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Overview of SoLID Jian-ping Chen, JLab SoLID Director’s Review

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1 Overview of SoLID Jian-ping Chen, JLab SoLID Director’s Review
Feb , 2015

2 Outline Introduction Baseline equipment Dependencies
Magnet Simulations/Software Detectors Support and infra-structure Design/R&D progress Dependencies Beam polarimetry Cryo-target and polarized targets Project management Cost estimation Summary

3 Introduction: Overview of SoLID
Solenoidal Large Intensity Device Full exploitation of JLab 12 GeV Upgrade  A Large Acceptance Detector That Can Also Handle High Luminosity ( ) Take advantage of latest development in detectors, data acquisition and simulations Reach ultimate precision for SIDIS (TMDs), PVDIS in high-x region and threshold J/y 5 highly rated experiments approved Three SIDIS experiments, one PVDIS, one J/y production Two additional run group experiments: di-hadron, Inclusive-SSA Strong collaboration (200+ collaborators from 50+ institutes, 11 countries) Significant international contributions

4 SoLID Configurations Baseline Equipment

5 SoLID Configuration (I): SIDIS & J/y

6 SoLID Configuration (II): PVDIS

7 SoLID Detector Overview
PVDIS: Baffle LGC xGEMs EC We aim to build an advanced device which has high intensity and also have very large acceptance. So they requires us to take advantage of new detector techniques, very faster electronics and DAQ system. We also need a close-to-realistic simulation tool for us to evaluate the experimental conditions and infrastructure requirements, such as the overall rate, background situation and radiation distribution. Besides, analysis software developments, for example, the tracking reconstruction of GEMs in strong magnetic field is also very important. I took out individual detectors from the CLEO-II magnet as demonstration. There are two basic solid setups, and some of the detectors, like LGC and EC, can be shared in between two setups. Other infrastructures like targets, collimators and supporting structure are not shown here. For PVDIS, we use the baffle, which contains 12 layers of thick lead plate to block most of neutral particles and heavier charged particle while only preserve high energy electronics. 4 layers of GEMs provide the tracking information, and Light Gas Cherenkov and electromagnetic calorimeter or EC will be used for triggering, particle identification and energy measurements. For SIDIS and J/Psi, 6 GEM plates will be used for the tracking at large angle and at forward angle. At large angle, we use Scintillator-pad Detector (or SPD) to reject neutral particles and measure time, and EC to perform the PID. The electron trigger is given by the coincidence between SPD and EC. At forward angle, Light gas cherenov will provide the e/pi separation, heavy cherenov detectors for the pi/K separation. Multi-gap resistant plate chamber and forward angle SPD will provide timing measurement and reject neutral particles, most importantly, photons. Forward angle EC will provide PID. LGC+MRPC+EC will be used for electron triggers, EC itself can also provide hadron triggers. There are a lot of activities going on for the Pre-R&D, R&D and MC simulation for each detector. We are going to develop prototypes of LGC at Temple and Heavy Gas Cherenkov at Duke. In the next few slides I will give you updates for the magnet, GEMs, MRPC, EC, and SPD. SIDIS&J/Psi: 6xGEMs LASPD LAEC LGC HGC FASPD MRPC FAEC

8 SoLID Baseline Equipment
Solenoid Magnet: CLEOII magnet with modifications EM Calorimeter: particle identification, mainly electron PID SIDIS forward + Large-angle (including SPD) PVDIS forward only GEM detectors: tracking Light Gas Cherenkov: electron PID Heavy Gas Cherenkov: hadron (pion) PID, only for SIDIS MRPC: TOF for hadron (pion) PID, only for SIDIS Baffles: reduce background, only for PVDIS Data Acquisition: Hall D developed pipeline DAQ system Supporting Structure for magnet and detectors Infrastructure

