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4 Qualifications of a Classic…. 1. Interwoven Plots Different characters and storylines are interacting throughout the novel. 4 Storylines in ATS 1.Tom.

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1 4 Qualifications of a Classic…

2 1. Interwoven Plots Different characters and storylines are interacting throughout the novel. 4 Storylines in ATS 1.Tom and Aunt Polly / Sid 2.Tom and Becky 3.Tom and Huck / friends 4.Tom and Injun Joe / Muff Potter

3 2. Test of Time The book must continue to be read and praised over long periods of time. –ATS has been widely read since it was published in 1876!

4 3. Appeals to Many Ages The book must keep the interest of people of different ages. –Twain’s “Preface” He wrote it for boys and girls. He also wrote it to remind adults of childhood.

5 4. Universal Themes The book must discuss themes that cut across all ages and cultures and communicate truths of human nature. –Examples: –growing up –work vs. play –friendship, etc.

6 ATS Chapter 1 Narrative POV: –3 rd Person Setting: –St. Petersburg, Missouri, on the Mississippi River in the 1840s Dialect: regional variation of a language –1840s Midwestern English Vernacular Plot Details: Tom vs. Aunt Polly and Sid –Tom’s mother has died. –Tom’s crimes He sneaked in the closet and ate the jam. He skipped school to swim but sewed his collar again. He comes back home late with his clothes dirtied. –Tom fights with a “newcomer” –Aunt Polly will make Tom work on Saturday to pay for his recent crimes.

7 ATS Chapter 2 Contrast: spring freedom of Saturday morning vs. Tom’s enslavement Tom’s “magnificent” inspiration: tricking the young boys into paying to whitewash the fence for him! –Reverse Psychology through a Perspective Change: It is a unique experience and privilege. It requires great skill and care. –Tom acts reluctant which only makes Ben Rogers want to paint more! “Tom…planned the slaughter of more innocents…” –Metaphor: Tom’s trickery = the “slaughter” of “innocent” victims – Universal Themes: 1.People covet anything that is hard to attain. 2.Work (obligation) vs. Play (no obligation) (Even for the same task!) –Ex. Wealthy Englishmen drive 4-horse passenger coaches 20-30 miles because it costs money. If it was their job, they would quit!

8 ATS Chapter 3 Metaphor: comparison where one thing is spoken of as another. Introduced Plot: Tom and Becky! P. 16: Tom’s “army” wins the battle and the “terms” of the next “disagreement” are “agreed upon.” (Irony) –Ironically, after the battle, Tom, the “fresh-crowned hero,” “fell without firing a shot.” Metaphor for his new crush on Becky Thatcher! His old “adoration” for Amy Lawrence was just “evanescent partiality” = a brief preference 19-20: Tom = “martyr” for love (Metaphor & Melodrama!) –He imagines himself dying as a “martyr” outside Becky’s window. –As he is thinking about her single “tear” falling upon his dead body, the maid “profanes” (or “dishonors”) the “holy calm” by tossing dirty water on Tom’s “remains”! (Irony & Humor)

9 ATS Chapters 4 - 5 Chapter 4 Tom exchanges whitewashing treasure for tickets to get the Bible. He tells Judge Thatcher the first two disciples were “David and Goliath,” and the author draws a curtain of “charity” (or mercy) over the rest of the scene. Chapter 5 Satire: a literary work that ridicules human foolishness –Ex. Aunt Polly’s glasses are stylish, but useless as “stove lids.” (Fashion) –Willie Mufferson is the “Model Boy” who is as careful around his mom as he is around “cut glass” (“Goody Two-Shoes”) –Dramatic Church Routines… Rev. Sprague shares many announcements even though there are “abundant newspapers.” The minister prays for almost everyone and everything. Tom finds the sermon to be uninteresting; the beetle and dog provide comic relief and entertainment.

