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John By: James Buddemeyer, Mike Zito, Tyler Delaney, Kyle Thomas, and Pat Dolan.

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Presentation on theme: "John By: James Buddemeyer, Mike Zito, Tyler Delaney, Kyle Thomas, and Pat Dolan."— Presentation transcript:

1 John By: James Buddemeyer, Mike Zito, Tyler Delaney, Kyle Thomas, and Pat Dolan

2 Who was he? TTTThe son of Zebedee BBBBrother of James, apostle of Jesus OOOOne of the original 12 disciples HHHHe was a fisherman who lived along the shores of the Sea of Galilee before becoming a disciple of Jesus

3  Died of natural death around 100 AD  John is believed to have written:  the fourth gospel which talks about Jesus and his saving grace  three canonical letters-1,2, and 3 John, which mainly taught true facts about Jesus and Deepened the spirituality of Christians  the book of revelation which talks about the “end days”; this was revealed to John by God

4 Gospel of John  When: Between around 90 A.D.  To Whom: It was written to maturer Christians who believed in Christ and Greek-speaking Jews  John wrote his Gospel about 30 years after the other three Gospel accounts. There was time for growth, reflection, and observation-which led him to writing more about Jesus miracles and saving grace rather than His life account.  The Gospel portrays Jesus as the life-giving Messiah; the son of God  the key word is “Believe” which is found 98 times in John’s gospel.

5 Gospel of John   The book is organized into 21 chapters   John begins his Gospel like a musical composer begins a symphony: he previews and sets the tone for what is to follow.   John gives us a hint that his Gospel will differ from the other three evangelists; he explains how the world already existed and how the Word brought light, or clarity, to the people.

6 Symbol of the Gospel of John  The symbol for John and his Gospel is the eagle. As an eagle soars upward, it represents the resurrection of Christ. The eagle also represents the baptized Christians, who have symbolically died and risen with Christ.

7 Symbol of John the Evangelist  When the eagle is displayed with a halo it is a symbol of John. The eagle represents John for his lofty and “soary” gospel.  John’s Gospel is much more theological in nature than the other three synoptic gospels.

8 What makes John’s Gospel unique?  John rarely uses the story format for Jesus’ life; he uses more spiritual themes rather than historical events. Ex. Water- he describes woman at the well Bread- he describes Jesus feeding the crowd Bread- he describes Jesus feeding the crowd Blindness- he describes the man who cannot see Blindness- he describes the man who cannot see

9 What makes John’s Gospel unique?  John has Jesus identify Himself with God’s sacred name “I am.” Ex. Jesus says: “I am the bread of life”“I am the bread of life” -John 4:14 “I am the light of the world”“I am the light of the world” -John 8:12 -John 8:12 “I am the good shepherd”“I am the good shepherd” -John 9:39

10 What makes John’s Gospel unique?  John identifies Jesus as the “Messiah” almost immediately. “He findeth first his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messiah” (which is, being interpreted, Christ).“He findeth first his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messiah” (which is, being interpreted, Christ). -John 1:41

11 What makes John’s Gospel unique?  Finally, John substitutes “eternal life” in place of the “Kingdom of God”.  He is portraying Jesus as the life- giving Messiah. “I have come in order that you might have eternal life; life in all its fullness.”“I have come in order that you might have eternal life; life in all its fullness.” -John 10:10

12 Sample Passage in John’s Gospel  John 9:1-41 The Man Born Blind  In this story Jesus makes a blind man see. This is an example of a revelation because Jesus cures a blind man from birth. This is also an example of the symbolism of blindness; blindness not of the man, but of the Pharisees. The Pharisees see the man blind because he or his parents have sinned, but they are blinded by their own hypocrisy.  Do you think that the man was born blind because of his sins? Why or why not.

13 Review Questions  How does John begin his Gospel and how is it different from the rest?  John wrote about how the world already existed and how the Word brought light to the people

14 Review Questions  What is one reason why John’s Gospel differs from the other three?  John writes his Gospel at a later date and addresses maturer Christians

15 Review Questions  List four ways that John’s Gospel differs from the synoptic Gospels.  He uses symbols  He has Jesus say “I am”  He identifies Jesus as the “Messiah”  He substitutes eternal life in place of the kingdom of God

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