9 SoLID Magnet Cost ~ 4.3 M$ + Manpower R. Wines Requirements:
Acceptance: Φ: 2π, θ: 8o-24o (SIDIS), 22o-35o (PVDIS), P: 1.0 – 7.0 GeV/c,  Resolution: δP/P ~ 2% (requires 0.1 mm tracking resolution)  Fringe field at the 3He target < ~5 Gauss Magnet options and selection (with help of simulations): Solenoid chosen over others (Toroid and …) CLEOII, BaBar vs others (ZEUS, CDF, New) CLEOII and BaBar are near ideal CLEOII vs BaBar: Both meet requirements, engineering considerations CLEOII 2013: CLEO-II magnet formally requested and agreed 2014: Site visit Plan: dissembling starting in 2015, main work in 2016, transportation to JLab ( ) Main modifications: Two of three layers of side yoke needed Add thickness to front endcap Add donut and back endcap We need a solenoid magnet that have full 2pi coverage on phi angle, large theta angle range, and wide momentum acceptance with 2% resolution. It is also very important to have small fringe field at the front end where the polarized targets can function normally. The CLEO-II magnet basically meets our requirements. It was built by Cornal Univ in 1989 and can provide uniform central field upto 1.5T, and its inner radius is 2.9 meter and the coil length is 3.5m. It operated until 2008 and has been well maintained since then, which is very good for us. We submitted our formal request in 2013 and agreed. Our lab scientists and engineers visited Cornell in this summer and worked with their staffs for the disasembly and transportation plan. Basically, we should have the magnet at Jlab roughly around 2017. At our site, our engineers have been helping us on the designs of supporting structure and detector mounting frames, and look for the options of placing SoLID with HRSs. It is a very important progress. CLEO-II magnet Cost ~ 4.3 M$ + Manpower

10 SoLID Simulation and Software
L. Zana Simulation: Initial Simulations: physics generators + GEANT 3 for background (proposals) Full simulation: based on Geant4/GEMC (GEMC developed for CLAS12, also used for mEIC) Robust set of generators: included for DIS/SIDIS, p production, backgrounds Riordan/ Zhao Radiation and activation Fluka: established tool and the same full SoLID setup Geant4: crosscheck and help with shielding design Post Processing Realistic detector responses can be evaluated from GEMC output using additional standalone packages Package to generate GEM ionization/readout used for realistic pseudo-data Tracking: - tree search (Hall A analyzer) (PVDIS) - progressive tracking (SIDIS) O. Hansen

11 GEM Progress GEM foils made at CIAE
UVa/Temple responsible for general R&D, coordination and integration First full size prototype assembled at UVa, tested in beam (Fermi Lab) Chinese collaboration has started R&D and will be the main one to obtain funding to construct all the GEM planes. 30x30 cm prototype constructed, readout tested now working on 100 cm x 50 cm (USTC/CIAE/Tsinghua/Lanzhou/IMP) GEM foil production facility development at CIAE (China) N. Liyanage J. Liu Cost ~ 3.4 M$ + Manpower, mainly Chinese funding GEM foils made at CIAE 30cmx30cm GEM USTC

12 Light Gas Cherenkov Cost ~ 2.1 M$ + Manpower
M. Paolone Light Gas Cherenkov Counter (LGC): by Temple University Goals: 2 m C02 (SIDIS/Jpsi), 1 atm 1 m C4F8O (65%)+N2 (35%) (PVDIS), 1 atm 30 sectors, 60 mirrors, 270 PMTs, Area~20m2 N.P.E>10, eff.>90%, π suppresion > 500:1 Work at 200G field (100G after shielding) Status:  Support Structure and Mounting Design  u-metal Shielding design  Pre-R&D ongoing at Temple Cost ~ 2.1 M$ + Manpower

13 Heavy Gas Cherenkov (SIDIS)
M. Meziane Separate Pions from Kaons Useful momentum range: GeV/c Cover 8  angular range Kaon Rejection Rate>99% Radiator: 1m thick C4F8O, C 30 Spherical Mirrors 30 Shielding Cones 480 MAPMTS Cost ~ 2.6 M$ + Manpower

