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Olen Blash | Lead Pastor 09 January 2013. Our Vision is to become the most irresistible place for YOU to worship, work and witness! 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Olen Blash | Lead Pastor 09 January 2013. Our Vision is to become the most irresistible place for YOU to worship, work and witness! 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Olen Blash | Lead Pastor 09 January 2013

2 Our Vision is to become the most irresistible place for YOU to worship, work and witness! 2

3 Who are WE? 3 We are a community of Christian believers who are crazy in love with God. We are refreshing in our approach to meaningful ministry because we don’t settle for tradition. We are relentless in our pursuit of God’s presence, power and provisions. We are real people who are constantly challenged by the WORD of God to grow spiritually, emotionally, and economically. As a result, we are water walkers, mountain movers, and healers of the wounded. We strengthen the weak empower the powerless and love the people! We are turning the world upside down for Christ. Who are we? We are the Living Waters Bible Church!

4 4 2013 REC AP

5 Spread the Love! In partnership with Atlanta City Councilwoman, Natalyn Archibong, we sang for, laughed with and dined with 75 Seasoned Citizens at Branan Towers 5

6 FUNDAY in the Park Over 200 people from the community game out for fun, food and loving fellowship with our church family! We had our first guest artist – Nu Purpose! 6

7 2013 Highlights Over 25 volunteers supported our desire to end hunger in our city! We helped sort and process enough food to feed thousands of families in the Metro Atlanta Area! 7

8 Christmas Extravaganza God used US to answer the prayers of over 20 kids! 8

9 9 2013 Budg et

10 2013 Financial Overview 10 Target T&O: $1500/wk Actual T&O: $916/wk

11 11 2014 VISION

12 MOMENTUM mo·men·tum /mō ˈ mentəm,mə-/ noun: momentum; plural noun: momenta 1. the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. 2. the impetus gained by a moving object; force gained by the development of a process or course of events ”Living Waters gained momentum God’s way in 2014!” 12

13 13 Operation Move

14 Better @ Being Christians 14

15 Spiritual Growth 15

16 16 Gen 13:18 Then Abram moved his tent and came and dwelt by the oaks of Mamre, which are in Hebron, and there he built an altar to the L ORD.

17 17 2014 Preview

18 Upcoming Ministry Activities Annual Ministry Activities –Spread the Love: 2/14 –Living Waters 5 th Birthday: 6/2 –FUNDAY In the Park: 10/5 –Octane in October (Season of fasting): Month of October –The Exchange ~ Spring: –The Exchange ~ Christmas: 12/22 Quarterly Ministry Activities –Baptisms –Serving Opportunities –Youth Sunday: 5 th Sundays –LWBC Vision Night: 1/9, 4/3, 7/10 & 10/2 Monthly Ministry Activities –3 rd Fridays @ Living Waters –Leadership Meetings Weekly Ministry Activities –Weekend Worship Service –The FLOW Bible Study Special Days –Pastor’s Appreciation: –Eggcellent Life –Easter Experience: 4/20 –Mother’s Day: 5/11 –Father’s Day: 6/15 –God on the Big Screen: 7/18 –The Smack: 8/2 –Thanksgiving Experience: 11/24 –Christmas Experience: 12/21 –New Year’s Eve Experience: 12/31 18

19 Q&A 19

20 20

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22 22 See you Sunday!

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