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Published byBeverly Wilkerson Modified over 9 years ago
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 1 Report on ACFA/ALCSC Korean ILC Workshop November 26, 2004 Kyungpook National University Daegu, Korea Won Namkung PAL/POSTECH, Korea
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 2 Hierarchy of ICFA Working Group ICSU IUPAPIUPAC C2 C3 C11: Particle & Fields C20 C12: Nuclear Physics ICFA International Council of Scientific Unions International Union of Pure and Applied Physics International Committee for Future Accelerators … …
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 3 Structure of ICFA Working Group ILCSC Acc.Phys. ITRP TFT Outreach Global Design Initiative International Linear Collider Steering Committee International Technology Recommendation Panel ICFA ALCSC ACFA ELCSC ECFA USLCSC HEPAP GDIParameters
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 4 ALCSC W. Namkung Accelerator Subcommittee S. Kurokawa K. Yokoya Physics & Detector Subcommittee H. Yamamoto G. Taylor International Affairs and Outreach Subcommittee S. Komamiya D. Son Physics and Detector WG Outreach WG Executive Board (one from each) Australia S. N. Tovey China H. S. Chen India D. D. Bhawalkar Japan Y. Totsuka Korea J. S. Kang Taiwan W. S. Hou Other V. V. Thuan Accelerator WG ACFA Organization of ALCSC
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 5 ACFA Activity Summary - Parameter Committee accomplished its mission -ITRP recommended the “Cold-Technology” for ILC -Task Force Team is working on establishing GDI: Director, Central Team Host Institute, and MOU -ILC Workshop at KEK is organized for new ILC design. -ACFA recommended KEK for hosting Central Design Center at 8ACFA in Hsinchu, Taiwan -ACFA resolved 3 rd Statement on ILC at 9ACFA in Kolkata, India
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 6 ILCSC The primary role of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee is to promote the construction of an Electron-Positron Linear Collider through world-wide collaboration. In so doing the Committee will give particular attention to Outreach, Science, Technology and Organization of the LC project. The Steering Committee will report to ICFA. Prof. Sugawara proposed to establish ILCSC at ICFA in February 2002. 1 st Meeting (Amsterdam, July 2002): M. Tigner was appointed as Chair 2 nd Meeting (CERN, Geneva, October 2002): 3 rd Meeting (Tsukuba, February 2003): 4 th Meeting (FNAL, Batavia, August 2003):
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 7 ILCSC 5 th Meeting (Paris, November 2003): Established ITRP 6 th Meeting (Paris, February 2004): TFT Report Accepted 7 rd Meeting (Beijing, August 2004): ITRP Recommendation Received 8 th Meeting (KEK, November 2004): Review of ILC Workshoop 9 th Meeting (Vancouver, February 2005): to be held 10 th Meeting (Uppsala, June 2005): to be held
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 8 ILCSC: Members Directors (5): KEK, CERN, DESY, FNAL, SLAC Steering Committee Chairs (3): ALCSC (Namkung), ELCSC (Foster), USLCSC (Dorfan) Others (7): Chair (M. Tigner, Cornell), China (H. Chen, IHEP) Russia (A. Skrinsky), ICFA outside LC Region (C. Garcia) Asia (S. Komamiya), Euroupe (D. Miller) North America (P. Grannis)
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 9 ILCSC: Subcommittees Accelerators: Dugan, Yokoya, Yoshioka, Toge, Urakawa, Brinkmann, Guignard, Raubenheimer, Boussard Physics and Detectors: S. Komamiya, D. Miller, J. Brau Communications: J. Jackson ( FNAL) ==================================================== Parameters and Scope: Komamiya, Son, Heuer, Richard, Grannis, Oreglia Task Force Team: Y. Totsuka and W. Namkung International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP): 12-persons, H. Suguwara, A. Masaike, K. Oide, and G. S. Lee Central Team Director Search: Y. Totsuka and D. Son Host Institute Evaluation: S. Komamiya and D. D. Bhawalkar
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 10 ALCSC: Brief history -Oct. 5, 2002: Established at 7 th Plenary ACFA (Melbourne, Australia) -Feb. 12, 2003: ALCSC meeting in Tsukuba, Organization proposed -April 18, 2003: LC Indore meeting, Indore, Named Global Linear Collider (GLC) -May 16, 2003: Recommended “Parameter Committee” member S. Komamiya (Univ. Tokyo) and D. Son (Kyungpook Nat. Univ.) -Aug.14, 2003: ILCSC meeting at FNAL Task Force Team for GDO: Totsuka (KEK) and Namkung (Chair) -Sept. 30, 2003: Recommended 4-persons (3-Japanese and 1-Korean) Technology Recommendation Committee (Wise Persons Comm.) - Nov. 19, 2003: ILCSC meeting in Paris, Parameter Comm. Statement & WPC Chair
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 11 ALCSC W. Namkung Accelerator Subcommittee S. Kurokawa K. Yokoya Physics & Detector Subcommittee H. Yamamoto G. Taylor International Affairs and Outreach Subcommittee S. Komamiya D. Son Physics and Detector WG Outreach WG Executive Board (one from each) Australia S. N. Tovey China H. S. Chen India D. D. Bhawalkar Japan Y. Totsuka Korea J. S. Kang Taiwan W. S. Hou Other V. V. Thuan Accelerator WG ACFA Organization of ALCSC
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 12 ALCSC: Brief history -continue - Feb. 12, 2004: ILCSC meeting in Paris, TFT on GDI Organization and MOU -March 22, 2004: 3 rd APAC Conference in Gyeongju, Reports on ILCSC and ITRP -May 24-26, 2004: 4 th ITRP meeting at KEK and ALCSC interim meeting at KEK -Aug. 11-13, 2004: 6 th ITRP meeting at PAL and Gyeongju -Aug. 19, 2004: ILCSC meeting in Beijing; “Cold-Technology” is recommended, Formed Central Team Director Search & Host Institute Evaluation Committees -Nov. 2-4, 2004: 9ACFA meeting at VECC, Kolkata, Progress report on ILC -Nov. 13-15, 2004: ILC Workshop at KEK -Nov. 16, 2004: ILCSC meeting in Tsukuba
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 13 ALCSC: Mandate The ALCSC will: - Promote Global Linear Collider Project as an international project based on the GLC Project Report, and make every effort to host the project. - Monitor and direct the international LC accelerator R&D and physics and detector studies in Asia. - Make an effort to form an international team (pre-GLCC) based on the bottom up procedure with possible international partners before forming the project which is based on the governmental approvals. - Communicate with LCSC (LCSG) of other regions and as well as with ILCSC.