14 SoLID Electromagnetic Calorimeter
X. Zheng Design requirement: preshower >50:1 p rejection with >95% electron efficiency Provide trigger; Provide σ ~ 1 cm shower position Radiation resistance: > (4-5)x105 rad High field resistance: B~1.5 T, high background Cost ~ 5.5 M$ + Manpower

15 SoLID Scintillator Pad Detector (SIDIS)
X. Zheng LASPD: photon rejection 5:1; coincidence TOF (150ps preferred) → design: 20mm-thick, 60 azimuthal segments, direct coupling to fine-mesh PMT LASPD FASPD FASPD: photon rej 5:1 → design: 5-10mm-thick 240 segments (60 X 4) WLS fiber embedding, MAPMT (outside magnet)

16 MRPC- High Resolution TOF
Y. Wang Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber Goals:  Timing resolution < 100ps  Works at high rate up to 10 KHz/cm2  Photon suppression > 10:1  /k separation up to 2.5GeV/c Status:  Tsinghua, USTC groups extensive experience from STAR  Design and Prototype Developed at Tsinghua  Beam test at Hall-A in 2012  New facility for mass production  Read-out electronics design (Tsinghua/USTC) Another big contribution from our Chinese collaborators is the MRPC, multi-gap resistive plate chambers. Tsinghua Univ has a lot of experience to build such device for LHCb and us. Duke Univ is helping them on the detector construction and simulation. Rutgers is helping on the read-out system. MRPC will be used for SoLID and J/Psi. It will be placed in between FASPD and FAEC to perform very high precision time measure and reject neutral particles. The MRPC will consisted of 1650 individual strips and over 3000 output channels. It can provide better than 100ps time resolution and easily deal with data rate up to 10KHz/cm2. The detector can provide 10:1 photon suppression and together with FASPD, we can suppress most of photon background. Utilizing the high precision time information, we can separate pions and kaons upto 2.5 GeV/c from their Time of Fly spectra. Tsinghua has built a prototype and successfully ran a beam test in Hall-A in 2012 during the G2P experiment. The plot is the beam test reults which show that it is fairly easy to obtain great time resolution while maintaining high detection efficiency. The Pre-Amp and TDC are also under developments. A MRPC prototype for SOLID-TOF in JLab Y. Wang, et al. JINST 8 (2013) P03003 Cost ~ 1.6 M$ + Manpower Mainly Chinese Funding

17 SoLID PVDIS Baffle SoLID PVDIS needs to run 1x1039/cm2/s luminosity
Z. Zhao SoLID PVDIS needs to run 1x1039/cm2/s luminosity Baffle is made of 12 planes of 9cm thick lead with slits following electron bending in SoLID field It blocks neutral and positive tracks from target, and thus reduces background and trigger rate Acceptance ~30% for DIS electrons is maintained at P>3GeV and x>0.4 region

18 SoLID DAQ Overview Design goal: Pipelined DAQ
up to 60 KHz/sector for PVDIS (expect 30kHz) Up to 200 kHz total for SIDIS (expect 100 kHz) Pipelined DAQ Digital triggering schem ( coincidence calorimeter and Cerenkov ) Calorimeter clustering 292 Flash ADCs ( 12 bit 250 MHz) 1800 channels Calorimeter 270 channels Light gas Cerenkov 480 channels Heavy Gas Cerenkov 300 channels SPD scintillator 3300 channels of high resolution time of flight MRPC ( 80 ps ) GEM readout ( channels) APV25 ASIC based readout (40 MHz pipelined 128 channels multiplexed readout ) Dedicated readout 2048 channels / module On board subtraction and background processing VME or Ethernet based Cost ~ 2.2 M$ + Manpower

