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Cleavages  Tibet-As economic growth eclipses any pretense of egalitarian socialism, Tibetan working with CCP become even more disillusioned with relationship-breakdown.

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Presentation on theme: "Cleavages  Tibet-As economic growth eclipses any pretense of egalitarian socialism, Tibetan working with CCP become even more disillusioned with relationship-breakdown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cleavages  Tibet-As economic growth eclipses any pretense of egalitarian socialism, Tibetan working with CCP become even more disillusioned with relationship-breakdown of patron-client? Military Rule Enforced. Tibet

2 Inner Mongolia  Ethnic cleavage, but less militarized than Tibet.  Parties-not recognized Parties-not recognized  Some jailing of leaders  Carrot and Stick-language and cultural days left alone

3 Xinjang Province  Largely Muslim  Multiple Terror attempts:  2008-Thwarted Suicide Bombing of China Flight  2008-Attack which killed 26 police officers before Olympics  2009-2011-protests and riots.

4 Ughir People Turkish/Russian Unsure where loyalty lies

5 Ethnic Responses   o Crackdown on protest by ethnic minorities and use of military to maintain order  o Restricting information into and out of ethnic minority regions  o Increased infrastructural/development projects in ethnic areas (including water)  o Improved access to education  o Subsidies to ethnic/border regions (agricultural, educational)  o Incentives for foreign or domestic investment  o Increased efforts to recruit more ethnic minorities into the regional and national leadership

6 Great Western Development Plan  onicle of Events [1] [1]  1999: the "Western Development" guidelines are clarified  2000: the "Western Development" plan begins  2001: the official website of the "Western Development" program is launched  2002: construction of the "West-East Gas Pipeline" begins  2003: the policy of "Returning Grazing Land to Grassland" comes into effect  2004: the Law on Promoting Western Development is listed on the legislative plan of the 10th National People's Congress  2005: compulsory education tuition and fees become exempt in western areas  2006: the Qinghai-Tibet Railway begins operation  2007: the Ministry of Finance invests 280 billion yuan in the west to support key projects  2009: Formation of the West Triangle Economic Zo

7 Geographic  Shifting focus of development to the West/Great Western Development program  o Infrastructure, development and land reclamation projects in the West (including water)  o Improved access to education  o Incentives for foreign or domestic investment in West to reduce disparities  o Promotion of charity/donations

8 Class  o Public spending to create jobs  o Programs to help retrain unemployed, especially from state- owned enterprises (SOEs)  o Increased tolerance of localized protests as long as they do not target the party  o Arrests of workers, low-income people and migrants who target the party  o Crackdown on lawyers representing workers or low-income people  o Promotion of benefits for migrant workers  o Community provisions of social services  o Tax policies  Shift to Consumer Spending

9 Gender  o New laws against/raising awareness about domestic violence and sexual harassment  o Criminalization of sex-selected abortion  o Hosting of 1995 conference on women in Beijing  o Toleration of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that target women’s issues  o Efforts to reduce sex trafficking

10 Social Control  Transparency Limited:  No published budget  Leaders selected behind closed doors  Suppression of any info perceived as damaging to the government

11 Political Participation – Political Parties  CCP and Participation  Largest political party in world  Only 8% of citizens age 18+ are members  2001 – capitalists allowed to become members  CCP’s Youth League  More than 75 million members  CCP allows existence of eight “democratic” parties  Each party has special group it draws from (intellectuals, etc)  Tightly controlled by CCP  Advisory role only

12 Political Participation  Discussion Question: Describe three different forms of political participation in authoritarian systems.  Joining political parties, standing for office  Voting  Protests/demonstrations  Civil disobedience  Coups d’etat, revolutions, political violence  Joining interest groups, NGOs, Citizens policy meetings (mass line)

13 The Democracy Movement (1989), Fang Lizhi, and Tiananmen Square

14 Falun Gong  70 Million pracitioners by 1999/declared illegal (heretical) Thounsands imprisioned.

15 Police Power

16 Dissidents

17 Political Participation – Civil Society  Non-existent under Mao  Private organizations growing in recent years  Focus on social issues that do not directly challenge authority of state  1990s NGOs could register with govt  China has thousands (ping pong clubs, environmentalist groups)  Christianity and Buddhism rebounding  Govt keeps close control on these groups  Esp Falun Gong (see student presentation)

18 Feedback/ External Stimuli  Regime continues to control mass media  Government mostly successful at controlling access to Internet  Millions find ways around Internet controls  China is world’s leader in pirated films, music, and software  WTO Member and G8 Participation= Reform?

19 External Power  Foreign Policy: More change  Entry into WTO changes relationships  Olympics of 2008 create pressure for change  Negotiated return of Hong Kong rewarded Chinese efforts to join community of nations  Refusal to endorse US-British invasion of Iraq in 2003  Major player in North Korean decision to abandon nuclear technology  Refusal to agree on Iranian nuclear threat

20 WTO  NGO’s challenge China on Human Rights  China devakues yuan, but open to trading on markets under limited band.

21 Legitimacy/Information  Bird Flus and SARS  Tinnamen Square Death’s

22 Economic Cleavages   Urban V Rural  Rights of Village and “ownership” vs. State needs for devlopment. Rights of Village and “ownership” vs. State needs for devlopment.  East v. West  Pollution  Olympics  Corruption-patronage  Corruption-Regulation

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