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1 Week 11. 2 Plan For Remaining Four Weeks A tree and its fruit (43-45) Acceptable hearers/Be careful how you build your house (6:46-49) Humility and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Week 11. 2 Plan For Remaining Four Weeks A tree and its fruit (43-45) Acceptable hearers/Be careful how you build your house (6:46-49) Humility and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Week 11

2 2 Plan For Remaining Four Weeks A tree and its fruit (43-45) Acceptable hearers/Be careful how you build your house (6:46-49) Humility and faith (7:1-10) How are Christians greater than John the Baptist? (7:24- 28) “Wisdom is justified by all her children” (7:29-35) Jesus forgives a sinful woman (7:36-50) Parable of the Soils (8:4-8) The purpose of teaching in parables (8:9-15) Examine yourselves (8:16- 18) Discipleship (9:23-27) Selected events, subjects, discussions and during Jesus’ personal ministry

3 3 Judging others (6:37-42) Is it wrong to judge? The Christian must be able to judge:  False teachers and false doctrine. (1 Jn 4:1; Gal. 1:6-8)  An immoral brother or one who causes division. (1 Cor. 5:1-5; Rom. 16:17)  Among themselves rather than going to law with a brother. (1 Cor. 6:1-3) Righteous judgment (John 7:24; Luke 12:57)  Proper discrimination based upon facts  Can’t judge motives

4 4 Other Lessons (6:37-42) Forgive and you shall be forgiven Give and it will be given to you Measures for measure

5 5 Other Lessons (6:37-42) Analogy – blind leading the blind  Teachers of error  Both will wind up the same – ignorant and lost.  If you are blind to your own faults, then your criticism is useless. In Mt 23:16 Jesus called the Pharisees blind guides.

6 6 Other Lessons (6:37-42) A disciple (or student) is not above his teacher. A speck in your brother’s eye verses a log in your own eye.

7 7 A Tree And Its Fruit (43-45) How is a tree known? What else can the fruit indicate? How does this apply to this occasion? Matt. 15:7-9; 23:1-7 V.45 Speech reveals true nature of a persons chraracter Matt. 12:33-37

8 8 Acceptable Hearers (6:46-49) “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not the things that I tell you?”  Jn 14:15  Jas. 2:14-17 Parable of builders

9 9 Humility and Faith (7:1-10) An unexpected example Why did the Jews think that the Centurion was deserving? What demonstrated the great faith of this Roman officer?  V.9 “Even in Israel I have not found such faith.”(Rom. 9:30-33)

10 10 How are Christians greater than John the Baptist? (7:24-28) Heb. 8:6-13 What covenant did John live under? How does the new covenant compare to the old? In what sense is a Christian (one in the Kingdom) “greater” than John? (Heb. 8:11)

11 11 “Wisdom is justified by all her children” (7:29-35) What does this mean?  Justified?  Children?  What effect did these two men, John and Jesus, and their respective messages and approaches, have on the world?

12 12 Jesus forgives a sinful woman (7:36-50) A meal at the home of Simon, a Pharisee A very unusual occurrence by a sinful woman Jesus uses the opportunity to teach with a parable about a moneylender and two debtors.  Two debtors, one owing 10 times the other’s debt  Both debts forgiven by moneylender  Jesus question to the Pharisee: Which of the two will love the moneylender the most for his compassion? What does this parable mean? Jesus explains His parable by contrasting Simon and the sinful woman. Why did Jesus forgive her sins?

13 13 Parable of the Soils (8:4-8) As the sower scattered his seed, some fell:  on the pathway  on rocky ground  among the thorns  on good soil Jesus explanation? (8:11-15)

14 14 Why Parables? (8:9-10) Disciples question  “seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand” (from Isa. 6:9-10)  Meaning revealed to “truth seekers”; concealed from enemies of truth  Same sun that melts butter can harden clay  Does God harden a persons heart? (e.g. Pharaoh)

15 15 Examine Yourselves (8:16-18) Illustration of a lamp under a basket  Lamps are for illuminating  Gospel = Light  Closing your mind to the truth of gospel is like closing your eyes to the light of a lamp.  Truth available to all who seek it (Matt. 7:7)  Take care how you listen!

16 16 Discipleship (9:22-27) Jesus predicts His death, resurrection and coming kingdom Conditions of being a true disciple? Paradox – “whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will save it”  Matt. 16:26 Ashamed of Jesus (Rom 1:16, Php 1:20 and 1 Pet 4:16)  Then – for His lowly appearance, poverty, contempt by the “elite” Jews, His sufferings and His message, e.g. John 6:53  Now – for the “narrowness” of His word; for its consequence; and, as far as the world is concerned, its foolishness and irrelevance. Result? (Mt 16:13; Mt 10:33)

17 17 Transfiguration Scene (9:28-36) Probably Mt. Tabor in Galilee, with Peter, James and John Jesus was changed to a glorified form  Transfigured – trans (across)+figure (shape, fashion, form); a change in form or appearance  “shown like the sun” Matt. 17:2 They were joined by Elijah and Moses  Representing the two dispensations  Discussing what?  Impetuosity of Peter and the voice of God from a cloud

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