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 14 ALCSC Members Steering Group: Won Namkung (Chair, POSTECH, Korea) Stuart N. Tovey (Melbourne, Australia), Hesheng Chen (IHEP, China), D. D. Bhawalkar (CAT, India), Shinichi Kurokawa (KEK, Japan), Yoji Totsuka (KEK, Japan), Joo-sang Kang (Korea Univ. Korea) Weishu Hou (TNU, Taiwan), Vo Van Thuan (INST, Hanoi) Subcommittees are now under organization Accelerator: Kurokawa (Chair), Yokoya, Yoshioka, Toge, Urakawa, Detector & Physics: Taylor (Chair), Joo-sang Kang, International Affairs: Komamiya (Chair), Dongchul Son (KNU, Korea)
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 15 ALCSC Activities (I) · ALCSC Meeting, Tsukuba, on February 12, 2003: - D. D. Bhawalkar, S. Kurokawa, S. Komamiya, D. Son, G. Taylor, H. Hou, W. S. Hou, Vo Van Thuan, W. Namkung - Three subcommittees and recommendation to Accelerator Committee. Linear Collider Workshop at CAT, Indore, India on April 17-18: - Hou, Kurokawa, Komamiya, K. Yokoya, Y. Okada, N. Ozaki, Namkung - R. Chidambaram, Science Advisor to Prime Minister A. Kakodkar, Chair, Dept. of Atomic Energy D. D. Bhawalkar, Centre for Advanced Technology - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Centre for Advanced Technology, SINP, IITK, VECC, NSC, Punjab Univ. => Over 100 attendance
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 16 ALCSC Activities (II) The project name was changed from JLC to GLC (Global Linear Collider). Many names are nominated from ACFA LC members. ACFA selected GLC on 18th April. W. Namkung announced the new name to the world-wide community - It was selected, out of 5-candidates, on April 18, 2003 Korean Study Group Workshop on Linear Colliders - June 12, 2003, Yonsei University, Seoul; Organized by J. S. Kang (Korea Univ.), 14 Presentations with 50 attendees Recommended “Parameter Committee” members (May 16, 2003): S. Komamiya and D. Son - Completed Committee’s statements (approved at ILCSC on Nov. 19)
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 17 ALCSC Activities (III) Formed Task Force Team (TFT) for the Global Design Organization by ILCSC at FNAL (August 14, 2003): - J. Dorfan (SLAC), S. Ozaki (TFT Chair), Y.Totsuka (KEK), W. Namkung (ALCSC), A. Wagner (DESY), B. Foster (ELCSC) - TFT conducted 6 teleconferences and reported to ILCSC in Feb. 2004 Recommended “International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP)” members (September 30, 2003) - J. E. Augustin, J. Bagger, B. Barish (Chair), G. Bellettini, P. Grannis, N. Holtkemp, G. Kalmus, G. S. Lee, A. Masakie,K. Oide, V. Soergel, H. Sugawara - Recommended ILC Technology based on SCRF” in August 2004
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 18 ALCSC Activities (IV) Recommended the GDI Central Team Director Search Committee: - J. Dorfan, A. Wagner, Y. Totsuka, P. Grannis, D. Miller, D. Son Recommended the GDI Host Site Evaluation Committee: - S. Komamiya, D. D. Bhawalkar, R. Eichler, S. Bertolucci, A. J. Smith, J. Brau Hosting the ILC Workshop at KEK on Nov. 13-15, 2005
W. Namkung, K-ILC Workshop at KNU, Nov. 26, 2004 19 Summary - Parameter Committee accomplished its mission -ITRP recommended the “Cold-Technology” for ILC -Task Force Team is working on establishing GDI: Director, Central Team Host Institute, and MOU -ILC Workshop at KEK is organized for new ILC design. -ACFA recommended KEK for hosting Central Design Center at 8ACFA in Hsinchu, Taiwan -ACFA resolved 3 rd Statement on ILC at 9ACFA in Kolkata, India
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