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1 610-825-2179


3  Decrease stress and increase focus  Money and the brain  Science behind humor

4  Positive and negative stress  Work related stress  Type A and B personalities

5 Posture Improve compliance

6 Passive observation Letting go of control



9  Nucleus Accumbens  Intraparietal Sulcus  Amygdala  Pre-Frontal Cortex


11  Food  Water  Sex  Money  Risk

12  Brains center for emotional rewards  Triggers a feeling of greed from just getting the chance to win  NA responds before the pre-frontal cortex is aware of the potential for winning  NA flares as if you are on cocaine

13  You don’t think of the negative when you buy a lottery ticket.  You are still in the dream state. After you win now you have details to contend with  This is also what occurs when the market is moving up

14  Doesn’t like to lose money

15  You are guaranteed to win $100  Would you take the chance to double $100 with the risk of losing it all?  The Intraparietal Sulcus fires with the chance of losing money but not with breaking even  Helps us Imagine the Outcome of Future Events ◦ The gambling sets off intense images of fear  Some clients will favor the sure thing

16  Parietal Lobe ◦ Yellow lobe


18  Sure loss of $100  You can try to break even but risk losing $200  Intraparietal Sulcus fires in both cases  Both choices arouse fear  Most will prefer the chance to break even  This is why investors don’t want to sell a losing stock

19  How does the amygdala interfere with rational investing?

20  The more recent and vivid an image the greater the impact


22  Men or women  By what margin %  Why?

23  Women  1% gain over men  The reason ◦ Men view negative events (natural disasters, crime and financial disasters with anger Women tend to be more fearful than angry

24  Through the lens of anger ◦ the world seems more certain, more amenable to our control and less risky  Through the lens of fear ◦ the world appears full of uncertainty, beyond our control and rife with risk  women trade less frequently  hold less volatile portfolios  expect lower returns than men

25  What is riskier?  Alligators  Bear  Deer  Shark  Snakes

26  Deer caused 130,00 fatalities ◦ 7X more than all other animals combined

27  Match Cause of Death with number of annual fatalities ◦ Suicide ◦ Homicide ◦ War ◦ 815,00 ◦ 520,00 ◦ 310,00

28 They thought there was a 51% chance any year that the market could drop by 1/3

29 Peak DateTrough DatePeakTroughDrop 09/192906/1932314.7-84 10/200703/091565676-56.8 08/200002/20031485837-43 04/197312/197411867-43 08/193704/193816.749.89-40.9 02/187606/18774.522.7339.6


31  Inflation eroding savings  Only 31% of people surveyed were worried they might run out of money during retirement

32  This is where you come in

33  Emotional vs. Rational Investing  Doubling a penny to $1 million  How $8,000 can compound to $1 Million  History of the Stock Market  Rule of 72  It’s only $1/Day  Law of diminishing returns ◦ Do you really need that big house or fancy car?

34  Exercise ◦ You invest $10 every month  1 st month the mutual fund is selling for $10.00  2 nd month the mutual fund is selling for $5.00  3 rd month the mutual fund is selling for $7.50  Did you make money, lose money or break even

35  1 st month you bought 1 share at $10.00  2 nd month you bought 2 shares at $5.00  3 rd month you sell your 3 shares at $7.50  $7.50 X 3 = $22.50 - $20 invested = $2.50  Profit = $2.50

36  Lemonade Stand is worth $20  You are asked to buy one share at various prices:  Stock = $20 Earnings = $1 = 20:1 Growth Stock  Stock = $20Earnings = $2 = 10:1 Value  Stock = $20 Earnings = $4 = 5:1 Lots of Value  If stock shoots up to 20:1 and earnings remain at $4  $20 X $4 = $80  Stock = $80 Earning = $4 = 20:1 Growth Stock

37  Start with the end in mind  How would I feel if the market moved 10-40%  Losing money feels at least 2x as painful as gaining the same amount  Notice the patterns in life

38  Keep consistent ◦ Sample Asset Allocation

39 Very Conservative Conservative Moderate Aggressive Stocks 20% Stocks 40% Stocks 60% Stocks 80% Bonds 40% Bonds 35% Bonds 25 % Bonds 15% Cash 40% Cash 25% Cash 15% Cash 5%

40 Begin With the End in Mind

41 VULVUL

42  First Scenario ◦ $100,000 in mutual fund portfolio  Should I sell $10,000?  Market goes down 10% after client sells  Market goes up 10% after client sells

43  Second Scenario ◦ $1 million in mutual fund portfolio  Should I sell $100,000?  Market goes down 10% after client sells  Market goes up 10% after client sells

44  Increased healing power  Decrease in interleukin 6  Improved wound healing

45  Improved immune system  Memory enhancement  Turn frustration into humorous dramatizations  The power behind a smile

46  Decrease stress and increase focus ◦ Enjoy Mondays ◦ Five stress reduction techniques  Money and the brain ◦ Nucleus Accumbens ◦ Intraparietal Sulcus ◦ Amygdala ◦ Pre-Frontal Cortex  Science behind humor and laughter ◦ Learn to use humor in your life

47 610-825-2179

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