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Game Design Creating a game called PING Phase 3: Steps for building basic game.

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Presentation on theme: "Game Design Creating a game called PING Phase 3: Steps for building basic game."— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Design Creating a game called PING Phase 3: Steps for building basic game

2 Creating the Ping Game:  At the end of this Unit students will have created a:  Two player game called Ping  Inserted active objects and modified those active objects  Added movement to objects and conditions for those movements  Added scoring objects  Provided a winner for the game

3 Step One:  At the end of this section students will have learned:  How to create a new game in MMF  How to rename applications and frames  How to change background colors

4 Step One: Creating the New Game

5 Setting up the new game file:

6 Formatting the game frame

7 CHECK POINTS  You will see these check points at varying times in lesson.  These will confirm what the frames should look like and what should be completed at this point in the lesson.  If your game looks different go back in the lesson to complete.


9 Step Two:  At the end of this section students will have learned:  How to create active objects for games  How to open the animation editor to modify objects  Changed dimensions, colors and placements of objects on game frame.

10 Step Two: Creating active objects

11 Creating Active Objects:

12 Modifying active objects

13 Creating the Center Line:

14 Change objects color:

15 Finalizing Center Line 1.Right click to select object 2.Choose Align in Frame 3.Choose Horz Center 4.Choose Vert. Center

16 Creating Ball object 1. Create another active object 2. Double click to modify object and open animation editor

17 Change dimensions of ball

18 Change the color:

19 Finalizing the ball object 1.Right click to select object 2.Choose Align in Frame 3.Choose Horz Center 4.Choose Vert. Center

20 Creating the paddle 1 object 1. Create another active object 2. Double click to modify object and open animation editor

21 Change dimensions for paddle 1

22 Change the color of paddle 1:

23 Creating the paddle 2 object 1. Create another active object 2. Double click to modify object and open animation editor

24 Change dimensions for paddle 2

25 Change the color of paddle 2 (This should be different than #1:

26 Finalizing the paddle objects 1.Right click to select each paddle 2.Move to the edge of each player’s side 3.Choose Vert. Center

27 CHECK POINT #2  Check the next frame and be sure that your game looks the same.  If your game looks different go back to the steps of this lesson and make the needed changes.


29 Step Three: Giving Movement to Objects  This lesson will show how to add movement to the objects you have created  Follow the steps as directed to give movement to the:  Ball object  Two paddles

30 Giving Movement To Objects

31 Give movement to the ball

32 Give ball movement direction 1.Be sure to click on initial direction 2.Clear all arrows 3.Click on boxes to select the direction for the ball to move

33 Giving Movement To Paddle objects

34 Giving Movement To Paddles

35 Setting up Player 2 to the Paddle 2 object 1.In the movement properties for paddle two 2.Click on the number 1 and choose player 2

36 Setting up keyboard controls

37 Choose the keys you want to use to control each paddle

38 Keys to control paddles

39 CHECK POINT 3  Movement has been given to the ball and both paddles  Paddle 1 is set to move with W and S keys  Paddle 2 is set to move with up and down arrow keys  Paddle 1 is set up for Player 1  Paddle 2 is set up for Player 2

40 Step Four:  At the end of this section students will have learned:  What the event editor is used for  How to set up conditions and events for objects  How to test their game

41 Setting up Conditions and Events Click on this button to open up the Event Editor

42 Setting up Conditions and Events


44 Collision event with ball and paddles: 1. Right click on the ball object and choose a collision with another object. 2. Select the paddle 1 object 3. Find the event space under the ball object and right click under the space 4. Choose a movement event and select a bounce event 5. You will see a check mark if set up correctly.

45 Using the Event List Editor

46 Using Event List editor to confirm collision events

47 Keeping objects in game frame

48 Keeping paddle 1 in game frame. 1. Right click to create a new condition 2. Right click on paddle 1 3. Choose the option Position 4. Then choose test position 5. Select the up and down arrow keys 6. Find the empty space under paddle 1 and right click 7. Select the movement and have the paddle bounce

49 Keeping paddle 2 in game frame. 1. Right click to create a new condition 2. Right click on paddle 2 3. Choose the option Position 4. Then choose test position 5. Select the up and down arrow keys 6. Find the empty space under paddle 2 and right click 7. Select the movement and have the paddle bounce

50 Using the Event List Editor

51 Use the Event List Editor to confirm paddle conditions

52 Keeping the ball in the game frame  Create a new condition by right clicking  Right click on the ball object  Choose test position  Select the top and bottom arrow keys  Right click under ball object and select a bounce movement

53 Confirm event and condition

54 Testing position of ball when it leaves frame to right or left  You need to set up conditions for testing the ball when a player misses the ball to the right or left.  It should leave the playing field and reappear

55 Testing position of ball when it leaves frame to right or left 1. Right click to create a new condition 2. Right click on ball 3. Choose position and then test position 4. Choose the right arrow to test when it leaves to the right 5. Create a second condition to test when the ball leaves to the left

56 Testing position of ball when it leaves frame to right or left 1. Under the ball object right click and choose position from this menu 2. Then choose select position 3. Choose at actual X, Y coordinates 4. Click OK 5. You will see the position of the ball with a dotted flashing X at the center line 6. This will make the ball reappear at this coordinate

57 Repositioning ball on frame

58 Moving ball when it is repositioned on game frame. 1. Under the ball object right click to add a second event to this condition 2. Choose the option Direction 3. Then choose select direction 4. For balls that exit to the right. Move the ball to the left (see next slides) 5. For balls that exit to the left. Move ball to the right (see next slides)

59 Selecting Direction for ball to move

60 Setting direction for ball to move

61 Check Point #4 Several conditions and actions were created to provide the steps for a functioning game they include: Bouncing ball condition (off paddles, and game frame) Test position conditions (to test of the paddles and ball are on the frame) Reset ball condition (to re-position the ball onto the game frame when it leaves from either side) Be sure to review the Event List Editor to confirm your events and conditions were set up correctly (see next slide). Go back to the Event and Conditions steps to make any corrections.

62 Check Point #4- Event List Editor

63 Step Five:  At the end of this section students will have learned:  Create score objects for player 1 and player 2  Add to the score for players  Create a winning player text and display that text.

64 Creating a Score Object




68 Creating a Score Objects

69 Adding to the Score Objects

70 Ending the game

71 Creating string text


73 Setting up Conditions for displaying string text Click on this button to open up the Event Editor

74 Step 6: Creating Conditions for ending the game

75 Step 6: Creating Conditions for comparing a player’s score

76 Creating events to end the game

77 1.Follow same steps to set up another compare to PLAYER 2’s score. 2.Set up same events but display PLAYER 2 wins!

78 Check Point #5 Several conditions and actions were created to provide the steps for a functioning game they include: Creating score objects for player 1 and player 2 Adding points to either player 1 or player 2’s score Having the ball reappear on opposite player’s side that it left the playing field Comparing a player’s score to the value of 13 Displaying hidden text to declare a winner for the first player to reach 13

79 Check Point #5

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