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SouthWest Florida Bible Institute Offering three Associate degrees: Christian Ministry (ACM) Bible (AB) Theology (ATH) Also: non-degree Audit. The Tuition.

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Presentation on theme: "SouthWest Florida Bible Institute Offering three Associate degrees: Christian Ministry (ACM) Bible (AB) Theology (ATH) Also: non-degree Audit. The Tuition."— Presentation transcript:

1 SouthWest Florida Bible Institute Offering three Associate degrees: Christian Ministry (ACM) Bible (AB) Theology (ATH) Also: non-degree Audit. The Tuition Free Bible Institute 866 Tamiami Trail (Toledo Plaza) Units #2 & #3 Port Charlotte, FL 33953 (941-625-3255) You can register at any time before a Semester or Quarter starts. No internet access? No problem. Call (941)-625-3255 or write to SWFBI 866 Tamiami Trail (Toledo Plaza) Unit #2 Port Charlotte, FL 339533 and we will send you registration information. SWFBI provides a higher-level education in Biblical Studies. It is done in the classroom setting. You will receive a quality Biblical education with solid in-depth instruction, Tuition Free! Location: Corner of Toledo Blade Blvd. and US 41 (Tamiami Trail) in 866 Toledo Plaza. SWFBI’s convenient location and the small class size guarantees personal attention in a pleasant learning environment. Sunday Morning Service at SWFBI SouthWest Florida Bible Institute also offers a Sunday Morning Chapel Service. The Blessed Assurance Bible Chapel is located at the Institute and each week offers a different guest speaker. The service is simple but the message is meaningful. Visit and open up the Chapel tab to access the schedule. Chapel starts as 10:00am. You do not have to be a student at the Institute to attend Chapel. Veterans Blvd776 (El-Jobean) Toledo Blade Blvd 41 (Tamiami Trail) SWFBI (Toledo Plaza) Punta Gorda North Port Whether you are new to the Christian faith or have been studying the Bible for years one thing is certain; you can always learn more! SouthWest Florida Bible Institute will help you to be a better prepared Sunday School teacher, home Bible study leader, effective witness on or of the job. You will be more sure of your faith and more confident in your witnessing. SouthWest Florida Bible Institute is dedicated to helping the local Church have members who are Biblically literate in a day and age when the Bible is seen as “irrelevant” or just “not applicable” to today’s modern world. Nothing could be further from the truth! The “logo” around the Bible on the front says, “Inerrant, Infallible, Immutable.” SWFBI and its Professors believe that the Bible from cover to cover IS the Word of God and we believe that without compromise. So I ask, “Isn’t it time to begin your studies at SouthWest Florida Bible Institute? I look forward to seeing you there.” Dr. James Scafidi, Founder/President

2 Associate Degree Program Students can begin their studies in one of three degree programs: Christian Ministry (ACM); Bible (AB); Theology (ATH). Each degree program consists of twenty courses (3.0 credits each) for a total of sixty credit hours. Each degree has required courses and also electives of the student’s own choosing. There is no time limit to completing the degree requirements. A student can enroll at the beginning of any of the four quarters during the year. Quarters begin in August, October, January and March. Students should be at least sixteen years of age or older unless accompanied by an adult. Classes are usually limited in size for personalized classroom attention and a more focused study. Early registration is strongly suggested. Though there is no tuition the only expense by the student is for required books or materials for each course. These are not sold or provided for by SWFBI so students must purchase books on their own. (Course topics are subject to change. Visit for the latest details on course offering and Instructors.) To learn more about the Professors, course times, class schedules, and more go to our website or call 941-625-3255 All courses consist of nine classes meeting one and a half hours per week for nine weeks. Join the hundreds of people from all denominational backgrounds and from as far away as Labelle, Venice, Arcadia, and Lehigh Acres who are studying at SWFBI to enrich their lives in God’s Word. SWFBI is a 501(c)3 non-profit Bible Institute, Inc. We are supported by tax-deductible donations. If you would like to donate to keep SWFBI open and growing send you tax-deductible donation to: SWFBI 866 Tamiami Trail (Toledo Plaza) Unit #2 Port Charlotte, FL 33953 Thank you. SouthWest Florida Bible Institute Offers Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) in Bible for Christian School teachers to meet ACSI requirements. Professors SWFBI Professors are eminently qualified in the courses that they teach. Most have their Master or Doctorate degree and bring a depth of knowledge and wisdom from years of study and experience. Go to to see the Professors educational backgrounds. History Founded in 2010 SouthWest Florida Bible Institute is growing and impacting the lives of many local Christians. Each year since its beginning SWFBI has been expanding its course offerings and degree programs. Students are graduating and finding themselves in ministry positions at their local churches. Many Christians want to learn more about the Bible. SWFBI meets the need of those who desire to delve deeply into God’s Word. The courses are challenging and the rewards are worth it! Audit Program Do you want to attend a course for personal enrichment but not work towards an Associate Degree? You can at SouthWest Florida Bible Institute. Courses You attend the same classes as those in the Associate degree program but without the exams, papers, or extra course work. This is called auditing. Take as many or few courses as you want. Certificate A Certificate is awarded when you successfully finish attending the course. It’s that easy! Cost All courses are Tuition Free! Courses consist of nine classes which meet 1.5 hours per week for nine weeks.

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