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Discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme for compressible flows

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1 Discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme for compressible flows
Sino-German Symposium on Advanced Numerical Methods for Compressible Fluid Mechanics and Related Problems, May 21-27, 2014, Beijing, China Discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme for compressible flows Zhaoli Guo (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China) Joint work with Kun Xu and Ruijie Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

2 Outline Motivation Formulation and properties Numerical results

3 Motivation Non-equilibrium flows covering different flow regimes Slip
 Re-Entry Vehicle Chips Inhalable particles Slip Continuum Transition Free-molecular 10 10-3 10-1 100 10-2

4 Challenges in numerical simulations
Modern CFD: Based on Navier-Stokes equations Efficient for continuum flows does not work for other regimes Particle Methods: (MD, DSMC… ) Noise Small time and cell size Difficult for continuum flows / low-speed non-equilibrium flows Method based on extended hydrodynamic models : Theoretical foundations Numerical difficulties (Stability, boundary conditions, ……) Limited to weak-nonequilibrium flows

5 Lockerby’s test (2005, Phys. Fluid)
 = const the most common high-order continuum equation sets (Grad’s 13 moment, Burnett, and super-Burnett equations ) cannot capture the Knudsen Layer, Variants of these equation families have, however, been proposed and some of them can qualitatively describe the Knudsen layer structure … the quantitative agreement with kinetic theory and DSMC data is only slight

6 A popular technique: hybrid method
Limitations MD NS Numerical rather than physical Artifacts Time coupling Dynamic scale changes Hadjiconstantinou Int J Multiscale Comput Eng , 2004 Hybrid method is inappropriate for problems with dynamic scale changes

7 Efforts based on kinetic description of flows
# Discrete Ordinate Method (DOM) [1,2]: Time-splitting scheme for kinetic equations (similar with DSMC) dt (time step) <  (collision time) dx (cell size) <  (mean-free-path) numerical dissipation  dt Works well for highly non-equilibrium flows, but encounters difficult for continuum flows # Asymptotic preserving (AP) scheme [3,4]: Consistent with the Chapman-Enskog representation in the continuum limit (Kn  0) dt (time step) is not restricted by  (collision time) at least 2nd-order accuracy to reduce numerical dissipation [5] Aims to solve continuum flows, but may encounter difficulties for free molecular flows [1] J. Y. Yang and J. C. Huang, J. Comput. Phys. 120, 323 (1995) [2] A. N. Kudryavtsev and A. A. Shershnev, J. Sci. Comput. 57, 42 (2013). [3] S. Pieraccini and G. Puppo, J. Sci. Comput. 32, 1 (2007). [4] M. Bennoune, M. Lemo, and L. Mieussens, J. Comput. Phys. 227, (2008). [5] K. Xu and J.-C. Huang, J. Comput. Phys. 229, 7747 (2010)

8 Efforts based on kinetic description of flows
# Unified Gas-Kinetic Scheme (UGKS) [1]: Coupling of collision and transport in the evolution Dynamicly changes from collision-less to continuum according to the local flow The nice AP property A dynamic multi-scale scheme, efficient for multi-regime flows In this report, we will present an alternative kinetic scheme (Discrete Unified Gas-Kinetic Scheme), sharing many advantages of the UGKS method, but having some special features . [1] K. Xu and J.-C. Huang, J. Comput. Phys. 229, 7747 (2010)

9 Outline Motivation Formulation and properties Numerical results

10 # Kinetic model (BGK-type)
Distribution function Particel velocity Equilibrium: Conserved variables Flux Maxwell (standard BGK) Example: Shakhov model ES model

11 Conserved variables Conservation of the collision operator A property: for any linear combination of f and f eq , i.e., The conservation variables can be calculated by

12 # Formulation: A finite-volume scheme
j j+1 j+1/2 Point 1: Updating rule for cell-center distribution function 1. integrating in cell j: Trapezoidal Mid-point 2. transformation: 3. update rule: Key: distribution function at cell interface

13 Point 2: Evolution of the cell-interface distribution function
How to determine j j+1 j+1/2 Again Again 1. integrating along the characteristic line explicit Implicit 2. transformation: So Slope 3. original:

