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PAY YOUR FEES Induction Fee $6.00 Annual Dues $10.00 T-Shirt $12.00 Graduation Stole $22.00 NHS Graduation Tassel $5.00 (Spring High Grads Only) *Total:

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Presentation on theme: "PAY YOUR FEES Induction Fee $6.00 Annual Dues $10.00 T-Shirt $12.00 Graduation Stole $22.00 NHS Graduation Tassel $5.00 (Spring High Grads Only) *Total:"— Presentation transcript:


2 PAY YOUR FEES Induction Fee $6.00 Annual Dues $10.00 T-Shirt $12.00 Graduation Stole $22.00 NHS Graduation Tassel $5.00 (Spring High Grads Only) *Total: Dekaney or Westfield = $50.00 Spring = $55.00* CASH AND MONEY ORDERS ONLY! NO CHECKS! PAY TO MEGAN CHAU or MR. PHILLIPS

3 Hirsch Elementary Winter Carnival January 18th 8AM-4PM 2 HR SHIFTS=5 points 2633 Trailing Vine Road Spring, TX 77373

4 FOOD BANK Saturday, January 25 8AM-12PM 535 Portwall Street Houston, TX 77029 MUST HAVE A HEAD COUNT! Sign up sheet is in the back of the plaza. 8 Points!

5 Habitat for Humanity Dates and times TBA Must have a head count before we register to volunteer Sign up sheet is in the back of the plaza. 8 POINTS (Please indicate whether or not you can receive text messages by placing a Y/N next to your number)

6 Recycling Those who are interested in recycling will meet in the Tech Tower Plaza the second, third, and fourth Thursday of each month. Recycling is worth 3 points! If you have any questions regarding recycling please see Libin, Ikenna, or Eddy.

7 COMING YOUR WAY Holidays may be over but our troops still need our support! We will be writing letters to the soldiers who still aren’t able to make it back home. Supplies will be provided and a date is to be announced.

8 CICI’S Night -TODAY, THURSDAY JANUARY 9 -4-9 PM -By I-45 and 1960 -3 POINTS

9 Points Reminder -EACH MEMBER NEEDS 50 POINTS 2 nd SEMESTER -Half of excess points roll over to this upcoming semester’s -If you are missing points from the first semester, YOU HAVE TO MAKE THEM UP THIS SEMESTER INCLUDING THE 50 YOU ARE REQUIRED TO EARN.

10 FOR MORE INFO.. Please visit to NHS website or check the Tech Tower Plaza.

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