10 ATS Chapter 6 Tom tries to skip school by “encouraging” his symptoms. –T to S: “No—never mind…don’t call anybody.” (Reverse Psychology again!) Tom & Huckleberry Finn (Interwoven Plot) –All the mothers love the “Model Boy” (Willie Mufferson), but all the boys hate him. »IRONY (Romans 7:7-25) –All the mothers hate the “idle, lawless, bad” Huck Finn, but all the boys love him. Tom plays with Huck because he is ordered not to! Wart Superstitions –Preface: “The odd superstitions were all prevalent…” –The superstitions arrange the graveyard incident! –

11 ATS Chapters 6 - 7 Interwoven Plot: Tom and Becky Reverse Psychology: Tom delays showing Becky his slate that reads, “I love you.” (He stirs her curiosity.) Meeting: Tom teaches her to draw on a slate after school. They kiss and become “engaged,” but… Suspense & Conflict: Tom mentions his engagement to Amy Lawrence. Tom gives her the andiron knob but she is not consoled.

12 ATS Chapter 8 His Plan: He will run away, become a pirate, and come back to Sunday School as the envy of all his companions! Superstitions: The failure of Tom’s superstitions lead to another superstition—it must have been a witch! Assignment: Using vocabulary words 11-15, write a superstitious cure for warts or a procedure for retrieving lost marbles. You may write it in numbered steps or paragraphs.

13 ATS Chapter 9 4 th Interwoven Plot: Dr. Robinson’s Murder! Dr. Robinson hired Muff and Joe to dig up Hoss so he can do illegal medical experiments on his corpse. The new grave will hide the upturned dirt. Joe murders the Dr. and convinces Muff that he did it in his drunken state. –Motive: The Dr. denied him food and the Dr.’s father had him jailed as a “vagrant” or “bum.” –The boys leave right after the stabbing. –Muff’s knife and guilt will make him the prime suspect.

14 ATS Chapter 10 See the sample ATS chapter project!

15 ATS Chapter 11 Tom’s Internal Conflict & External Action: –He struggles between his promise and superstitions to keep the murder a secret and his desire to free Muff Potter. –He “smuggled…small comforts” to Muff. Translated Passage: “The villagers…at present.” –The villagers wanted to tar and feather Joe for trying to steal the body, but everyone was afraid of him. His testimony started at the fight and left out the theft, so no one wanted to bring him to court. Evidence against Muff: –Muff’s bloody knife at the scene –His absence and “washing” the night of the crime –His fear and return to the graveyard (He says without prompting, “I didn’t do it, friends.”) –Injun Joe’s testimony

16 ATS Chapters 12-29 covered in class presentations!

17 ATS Chapters 30 - 31 Interwoven Plots: 1.Aunt Polly, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Thatcher, and everyone rallies to find them. 2.Becky and Tom are lost in the cave! 3.Huck saves the Widow Douglas and catches a fever. 4.Injun Joe flees from the Welshman and is seen in McDougal’s Cave! Huck’s Characterization: “This was that stranger’s voice…which was—” –begins superstitious and self-preserving overcomes superstitions / fears by testifying before the lawyer overcomes fears to save the Widow out of gratitude and compassion

18 ATS Chapters 30 - 31 Tom’s Characterization: –begins superstitious and selfish overcomes superstitions / fears by testifying to free Muff Potter –Tom is first only attracted first to Becky, but then he starts to sacrifice for her: He becomes “noble” by taking her “whipping.” The cave adventure becomes Tom’s Rite of Passage into Manhood! –The cave begins as a fun, beautiful exploration (much like his crush on Becky!) –When they get lost, Tom takes responsibility. –Tom gives Becky the larger piece of their “wedding cake.” –Tom confronts fears of death and Injun Joe, but keeps searching for an exit! –Tom thinks of the kite line to save Becky.

19 ATS Chapters 32-33 Tom’s Third Public Spectacle! 1.Crashing his own funeral! 2.Testifying to save Muff! 3.Procession for the found children! Universal Themes through Dripping Water… –Time flies. –Nature will outlast mankind’s creations. –Universal Question: Was everything designed with a purpose?

20 ATS Chapters 34 - 35 ATS is a Comedy! –Huck and Tom’s money becomes their income! –Tom tricks Huck into staying with Widow Douglas. He says robbers are “respectable.” He says he will not let Huck into his gang unless he learns how to be more civilized. Huck says he will “cuss” and “smoke” privately. –Tom’s gang initiation is planned for that night… Boys will be boys! Interwoven Plots: 1.Aunt Polly keeps raising Tom and sets up with his income. 2.Tom and Becky stay close friends. 3.Tom and Huck stay close friends and have become rich! 4.Injun Joe died in the cave and Muff Potter has been freed. Conclusion: –Tom has become a man, more or less!

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