19 Experiment-Specific Dependencies
Standard Equipment and Equipment Requires Additional Resources

20 Experiment-Specific Dependencies
Standard or will be available instrumentation: SIDIS(n): T/L polarized 3He target, standard/achieved performance J/y: LH2 target, standard, modification in configuration PVDIS: Compton and Moller polarimeters to reach 0.4% precision similar to requirements by MOLLER and PREX Equipment needs additional resource: PVDIS: custom high-power cryotarget ESR2 assumed available (required of MOLLER) SIDIS(p): Transversely polarized NH3 target

21 Beam Polarimetry for SoLID
SOLID PV-DIS: global fit over many high-precision data points Requires 0.4% polarimetry accuracy for 11 GeV and 6.6 GeV beam energy Two independent measurements which can be cross-checked Continuous monitoring during production (protects against drifts, precession...) Statistical power to facilitate cross-normalization (get to systematics limit in about 1 hour). Cross Check with Hall C High precision operation at 6.6 GeV - 11 GeV Polarimetry in Hall A will be pushed to high precision by physics program PREX (1 GeV) 1%, CREX (2.2 GeV) 0.8%, MOLLER (11 GeV) 0.4% Compton Møller Scattering from ~100% polarized laser light continuous measurement, high precision independent photon vs electron measurements, each ~0.4% Iron foil in 4T field- saturated magnetization Expected 0.4% accuracy, similar to Hall C Invasive, dedicated measurement at low beam current only

22 Cryotarget for PVDIS 40 cm, 50 uA, ~800 W beam heating +250 W overhead
Refrigeration: ESR II (required by MOLLER), more than adequate Cell/pump: Qweak style D2 polarization needs careful study Discussions with cryotarget group: no sure-stop, but significant design/engineering effort

23 Transverse Polarized Target for Proton-SIDIS
Existing coils New 5 T superconducting coils for polarized proton target: Existing coils has a transverse opening of +/- 17 deg New coils will have +/- 25 deg transverse opening Will satisfy experimental requirement for Q2 coverage A preliminary design report provided by Oxford Instruments and satisfies: field uniformity requirement: 1 part in 104 over a region +/-15mm Field stability requirement: better than 10-4 per hour in the persistent mode Beam Axis Magnet axis Magnet axis Transverse opening 23

24 SoLID Timeline and pCDR

25 SoLID Timeline Five SoLID experiments approved by PAC (4 A, 1 A- rating) 3 SIDIS with polarized 3He/p target, 1 PVDIS, 1 threshold J/y 2013: CLEO-II magnet formally requested and agreed 2014: Site visit, plan disassembling and transportation to JLab ( ) : Progress Spectrometer magnet, modifications Detailed simulations Detector pre-R&D DAQ 2014: pre-CDR submitted 2015: Director’s Review Active collaboration, keep expanding: now 200+ physicists from 50+ international institutions significant international contributions (China)

26 Preliminary Conceptual Design Report
Extensive studies in now, based on 1) CLEOII magnet with modification, preliminary engineering study 2) realistic simulations: physics, background and detectors 3) detector pre-R&D studies, including beam tests 4) DAQ similar to Hall D design, based on their experience Several internal reviews: two brainstorming sessions (Physics Division) and one informal external review (dry run) 1st draft pCDR submitted to Physics Division end of 2013 Iterations on manpower/cost. Help from Division and Project office. Used Hall D actual expenditure of similar equipment (magnet/detectors/installation) as base for manpower/cost estimation Final pCDR submitted to JLab management in July, 2014

27 SoLID Project Management
Assumptions on Baseline Equipment Subsystem Responsibilities Oversight 27

28 Dependencies on Baseline Equipment
Assumptions on base line equipment: GEM detectors: tracking, to be provided by Chinese Collaboration MRPC: TOF for hadron (pion) PID, only for SIDIS, detector to be provided by Chinese Collaboration; readout electronics: joint. DAQ: FADC from JLab Physics Division electronics pool Magnet: disassembling/transportation, initial refurbishing by JLab Beamline: standard instrumentation operational. 28

