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Chapter 14 - Religious Life:Dedicated to God

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1 Chapter 14 - Religious Life:Dedicated to God

2 Religious Life Religious Orders Religious Congregations
Religious Communities Groups officially recognized by the Catholic Church Offering a way of life for those called to profess the evangelical counsels

3 Rule of Life Unique to each religious congregation
How to fulfill the mission or purpose of the congregation

4 The Essentials: Community, Prayer & Service
Support and Challenge Religious need support and affirmation of other people Challenge the religious to remember God is present in their life

5 Saint John Baptist de La Salle
The Strength of a Community of Teachers Founder of the Christian Brothers Patron saint of teachers He opened a school to educate the poor boys of France He formed the instructors of the boys, “writing masters” into a community The community provided support, discipline, a sense of purpose, a role in church ministry and the strength to carry it out

6 Saint John de La Salle

7 The Essentials: Community, Prayer and Service
Prayer: Focusing on the Center of Life Keeping faith that love will lead to God P. 267 laywoman Marcelle Bernstein Deepening the Relationship with God P. 268 the Rule of the School Sisters of Saint Francis

8 Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
“Brothers, the whole object of our lives is to love and to make ourselves lovable.”

9 The Essentials: Community, Prayer and Service
Service: Meeting Needs in the Human Community Religious serve in a myriad of ways Religious express Saint Bernard’s “love” through service Communities were founded in response to specific needs/ open to change

10 Mother Teresa of Calcutta
The Missionaries of Calcutta Shelter those who are dying Care for the homeless and poor people

11 Religious Vows: Commitment to the Evangelical Counsels
P.270 Religious Vows – oath or promise committing oneself to a religious lifestyle The vows taken by the consecrated religious are the “Evangelical Counsels” Evangelical – pertaining to the good news of the gospel Counsels – recommendations or advice

12 Those in Religious Life
Live the evangelical counsels Poverty – little or no money/possessions of their own (p.271 Sister Ann) Chastity /Celibacy – live morally, remain single P. 272 Obedience – do the will of God and the bishop

13 3 Types of Religious Congregations
Contemplative Mendicants Service Congregations Communities in each category have developed distinct manners of living religious life, but have adapted their lifestyle to changing needs and circumstances

14 3 Types of Religious Congregations
Contemplatives Their way of life centered primarily on contemplation, meditation, or communion with God Carmelites, Trappists, the Poor Clares and the Benedictines

15 Thomas Merton The contemplatives’ rules help men and women to focus their attention on God Thomas Merton, the best known modern contemplative Merton’s writings and reflections have inspired millions (p.275)

16 Saint Benedict 6th century man who left the sophisticated but corrupt life of Rome to go into the hills and pray. Many men and women followed him and his sister, Scholastica.

17 Rule of Benedict Today most Western monastic orders follow the Rule of Benedict Prayer, work, rest Contributions to Western Civilization Monasteries were like small towns (farmers, cooks, masons, etc.) They offered libraries and schools A tradition of hospitality Treat everyone as you would treat Christ p.277

18 3 Types of Religious Congregations
Mendicants Heresy and clerical corruption were beginning to divide the church in Europe Mobile preachers were needed to travel the countryside The term mendicants means ‘”beggars” – they depended on the good will of the people to survive (p. 278)

19 Mendicants St. Francis of Assisi (1181 – 1226), Italy
Founded the Franciscans Saint Dominc de Guzman (1170 – 1221), Spain Founded the Dominicans

20 3 Types of Religious Congregations
Service Congregations Many new religious orders have been founded in the last 400 years They provide crucial human services for the church and society

21 Jesuits Founder: Saint Ignatius Loyola Largest men’s order
They run schools, colleges, universities and missionaries all over the world

22 Daughters of Charity Founders: Saint Vincent de Paul & Saint Louise de Marillac Largest religious order of women They work in hospitals, orphanges, schools & clinics

23 Service Congregations
Missionary Maryknolls Society of the Divine Word Medical Mission Sisters Education Marist School Sisters of Notre Dame

24 Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
Mother Cabrini (1850 – 1917) Wanted to work with poor Italian immigrants who came to the U. S. Founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart Crossed the Atlantic Ocean times!

