mobile."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 Workshop From Forms to Phones: Making Health Content for CHWs Mobile

2 1 Workshop Schedule  Part 1: A bit of context… (~15 minutes)  Part 2: Group Exercise (~25 minutes)  Part 3: Discussion and Questions (~10 minutes)

3 2 Today’s Goal  Caveats: limited time, lots of people!  Modest goal: to get a sense of the process and considerations involved in translating paper-based forms into digital, phone-based forms  Ambitious goal: get an idea of some of the advanced techniques and tricks that can be employed in a phone- based form

4 3 Ground Rules  Can ask questions at any time if directly relevant; otherwise write your question on a post-it and we’ll address it at the end  Will share materials after the workshop:  This presentation  A worksheet  A “form builder” handout


6 5 What is Dimagi?  Dimagi makes apps ranging from simple, one-form surveys to complex apps comprised of many linked forms  Work with partners all around the world on translating paper based forms, work flows, and tools into mobile apps  Have developed an iterative process using worksheets to aid in rapid building and testing of Commcare apps Form Module Application Module 1 Form 1Form 2 Module 2 Form 3

7 6 Form Content- major considerations  Data:  What questions to ask? (what data do you need?)  When to ask it?  What data is available? DOB vs Age LMP vs EDD  Minimize errors with constraints  Job-Aid:  Help with calculations  Aid in complex workflows  Reminders  Enhance counseling

8 7 General Principles of Form Development  Design: Phone-based forms are always linear (Question 1, then 2, then 3), even when branching, and they can’t “skip back” in an easy way  Language: Make sure your language is simple enough for your CHW to understand it (harder than it sounds)  Length: Avoid very long text (no one reads it) and think about the situation where the form will be used- and plan accordingly!  Multimedia: Think about whether inclusion of media could make your form easier to understand  Question Types: It is best to minimize extensive text- entry as this can be challenging on a phone

9 8 Content: Question Type – Text/Numeric

10 9 Content: Question Type - Date

11 10 Content: Question Type – Multiple (One)

12 11 Content: Question Type - Multiple (>1)

13 12 Content: Question Type - Label

14 13  Make a question required if it is truly required and will always be available; otherwise don’t make it required. You can add yes/no questions prior to questions that sometimes may be available. Required Questions

15 14  You can constrain acceptable responses at the moment of collection- but be sure to provide a helpful message about why a certain answer is not acceptable! Validation Conditions

16 15  Skip Logic: Develop display conditions for your questions and messages that guide your CHW through the work flow

17 16 Advanced Tricks  Calculations  Sum the answer to multiple questions  Calculate a score based on the answers to an assessment  Calculate age from date of birth, or EDD from LMP  Use “if” statements  Can make calculations dependent upon answers to other questions  Reference a look-up table  Weight-for-length  Enable case management  Link together forms over time  Incorporate real workflows like referrals You don’t have to worry about how these are done, just know that they can be done!


19 18 Topic of the Day:

20 19 Exercise: Form to Phone!  Scenario: A small NGO in Northern India works with CHWs that have apps on their phones. They use the app as a counseling aid for Maternal/child health, for decision support, and to submit data. It’s Global Handwashing Day so the NGO wants to develop some material about handwashing to add to the app. They need some advice about what to put in the form. mHealth Working Group to the rescue! They want to add a form that:  Assesses a client’s practices  Assesses a client’s knowledge  Provides some counseling/tips on hand washing  Activity:  Form groups of ~5 people  Grab a form design guide and worksheet  Work together, using the worksheet, to discuss how you can structure the form. Consider the following: What is the best order for the questions? What types of questions are appropriate? What multimedia, if any, would be useful? Would any calculations or look-up tables be useful?

21 20 Activity Discussion  Anyone have a question that they think would be challenging to translate to a phone?  Any good examples of how you modified a question to make it more useful?  Any ideas for tools like calculations?  Any other questions or suggestions?

22 21 Further Exploration… Additional Videos: CommCare Overview Video: CommCare Demo Video with multi-lingual support from India: Recorded Webex of CommCare Presentation given to NetHope: Additional Resources: Contact information: Jeremy Wacksman Senior Program Analyst Washington, DC


24 23 Exercise  Happy International Hand Washing Day (no, really)!  Who has a project they are thinking about adapting content to mobiles for?  Meet in groups to try to develop a plan for developing content. In particular, try to answer these questions:  What are the needs and capabilities of your users? Of your program’s beneficiaries?  Do you want to consider using multimedia? How would you use it?  What existing materials exist that you might want to adapt? What challenges might there be for adapting?  Who should be involved in the process?

25 24 Mobile Application Development  1- Identify the goals to be achieved by the mobile application  Data collection  Workflow support  Content delivery  2- Design the system around the skills, knowledge and challenges of CHWs  Education  Performance  3- Build and revise the application based on observations and feedback from the field  Usability, Content, Multimedia, Impact

26 25 1- What do you want your application to do? Data collection? Counseling? Training reinforcement? Workflow support?

27 26 Worksheet 1: Application Purpose

28 27 Worksheet 2: Form Definitions #question codequestion textquestion typeoptions for multiple choice question OR constrainsts for open-ended questions display conditionaudio description- English audio description- Hindi image description 1client_nameNameopen-ended 2client_genderGendermultiple choicemale, female 3client_ageAgeinteger10-100 4phone_numberPhone numberphone number10 digits 5is_pregnantIs the client pregnant? multiple choiceyes, noclient_gender=fem ale 6lmpWhen was her last menstrual period? dateyes, nois_pregnant=yes 7show_eddEDD: [lmp+274 days] prompt is_pregnant=yes 8previous_birthHave you given birth in the last 2 years? multiple choiceyes,nois_pregnant=yes 9last_birthHow many months ago? integernumber must be between 1 and 24 previous_birth=yes *We generally start with the definition file if using a pre-canned application. Worksheet 1 is still a good exercise for partner’s to complete: Indicates partner’s commitment to project Highlight content priorities. Cut irrelevant parts of a pre-canned app

29 28 Worksheet 3: Application Workflow (KGVK)

30 29 1 Iterative Design with CRS in Kaushambi V1 - Scoring V2 - Checklist & Counseling V3 – Separate Counseling V4 - Edit form V5 – Infant sub- cases April 2011 May 2011 May 2012 June 2012 September 2012

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