29 SoLID Organization Structure

30 Executive Board and Chair
Function: The Executive Board makes decisions on scientific and organizational choices and provide high level oversight on all matter pertaining to preparation and operation of the SoLID project. The Chair of EB is the science leader and the principle contact between the collaboration and the lab management/DOE. Will provide oversight and input to the PM for the SoLID project. The chair, together with the PM, is responsible for the performance and assessment of all subsystems. Initial members are the senior spokespeople plus the Hall leader (ex-officio) and the PM (ex-officio). Paul Souder (PVDIS), Haiyan Gao (SIDIS), Zein-Eddine Meziani (J/Psi), Thia Keppel (Hall Leader, ex-officio) and Jian-ping Chen (PM, ex-officio). Paul Souder is the 1st Chair. It is expected that the Chair position will rotate.

31 Project Manager Function: The Project Manager (PM) will be in charge of executing the project and report to JLab management. The collaboration will provide advice and oversight, and member of the collaboration will work under PM in various roles to execute the project. For example, all subsystems coordinators will report to PM. PM has the authority and responsibility to manage the SoLID project. Jian-ping Chen is the initial PM.

32 Technical Board Function: Advises the PM on all aspects of the Project, including change in cost, scope or schedule. The TB will have a group of (usually senior) collaborators who represent the full range of required technical expertise and usually a member from each subsystem is expected to be on this board. This group will be appointed by the EB. In addition, TB will include PM and also project engineers when they are appointed. TB membership can be periodically adjusted by the EB as the situation warrants. The chair of the TB will be the PM. All EB members who are not already in TB are ex-officio members. Initial members are: Jian-ping Chen (Chair), Paul Souder, Haiyan Gao, Zein-Eddine Meziani, Thia Keppel (ex-officio); Alexandre Camsonne,, Eugene Chudakov, Tom Hemmick, Xiaodong Jiang, Nilanga Liyanage, Robert Michaels, Xin Qian, Paul Reimer, Yi Wang, Jianbei Liu, Xiaochao Zheng.

33 Sub-System Responsibilities
Magnet: Robin Wines/ Paul Reimer; JLab, Argonne GEM-US: Nilanga Liyanange / Bernd Surrow; UVa, Temple GEM-China: Jiabei Liu/ Xiaomei Li; USTC, CIAE, Lanzhou, Tshinhua, IMP Calorimeter: Xiaochao Zheng / Wouter Deconick/Cunfeng Feng, UVa, W&M, Shandong, Argonne, Los Alamos Light Gas Cherenkov: Zein-Eddine Meziani / Michael Paolone, Temple Heavy Gas Cherenkov: Haiyan Gao / Mehdi Meziane, Duke MRPC: Yi Wang/ Alexandre Camsonne, Tsinghua, USTC, JLab, Duke DAQ/Electronics: Alexandre Camsonne / Krishna Kumar/ Ron Gilman, JLab, Stony Brook, Rutgers Simulation: Seamus Riordan / Zhiwen Zhao /Lorenzo Zana; Stony Brook, ODU, Edinburgh, Duke, Syracuse Reconstruction and Analysis Software: Ole Hansen/ Tom Hemmick; JLab, Stone Brook Supporting Structure and Baffle: Robin Wines/ Seamus Riordan; JLab, Argonne, Stone Brook Hall Infrastructure Modifications: Robin Wines/ Ed Folts; JLab Installation: Ed Folts/ Robin Wines; JLab, all user groups. 33

34 Oversight General oversight/coordination: project manager/ assistant
Oversight on subsystem design Oversight on sub-systems: inter-system dependencies, integrations Frequent discussions and site visits Weekly/bi-weekly/months meetings (video conference) Collaboration meetings every 2-3 months Engineering oversight/coordination: project engineer/ assistant Oversights on all subsystem designs Coordination on support systems Overall integration 34

