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12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 9/2/20151 Galveston Bay Section Retreat and Board Meeting Zafar Taqvi/GBS Chair and Christopher Wright/IEEE Staff Houston,

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1 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 9/2/20151 Galveston Bay Section Retreat and Board Meeting Zafar Taqvi/GBS Chair and Christopher Wright/IEEE Staff Houston, Texas 28 th March 2015

2 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 9/2/20152 Objective Section Objective –Provide Exemplary Membership Services –Set Quality Section Infrastructure –Secure Section Stability –Establish Good Governance Retreat Objective –Provide Information on Available Volunteer and Member Resources –Provide ‘How to’ steps to Retrieve/Input From/To IEEE Data Sources to effectively Perform Leadership Functions

3 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Explore myIEEE ship/my_ieee.html Lots of great content for members and volunteers There is a tab that should be activated for Volunteers with resources to help you in your positions 39/2/2015

4 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 myIEEE Profile Page 49/2/2015

5 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Updating myIEEE 59/2/2015

6 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 IEEE memberNet 69/2/2015

7 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Member Volunteer Tab 79/2/2015

8 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Volunteer Tab of myIEEE 89/2/2015

9 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Getting Member to Engage 99/2/2015

10 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 What do we mean? The average member will only interact with IEEE at the local level –Normally through Society – TECHNICAL INTERST –If we’re lucky, at the Section Level We need to assess what we offer as a Section – Are we offering what our members want? – Are we meeting their needs/expectations Best way to do this – TALK TO THEM – Emails and Surveys will only get us so far 109/2/2015

11 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Know Your Members The average member DOESN’T want to: – Commit projects without knowing the time constraints – Volunteer without a clear understanding of:  The goals  The role they play – “Administrative” duties They DO want to: – Participate in practical projects – Help themselves as well as their community – Feel pride in their organization 119/2/2015

12 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 SAMIEEE Pre-Defined Queries (GEO) Active Society Memberships for Active IEEE Members (GEO) Potential Interest Profile of Member (MD) New Member Interest Info for Active IEEE Members (MD) New Member Interest Info for new IEEE Members - last 31 days eee_reference_materials.html 129/2/2015

13 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Member Interest Profile Data 139/2/2015

14 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 A Word of Caution… The profile data is only as good as how often a member updates it. Start advocating that members update their profile REGULARLY This is done through: – myIEEE – “My Account” – Membernet 149/2/2015

15 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Member Interest Survey Covered in the January 2015 Membership Engagement Call Available through tools Surveys: 159/2/2015

16 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Society Member Lists Dashboard has the Counts but No Access to Lists  (GEO) Active Society Memberships for Active IEEE Members – Will need to have: a) List of Society Codes and associated names b) Add contact data c) See the SAMIEEE Resources pages for details – Best for pulling multiple Societies at once 169/2/2015

17 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Match Section Needs to Skill Sets Section has to assess their needs – Understand where you need help from members From conversations and member analysis – Identify member skills sets – Match the “Ask” to the members:  Interests  Skill sets  Experience  Needs Examples 179/2/2015

18 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Volunteer “Job Descriptions” 189/2/2015

19 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Resources for Volunteers 199/2/2015

20 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 vTools Key tools here: – Section Vitality Dashboard – Scheduling Meeting – Reporting Meetings All can be accessed from link above There should be training materials for each tool on the respective page 209/2/2015

21 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) Has training for most of the Region/Section level volunteer positions Covers a number of other topics 219/2/2015

22 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Awards and Recognition IEEE Awards: MGA Awards and Recognition: activities/awards/index.html activities/awards/index.html Society Awards: Best to do a google search for “IEEE Society Awards” 229/2/2015

23 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Awards (cont) bership/gold/gold_awards.html _recognition_manual.pdf 239/2/2015

24 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 IEEE Educational Activities Your resource for continuing education and pre- university activities For program brochures: Be sure to check out EPICS program; FUNDING ty/epics_high.html 249/2/2015

25 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 MD Reporting Regional MD Report - Provides an overall view of how our Section is doing from a recruitment and retention stand-point – Sent on behalf of Regional MD chair to Section Chairs, Vice Chairs, MD Chairs and Pace Chairs MD Webcasts – held monthly; anyone can join p_development/md2014archiveguide.html p_development/md2014archiveguide.html Reports p_development/md_reports.html p_development/md_reports.html 259/2/2015

26 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 IEEE Branding IEEE Brand Identity Toolkit Home to a number of tools and resources including, videos, logo, templates for letterhead, templates for business cards, etc. Promo library: Houses Ads we can use on our site and in our newsletters ary/promo_library_index.html ary/promo_library_index.html 269/2/2015

27 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Miscellaneous MD Resources page – Volunteer Page – Check this out –List of resources for volunteers some are in this presnetation – MD Kit Ordering – 279/2/2015

28 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Resources for Members 289/2/2015

29 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Member Grade Elevations and Qualifications Descriptions of the grades and how to move up /membership/qualifications.html /membership/grade_elevation.html Graduate Students can hold Section Level volunteer positions 299/2/2015

30 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Global Benefits Finder Check this out. Has extensive lists of links to the member benefits by Career Phase 309/2/2015

31 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Career Products and Services MentorCentre ership/mentoring/index.html ership/mentoring/index.html IEEE Job site IEEE Resume Lab Should be training materials on all of these sites –Tutorials –PDFs/PowerPoint 319/2/2015

32 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Member Referral Programs colleague.html Members earn incentives for referring people that join 329/2/2015

33 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Contact Info: Zafar TaqviChris Wright 713-392-1280732-562-3894 Questions? 33

34 12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Posting Volunteer Opportunities Suggest Creating a Repository of Opportunities 349/2/2015

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