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Prayer Ministry on Alpha Preparing for the Weekend / Day Away and Healing Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Prayer Ministry on Alpha Preparing for the Weekend / Day Away and Healing Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prayer Ministry on Alpha Preparing for the Weekend / Day Away and Healing Night

2 Come, Holy Spirit, Come

3 5 Values for Ministry 1) Ministry of the Holy Spirit 2) Biblical Authority 3) Dignity of the Individual 4) Harmonious Relationships 5) The Body of Christ

4 God wants to involve us! Partnership, cooperation, obedience. Expect the Holy Spirit to come. It’s not about physical manifestations – focus is Jesus Simplicity & truthfulness 1. Ministry of the Holy Spirit

5  The Spirit of God and the written Word of God never conflict – they complement.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to deal with sin and repentance.  Memorize and pray the Word of God. 2. Biblical Authority

6  Created in God’s Image  Respect & Value  Comfort & Affirm Confidentiality is essential. 3. Dignity of the Individual

7 Share...  words of knowledge.  stories of answered prayer.  Jesus! if the opportunity arises…  the gift of the Holy Spirit with them. 3. Dignity of the Individual

8 Conversation  NEVER criticize others! Weekend/Day Away  nothing cynical or crude Prayer  o ne person leads, the other person follows. 4. Harmonious Relationships

9 Christian community = long-term healing and spiritual growth The Alpha course is a process – everyone’s spiritual journey is different. New Christians: authority in Jesus Christ and spiritual armor 5. The Body of Christ

10 Alpha Canada Website


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