35 Pre-R&D and Plan Pre-R&D activities focus on
Confirming detector and DAQ performance as expected from simulations Answering identified questions, resolving issues Providing inputs to improve and fine tune the design Reduce risks and save cost Plan Submit funding application (MIE) to DOE in the next a few months Continue pre-R&D and finalize design until funding approval and starting ~ 3 years construction and 1-2 years installation Installation and initial commissioning 35

36 Cost Estimation

37 Cost Estimation Sub-system cost estimations
Provided by subsystem coordinators Procurements: based on quotations from vendors whenever possible Manpower: based on experience Overhead: varies depending on responsible institutions Updates when new information available Over cost estimation Based on inputs from sub-system coordinators Added oversight manpower Manpower adjusted based on JLab experience (Hall D actual cost) JLab overhead Contingency 37

38 Cost Estimation for Subsystems (I)
EMCal: Cost covers Shower (Shashlyk), preshower and SPD detectors and readout system, mounting structure, testing and manpower Shower (Shashlyk) based on IHEP revised quote; also discussing with other groups (US and China) as backup plan Preshower/SPD based on quotes from IHEP, started R&D to make prototype in-house (at UVa/China) Total (direct) ~ $5.5M + 16 FTE (-contributions 4 FTE) LGCC: Cost covers detector, readout system, testing and manpower Total ~ $2.1M + 10 FTE (-contributions 1.5 FTE) HGCC: Total ~ $2.6 M + 8 FTE (-contribution 1.5 FTE) 38

39 Cost Estimation for Subsystems (II)
GEM detectors (US side): Cost covers the US group R&D activities, technical/engineering supports to the Chinese groups and integration Total ~$0.3M FTE GEM detector (China side) Detectors and readout system to be provided by the Chinese collaboration Total ~ $3.1M FTE MRPC (US side): Cost covers part of the readout electronics (joint), technical/engineering supports and integration Total ~ $0.5M FTE Detector and part fo readout electronics (joint) to be provided by Chinese Collaboration Total $1.1 M FTE 39

40 Cost Estimation for Subsystems (III)
DAQ: 230 FADC from JLab Physics Division electronics pool 2000 channels of HV power supplies from Physics Division/Hall A Cost covers the rest of DAQ electronics, HVs, cables and manpower Total $2.3M + 16 FTE (-contribution 2.4 FTE) Magnet: Disassembling/transportation and initial refurbishing by JLab Cost covers modification, add front end cap, add back donuts-shaped detector hut, power supply, controls, manpower Total $4.3M FTE Support Structure, Infrastructure and Installation: Cost covers parts and manpower Total ~ $2.2M FTE Software, Oversight: Cost covers manpower 12 FTE (-contribution 2 FTE) 40

41 Overhead, Contingency and Total Cost
Used JLab overhead ~ 50% Contingency: Currently flat (average) 35% Will vary amongst sub-systems Mostly standard/known technologies Risks evaluated, “high” risk items studied with simulations and R&Ds Cherenkov PMTs in magnetic field High rate tracking High rate effect on MRPC resolution High background for EM Calorimeter and Baffle design High rate and DAQ Total Project Cost ~ $5.9M (FY14 Dollor) Total Request to DOE ~ $4.8M (FY14 Dollor) 41

42 Summary Designed for large acceptance and high luminosity
SoLID baseline equipment: Designed for large acceptance and high luminosity high rate/high radiation environment Realistic simulations with physics and full background Two configurations: SIDIS-J/y, PVDIS Pre-conceptual design complete Pre-R&D progress SoLID project and cost estimation Strong collaboration with clear responsibilities for sub-systems Project oversight Assumptions on baseline equipment and other dependencies Initial cost/manpower estimation 42

43 Cost and Manpower Estimation (I)

44 Cost and Manpower Estimation (II)

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