25 Service Congregations
Sister Mary Scullion Sisters of Mercy Project HOME 1989 to aid poor people in Philadelphia Brother Jeffrey Gros De La Salle Christian Brother Works to unite the Christian communities

26 Discovering a Call to Religious Life
Meet the Requirements 1. Flexibility & Tolerance 2. Intellectual & Physical Qualities 3.The ability to live as a celibate

27 Religious Formation Before making a vowed commitment to religious life, a period of preparation is necessary 1. the novitiate – a novice studies basic theology and spirituality, history of the order

28 Religious Formation 2. Professional training – religious are active in many professions 3. Vows – religious take annual vows for several years before making the final commitment of perpetual, or lifetime, vows

29 Small Numbers, Big Results
Over the last several decades the number of religious has declined Many congregations and orders have taken measures to continue the work of the order Lay Volunteer programs have come on board to help with the work of the community These lay volunteers join affiliate programs where they are known as “associates”

30 All vocations witness to God’s love and call us to care
Jesus gave these callings: Preach my message Continue my mission Do this – through the signs I’ve given you

31 Clergy continue Jesus’ actions
Bishops, priests, & permanent deacons use the Sacraments to continue Jesus’ work

32 Those who live the religious life
Imitate Jesus by living the “Evangelical Counsels” Poverty Chastity Obedience

33 Members of the ordained and consecrated ways of life
Are well prepared Address social needs Are respected for their valuable contributions Consider those callings and how to support those who live them

34 Discerning a Vocation People experience God’s call to a vocation in uniquely personal ways

35 Discerning a vocation Attraction Discovery:
Connecting with someone you admire Learning more about the way of life Seeing whether you’d be happy in this way of life Exploring other options

36 Any vocation should be chosen freely
This is what I really want to do. This is what I’m best suited for. I’ll be happiest and able to give most in this way of life.

37 Challenges of those in the consecrated or ordained lifestyle
Remaining in touch with human needs and conditions Attracting new members Loving everyone – especially those who are neglected or rejected

38 Achievements and rewards
Helping us realize how God lives among us Experiencing the earthly and eternal fulfillment of a life of service Helping raise society’s consciousness on concern for others Making important practical and spiritual contributions

39 Sacraments and Ordained Life
By Baptism, all Christians share in Jesus’ priestly ministry of service The Eucharist celebrates Jesus’ presence among us and is central to all ministry The Sacrament of Holy Orders Consecrates priests with God’s special grace to continue Jesus’ mission Is a permanent gift involving a lifetime commitment

40 Different degrees of priestly consecration
Popes and bishops Most fully consecrated Usually preside at confirmation Ordain new priests Oversee a Church territory

41 Different degrees of priestly consecration
Priests Preside at the Eucharist (consecrate the host) Reconciliation Last rites Other sacraments Baptism, marriage, funeral services *Pastor of a parish

42 Different degrees of priestly consecration
Deacon Help with mass / read gospel / give homily Baptism Marriage Funeral services *Help with parish duties

43 Priests try to serve among the people by
Encouraging participation in the sacraments Helping others understand Scripture Sharing Jesus’ message in practical ways Giving priority to Christ’s gospel Promoting inter-church and inter-faith understanding

44 Priests try to serve among the people by
Being committed to social justice and the common good Helping form community Giving attention to those in need Serving all persons Showing compassion to sinners and those weak in faith

45 Being a Priest Challenges Coping with unrealistic expectations
Living a celibate life Being constantly available

46 Being a Priest Rewards Being able to establish meaningful programs
Being freer to love and serve Experiencing the joy of bringing people closer to God

47 Being a Priest Signs of a call to the priesthood
Being recommended by others Having the necessary health, motivation, and personal qualities Wanting to live and to love others in this way of life

48 Being a Permanent Deacon
In the early church Proclaim God’s word Assist at the liturgy Do works of charity Women in the early church could be deaconesses, whose ministry was service Many Catholics would like to see the ministry of deaconess restored

49 Today’s Catholic Deacons
Are transitional or permanent Are prepared for at least three years; ordained for life Participate to a degree in the Sacrament of Holy Orders Help preside at the sacraments and other rites, lead prayer, give homilies May be single (must remain celibate and may later become a priest) or be already married Must be a certain age and, if a permanent deacon, may pursue a secular job

50 Those in Religious Life
Live the evangelical counsels Poverty – little or no money/possessions of their own Celibacy – remain single Obedience – do the will of God and the bishop

51 Those in Religious Life
Live the evangelical counsels Poverty – little or no money/possessions of their own Celibacy – remain single Obedience – do the will of God and the bishop

52 Those in Religious Life
Live a community life dedicated to serving others Belong to a religious congregation with a unique spirit Live according to guidelines that adapt to changing needs

53 Those in Religious Life
May be released from vows for good reason Are challenged by a shortage of new members Usually work with the authority of the local bishop Make important contributions to the Church and the world Experience happy and fulfilled lives

54 Like the Early Christians, Religious
Share one purpose Share common goals, values, and ideals Can accomplish more as a community than as individuals

55 Like the Early Christians, Religious
Bring Jesus’ message of love to others Are a Christian community that helps the world become more human Serve God’s people throughout the world

56 What to look for in choosing what religious community to join
One whose spirit, lifestyle, and ministries are compatible with one’s own needs, interests, and abilities.

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