14 # Boundary condition Bounce-back n Diffuse Scatting n

15 # Properties of DUGKS 1. Multi-dimensional
It is not easy to device a wave-based multi-dimensional scheme based on hydrodynamic equations In the DUGKS, the particle is tracked instead of wave in a natural way (followed by its trajectory) 2. Asymptotic Preserving (AP) (a) time step (t) is not limited by the particle collision time (): (b) in the continuum limit (t >> ): Chapman-Ensokg expansion in the free-molecule limit: (t << ): (c) second-order in time; space accuracy can be ensured by choosing linear or high-order reconstruction methods

16 # Comparison with UGKS Unified GKS (Xu & Huang, JCP 2010)
Starting Point: Macroscopic flux Updating rule: j j+1 j+1/2 If the cell-interface distribution f(t) is known, the update both f and W can be accomplished

17 Unified GKS (cont’d) Key Point: j j+1 j+1/2 Integral solution:
Free transport Equilibrium After some algebraic, the above solution can be approximated as Chapman-Enskog expansion Free-transport

18 DUGKS vs UGKS Common: Finite-volume formulation; AP property;
collision-transport coupling (b) Differences: in DUGKS W are slave variables and are not required to update simultaneously with f Using a discrete (characteristic) solution instead of integral solution in the construction of cell-interface distribution function

19 # Comparison with Finite-Volume LBM
ci Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) Standard LBM: time-splitting scheme Collision Free transport Evolution equation: Viscosity: Numerical viscosity is absorbed into the physical one Limitations: 1. Regular lattice 2. Low Mach incompressible flows

20 # Comparison with Finite-Volume LBM
Finite-volume LBM (Peng et al, PRE 1999; Succi et al, PCFD 2005; ) j j+1 j+1/2 Micro-flux is reconstructed without considering collision effects Viscosity: Numerical dissipation cannot be absorbed Limitations (Succi, PCFD, 2005): 1. time step is limited by collision time 2. Large numerical dissipation Difference between DUGKS and FV-LBM: DUGKS is AP, but FV-LBM not

21 Outline Motivation Formulation and properties Numerical results

22 Test cases 1D shock wave structure 1D shock tube 2D cavity flow
Collision model: Shakhov model

23 1D shock wave structure Parameters: Pr=2/3,  = 5/3, Tw
Left: Density and velocity profiles; Right: heat flux and stress (Ma=1.2)

24 DUGKS agree with UGKS excellently

25 Again, DUGKS agree with UGKS excellently

26 DUGKS as a shock capturing scheme
Density (Left) and Temperature (Right) profile with different grid resolutions (Ma=1.2, CFL=0.95)

27 1D shock tube problem Parameters: Pr=0.72,  = 1.4, T0.5
Domain: 0  x  1; Mesh: 100 cell, uniform Discrete velocity : 200 uniform gird in [-10 10] Reference mean free path By changing the reference viscosity at left boundary, the flow can changes from continuum to free-molecular flows

28 =10: Free-molecular flow

29 =1: transition flow

30 =0.1: low transition flow

31 =0.001: slip flow

32 =1.0e-5: continuum flow

33 2D Cavity Flow Parameters: Pr=2/3,  = 5/3, T0.81
Domain: 0  x, y  1; Mesh: 60x60 cell, uniform Discrete velocity : 28x28 Gauss-Hermite Parameters: Pr=2/3,  = 5/3, T0.81 Kn=0.075 Temperature. White and background: DSMC Black Dashed: DUGKS

34 Kn=0.075 Heat Flux

35 Kn=0.075 Velocity

36 Temperature and Heat Flux
UGKS: Huang, Xu, and Yu, CiCP 12 (2012) Present DUGKS Temperature and Heat Flux Kn=1.44e-3; Re=100

37 Comparison with LBM Stability: Re=1000
LBM becomes unstable on 64 x 64 uniform mesh UGKS is still stable on 20 x 20 uniform mesh 80 x 80 uniform mesh LBM becomes unstable as Re=1195 UGKS is still stable as Re=4000 (CFL=0.95)

38 Velocity DUGKS LBM

39 DUGKS LBM Pressure fields

40 Thank you for your attention!
Summary The DUGKS method has the nice AP property The DUGKS provides a potential tool for compressible flows in different regimes Thank you for your attention!

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