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Published byFranklin O’Connor’ Modified over 9 years ago
What is required of us? The Role of the Local Church, the Laity & the Clergy in Forming the BECs
For the diocese – commitment and owning the vision
This journey towards a new way of being Church must be undertaken by all those who belong to this diocese – the bishop, clergy, religious and lay faithful. Everyone must own this vision and commit themselves to make this vision a reality. The BECs must be accepted as part of the structure of the diocese – the most basic ecclesial unit in the parish Every diocesan commission must be geared towards supporting the growth of BECs.
For the lay faithful – Active articipation
Vatican II & PCP II reminds us that the lay faithful share in the life & mission of the church The formation of BECs depend on the active participation of the lay faithful. The BECs are after all made up of lay people and led by lay leaders. The leaders should be trained and imbued with missionary dynamism. The members of lay organizations & movements should also actively participate in the formation of BECs.
Active participation of lay faithful
There is need for the participation of lay pastoral workers at the diocesan and parish levels who will assist in the formation of BECs and training of leaders. During the initial stage of building BECs, the parish priests will need the help of a parish formation team made up of lay people: full-time lay pastoral workers and also volunteers.
For the Clergy: A new way of being priest
For so many centuries the understanding of priestly ministry was narrowed down to the cultic/liturgical ministry. There are still many who think that the role of the priest is only to say mass, hear confession, anoint the sick and administer other sacraments However, Vatican II and PCP II has broadened the understanding of ministry.
A new way of being priest
The ordained ministry is at the service of the Christian community It is a ministry of pastoral leadership over the Christian community – the parish community & the network of BECs within the parish. It is a ministry of building up the unity and communion of the Christian community. The priest is a builder not only of the church made of marble, but of the living church, the Christian community.
A new way of being priest
The priest builds the unity of the Church community and promotes communion (unity & solidarity) in the Christian community. The priest is called to be a Good Shepherd, who knows his sheep & who gathers them together as one flock. He not only builds the community, he also presides over the community and leads it. Thus, he has to be close to his flock.
A new way of being priest
The priest has a responsibility to develop the sense of community & communion not only a the parish level but also at the level of BECs. The development of the parish as a network of BECs – a community of communities – is a constitutive dimension of the priestly ministry/ The priest has to animate and support the lay people in his parish to build and develop BECs. It is his responsibility to ensure the formation of lay leaders that will lead these communities.
A new way of being priest
The prophetic ministry exercised by the priest forms & builds up the Christian community, Evangelization is an essential part of the formation of BECs. The primary agent of this evangelization is the priest in collaboration with lay people and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The prophetic ministry exercised by the priest leads to the formation & growth of BECs as prophetic communities.
A new way of being priest
Vatican II & PCP II assert that the ministerial priesthood enables the people of God to actualize its common priesthood. The task of the priest as leader of the priestly community is to foster full & active participation in the liturgical celebration. He forms the community into a truly worshipping & celebrating community.
A new way of being priest
The priest has to make sure that the liturgy is celebrated not among strangers but by a genuine community whose members know each other and are in communion with each other. This can be concretized by forming BECs that are truly worshipping, priestly communities. In exercising his sacramental/liturgical ministry, it is not enough that the priest administer the sacraments at the parish church. He has to go out more often to the barrios & neighborhood communities to celebrate the Eucharist with the BECs more frequently (monthly, bi-monthly).
A new way of being priest
The priest must also train lay liturgical leaders for each BEC so that these communities can continue to worship & celebrate even in his absence. The priest can not remain indifferent to the situation of the people he is called to serve. His pastoral ministry involves animating his parish community & the BECs to address the problems that they face – especially poverty, injustice, armed conflict & the destruction of the environment. He should encourage and support the BECs to work for justice, peace, development, and integrity of creation and thus help transform society.
A New way of being priest
The priest must enable the lay faithful in the parish & the BECs to actively participate in the life & mission of the church He has to listen to them and encourage them to participate in the process of decision-making, planning & implementation (pastoral councils, parish assemblies) Thus, the journey towards a new way of being church requires a new way of being priest. The priest should see himself not as Lord of the parish but the servant leader of the community & the BECs.
A new way of being priest
The priest is called to live a simple lifestyle and make a preferential option for the poor. Like Christ, he must bring the good news to the poor and help empower them so that the Church can truly become the Church of the poor. The Church according to Vatican II & PCP II is called to be a participatory church. The BECs are an expression of this participative nature of the Church.
For the Bishop Lead, Inspire & support the clergy, religious & laity
in forming the BECs
For the Bishop: Lead, Inspire & Support the clergy, religious & laity
The bishop has to lead & guide the whole flock in the journey. He must make sure that everyone – clergy, religious & lay faithful – will journey together to make their dream and vision a reality. At times he will have to challenge & inspire those who are lukewarm or complacent. Like the Good Shepherd, he knows his sheep and is close to them. He unites them and leads them to their destination – a new way of being Church.
The Whole Church in the Philippines
The Church in the Philippines is moving towards this new way of being Church PCP II regards the BECs as a concrete expression of the vision of a renewed Church and has decreed that BECs must be vigorously promoted in all the dioceses and parishes in the country. There are now over 50 dioceses that has made the formation of BECs a pastoral priority.
The BECs are signs of vitality in the Church …
a cause of great hope for the Church, and a solid starting point for a new society based on a civilization of love.
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