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L ITERATURE C IRCLES. I T ’ S TIME FOR OUR FIRST BOOK ! Non-fiction text How people think How people overcome obstacles Why people feel entitled How people.

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Presentation on theme: "L ITERATURE C IRCLES. I T ’ S TIME FOR OUR FIRST BOOK ! Non-fiction text How people think How people overcome obstacles Why people feel entitled How people."— Presentation transcript:


2 I T ’ S TIME FOR OUR FIRST BOOK ! Non-fiction text How people think How people overcome obstacles Why people feel entitled How people make it (or don’t make it) in today’s society Goal: Understand a different approach/thought process to important issues Understand and involve yourself in the world around you – enhance your global perspective Improve your argument skills and knowledge

3 N OVEL C HOICES The Scarlett Letter The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Grapes of Wrath The Great Gatsby Black Boy Catcher in the Rye Clockwork Orange

4 N ON -F ICTION B OOK C HOICES Fast-food Nation The Tipping Point Outliers Blink Nickel and Dimed: On (not) Getting by in America Generation Me: Why Today’s Youth are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled – and More Miserable Than Ever The Glass Castle A World of Ideas, Ethics & Morality texts

5 D IRECTIONS Make a list of your “Top 3” books in order of interest (#1 is the book you really want). I will do my best to get you your #1 or #2 choice! Remember, the last two books listed are books we have available. The other books may be available at the school and/or public library (copies very limited), or you will have to purchase it yourself.



8 D IRECTIONS After you are assigned your book, meet with your group members. Once you see your weekly requirements, you will decide upon pages to read each week and roles to complete each week. Also, get each other’s contact information in case you need it.

9 W EEKLY R EQUIREMENTS 1. Read assigned pages by block day 2. Complete assigned literature circle role by block day You will receive your role handouts Thursday, but here’s a preview: Author’s Philosophical Beliefs – Personal Perspective Representation of American Society – Social Commentary Source of American Problems – Who’s to Blame? Author’s Approach – Personal Style & Slant 3. Take reading test on block day 4. Participate in meaningful, analytical discussion with group members on block day 5. Note: If you come to a literature circle unprepared, you will work on your assignment in the pod and forfeit discussion points.

10 E ND - OF - BOOK R EQUIREMENTS 1. Group Précis 2. Individual written response 1. At-home writing assignment 2. 2-3 page analysis of major social issue(s) in the text 3. Details to follow 1. I am telling you this so you know to keep track of what you’re reading – don’t forget everything from your first section of reading once you read it as both of the above assignments will encompass the whole book.

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